The thorns around her fluttered wildly, showing her master's bad mood.

"Really poisonous?"

The girl's fierce appearance was revealed, and it seemed that she might erupt at any time.

Her actions undoubtedly proved that what Yu Gong said was correct.


Theresa was grateful and wanted to thank Yumiya.

"go to hell."

However, the words had just been uttered, and the girl couldn't hold back.

Whoosh whoosh.

Several thorns turned into deadly spears and launched raids from all directions.

Not only Hagiya, but Theresa is also within her attack range.

"too slow."

Theresa jumped at will, easily dodging the attacking Tengman.

The girl obviously doesn't know anything about combat, but Sora has a decent strength.

If you were a little more serious, it would be impossible for her to touch him.

On the other side.

"Hopefully, you will be lucky in your next life."

The thorns that attacked Yu Palace were also unsuccessful.

Entering the three-meter range around Yu Palace, the speed of the thorns dropped rapidly.

After a short while, it came to a complete standstill.

Frost rose from the thorns from the tip.

The frost grew rapidly, approaching the girl like the scythe of the **** of death.


The gorgeous but deadly frost climbed along the thorns and onto the girl's body.

Starting from her torso, the girl's entire body was covered in ice.

"Hamiya, what are you going to do with her?"

Teresa wasn't at all surprised about the girl in Hanamiya's uniform.

Lawyer, quasi-lawyer.

Although the difference between the two is only two words, the gap is like a gulf.

Teresa experienced the second collapse and had a confrontation with the second herrscher, and the result was a fiasco.

When the opponent was a girl, Theresa was confident that she could easily win.

"Just like you said, end her pain."

Yu Gong came to the frozen girl, then bent her fingers and flicked on the ice sculpture.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・


The ice sculptures shattered into many small ice cubes and fell to the ground one after another.

"After this girl was infected by Honkai and turned into a pseudo-herrscher, I investigated her identity."

"Yuno, currently studying at Chiba Academy, at home..."


After hearing the information about the girl from Yumiya, Teresa was stunned.

As long as you dare to make a small mistake, the mother's scolding will follow.

In Chiba Academy, he was the estranged object of his classmates and was often bullied.

It's no wonder that Honkai sees him as the new Herrscher candidate.

It turned out that the usual encounters made the girl's heart accumulate endless negative emotions.


"Let's go."

Yu Gong walked over the ice cubes all over the floor and walked to the door of the room.

"Ah, oh."

Theresa recovered her mind and quickly followed.

"This person?"

On the side of the door, lay a man covered in blood, whose life and death were unknown.

When passing by, Theresa couldn't help but look.

Women, there is no breath at all.

"Yuno's mother? Yuno killed her with her own hands?"

"She was indeed killed by Yuno herself, but she was not Yuno's mother."

"When Yuno was transformed into a hersser, all the people in the entire community were infected with Honkai Energy and became dead men."

"This person is an innocent victim."

Fortunately, the greater tragedy did not happen.

In the manga plot, Yuno still looked forward to the tender treatment of her mother before her death.

If she really killed her mother herself, she might not be able to forgive herself.

As for now, Yuno's mother happened to be not in the community, and luckily escaped.

Like everyone else, he died in this crash.

Yu Gong didn't know, nor was he interested in knowing.


Due to the timely processing, the impact of the collapse was controlled to a minimum.

In the community, it is a place of death that has been ravaged by the collapse.

Outside the community, everything is business as usual.

It's like two worlds, completely different. Death.

Chapter 395

It is true that the Honkai Impact has been resolved perfectly, but Deresa's doubts still exist.

In order to understand the confusion, Teresa did not rush back to St. Freya College, but stayed by Yugiya's side.

After some deliberation, the two finally decided to have a chat.

Outside the blockade area, bustling streets.

"Hey, look at it."

"What a big cross."

"It should be a tool."


Hagiya and Theresa, who walked onto the street, instantly became the focus of passersby's attention.

Everyone who met them cast a strange gaze.

The reason lies in the oath of Judas.

Theresa is petite, carrying a huge cross that is almost twice her height.

It's hard not to attract people's attention in this scene.

"are not you tired?"

Yu Gong's mouth twitched slightly.

He didn't want to irritate Theresa, so he refrained from laughing.

"Hey, you must underestimate me too much."

Theresa puffed up her face in displeasure and said angrily.

A mere handful of Judas' oath, weighing only 150 kilograms, is not a problem at all.

"No no no, I'm not referring to weight."

Yu Gong used his eyes to signal to the pedestrians around him.

"I am used to it."

Theresa showed an indifferent attitude.

Before the establishment of St. Freya Academy, Teresa was a member of the Valkyrie Corps.

When she was fighting, she carried more exaggerated things on her back.

For example, the Soviet-made fire grenade launcher.

At first, Theresa was a little concerned about the strange sight of others.

Over time, she learned to ignore it.


Thinking of some old past events, Theresa's eyes showed a touch of sadness.

Compared with being regarded as a more terrifying monster than Honkai Beast, what is the strange sight of mere passers-by?

"it's already over."

Theresa shook her head sharply, throwing old things out of her mind.

"I remember there was a clean coffee shop nearby. Let's walk there?"

No matter how clever and clever Yu Gong was, it was impossible to guess what Theresa was thinking at the moment.

He thought that Teresa cared about those eyes and felt uncomfortable, so he made a suggestion.

"it is good."

Theresa did not explain and agreed.

It doesn't matter if Yumiya misunderstood.

"follow me."

Under the leadership of Yu Gong, the two turned into a road.


The trail is quite clean, with no one around.

"What do you want to know, just ask."

Seeing this, Yu Gong went straight to the point and entered the theme.

"You seem to have other intentions?"

Since Hagiya was so straightforward, Theresa didn't hesitate and asked the question she wanted to ask for a long time.

The strength of Yuno, who resembles the lawmaker, is not strong.

With the structure that Yugiya left in Changkong City, it can be said that it is easy to deal with Yuno.

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