Ji Zi put one hand on Yu Gong's shoulder and the other on his chest.

"Mr. Hagiya, can I invite you to spend time together?"

"I'm very happy."

Yu Gong slightly exerted force and hugged Himiko tightly.


Jingle Bell.

"I have to go now."

Yu Gong and Himeko said goodbye and left the office.

After class is over, the other teachers in the office are most likely to come back.

Being seen by them, the influence is not good.


Ji Zi closed her eyes and leaned lazily on the sofa.

She seems to be resting and seems to be thinking about other things.

After a while, she also left the office.

During the second class of Chiba Academy, Himeko didn't have any class.

She is going to contact Theresa and report the situation.


St. Freya Academy.

"Ji Zihui?"

After receiving Jizi's communication, Theresa hurriedly connected. .

Chapter 368

"Ji Zi, why did you suddenly communicate with me?"

Theresa asked suspiciously.

"I saw Hagiya Margot Royd."

Without any unnecessary nonsense, Ji Zi went directly to the topic.


Theresa, who was in a daze and lazy, suddenly regained her spirits.

"What about his answer? Do you agree?"


"Very good..."


Before Theresa could be happy, Ji Zi's words suddenly changed.

"But what?"

These two words are really hard to conjure up good associations, and Teresa's heart unconsciously raised them.

"There is something perhaps more important that deserves your attention."

"you say."

Theresa was quietly relieved.

It turned out that it wasn't because of a change, or because Yugiya requested something else, she was almost scared by Jizi.

"I found the owner of the natural stigmata at Chiba Academy."

"However, she is very close to Hagiya Margot Royd."

The owner of the natural stigmata discovered by Ji 390 is naturally Yayi.

After confirming this, she was quite surprised.

"who is she?"

Theresa's mind became alive.

Unlike artificial stigmata, natural stigmata are intact, and side effects can also be ignored.

Such people are good seedlings of high-ranking Valkyries, the main force against Honkai.

If it can be admitted to St. Freya Academy for key training, there will be an additional A-rank Valkyrie in the future.

"Raiden Ryoma's daughter, Raiden Mei, the former ME club president."

"Do you want to recruit her into St. Freya's Academy? I'm afraid it will be difficult."

Ji Zi knew Theresa and had insight into her thoughts at the moment.

"I see."

Of course, Theresa knows the difficulty.

She is not in a hurry, things can come slowly.


Europe, Destiny headquarters.

"Theresa, you've become a lot smarter."

"Is it because you have really grown after so many years?"

"Or is there someone behind your back giving you advice?"

Received regular reports from various branches around the world, a certain blond man showed a meaningful smile.

Bishop of Mandate, Otto Apocalis.

Recently, there is only one thing that Destiny deserves his slight attention.

An upcoming experiment in the Atlantic Ocean around the desire for gems.

Therefore, Otto only read the reports of the Atlantic Division and the Far East Division.

As for the other branches, he just walked by like he was treating garbage without even looking at it.

Originally it was boring, Otto was taking a look.

But what he didn't expect was that there was an unexpected harvest.

A few days ago, Theresa took advantage of the time when St. Freya Academy was recruiting new students, in the name of setting a good example for the new students and guiding the younger generation.

Several Valkyries who graduated from St. Freya Academy and are now serving in the Oceania branch are recalled.

How could Otto, who is astute and cunning as a fox, not see that Teresa's purpose is to protect her students?

They participated in the experiment and got hurt?

Otto understands Theresa's character, and this is indeed what she will do.

Interesting, it's Deresa's way.

Not only is it foresighted, but also the means are so clever.

This is not like my lovely granddaughter who is in the rebellious period.

The reason behind it is intriguing.

After thinking for a moment with a smile, Otto sent out a communication.

(beff) "Rita..."


Time, bit by bit, passed by.

A few days later, the date that Yumiya and Himeko agreed on arrived.

Changkong City, Hagiya's home.

Rumble boom.

As agreed with Himeko, Yugiya waited for news from her in the living room at home.

Suddenly, he heard a roar.

The sound is similar to that caused by the operation of the engine of the vehicle, and it is very loud.


Almost in no particular order, several doors in the villa opened one after another.

"What's the matter? Yu Gong."

Bianca, Chiyuan, Cangyue, and Touichi Origami walked out of the room one after another and gathered around Yu Gong.

All the girls could hear it, and the strange voice was right above their heads.

"Don't care."

Yu Gong signaled them to be calm.

"Remember when I said, I want to go out?"

"This voice should be the person who came to pick me up."

"Who's here to pick you up?"

Bianca and the others were really speechless.

It's just picking up someone, do you need to be so "earth-shattering"?

"Ha ha."

Hagiya didn't know if it was Himeko's idea or Deresa's idea.

This kind of movement is also in line with their style.

Outside, right above the Hagiya house.

A small warship hovered at a low altitude, unusually eye-catching.


The door of the battleship opened, revealing an entrance for people to enter and exit.

The next second, the entrance was blocked by two figures.

One of them was Himeko, who was familiar to Hagiya.

The other was wearing a military uniform and a pair of square glasses, and seemed to be Ji Zi's adjutant.

"Major Jizi, aren't we too flamboyant?"

The movement was so loud that the nearby residents would not notice unless they were all deaf and blind.

The adjutant has already seen it, and there are many people around from their homes.

The expressions of these people are like being carved out of a mold.

They were all surprised, puzzled, and puzzled.

"Ignore them."

The residents here may be difficult to reach and unattainable in the eyes of ordinary people.

But for Jizi, it's not worth taking it too seriously.

Why should they care about their feelings?

"Yes, Major Jizi."

The adjutant said no more.

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