In all aspects of confidentiality work, we strive to be leak-proof.

The room they are currently in, although the degree of secrecy is good, it is not at the same level as those forces.

Moreover, the goal of Eden Island is too big.

If a spy sneaks in secretly, it is not without the possibility of stealing secrets.

"There is no need to worry about leaks."

Yu Gong activated all the instruments and equipment in the room, and then came to the operating desk.

"The protection system is designed by onion, - security is guaranteed."

"In addition, I will also place the S-class structure on Eden Island."

Drop drop drop drop.

The dimly lit room was illuminated by cool blue and white light.

The next second, a virtual light screen appeared in the middle of the room.

In the center of the virtual light screen, a vertical line from top to bottom neatly divided the screen into two halves.

The left half of the screen is completely occupied by the three-dimensional image of the character.

The image is similar to the superheroes in American Hollywood movies, full of mechanized style.

On the right half of the screen, there are all kinds of complicated and incomprehensible data.

"Is this the S-class structure?"

Bianca, Chi Yuan and the others gathered around Yu Gong and looked at the virtual screen curiously.

"It's too troublesome to explain what the data represents, and you probably won't be interested."

Hagiya quickly operated on the console for a while, and then pressed the big button that stood out on his hand.


The virtual screen recording the image and data of the S-class construct was replaced by another dark virtual screen.

"Let's show you the actual combat demonstration, it's much more intuitive."


The girls nodded, their eyes focused on the virtual screen of their hearts.

"The actual combat simulation system is on..."

"Experimental participants..."

"test subject......"


A cold mechanical sound came from the virtual screen, and then the screen lit up.

The venue for the simulated battle is a desert island, neither small nor large.

The S-class structure is located near the sea, with its back facing the sea.

Directly opposite it, dozens of Honkai Beasts with a height of about five meters stood apart, forming a semi-circular encirclement.

Bang bang bang.

As if the communication was done, all the Honkai Beasts moved at the same time.

The size is comparable to that of a small building, and the weight is calculated in tons.

When this kind of monster moves, it can't be small.

Dozens of them move at the same time, and the momentum can only be described as horror.

The ground seemed to be made of paper, and it easily shattered under the feet of the Houkai beasts.

In the blink of an eye, cracks can be seen everywhere on the level battlefield.

Through the screen, you can clearly feel the desert island shaking.


Ka Ka Ka Ka.

In just a moment, the places in the virtual screen that Yu Gong, Chi Yuan and others could see were covered with frost.

There are countless sharp, sharp icicles protruding from the ground.

These ice cubes are only a foot tall, and their size is even larger than that of Honkai Beast.

On the battlefield, the dozens of Honkaikai that surrounded the S-class structure were all frozen.

"The same move as me?"

Cang Yue recognized the S-class structure's move against the Honkai Beasts.

That was her usual move, and it was also one of her unique skills.

In heaven and earth, I am the only one.

"Yes, it's equivalent to a weakened version of you."

Yu Gong nodded, affirming what Cang Yue said.


Cang Yue is most interested in the strength of the S-class structure.

After all, this construct was made with her data.

Cang Yue was very satisfied with the results of the experiment.

The sky and the earth that are made by the hands of the S-class structure, I am the only one, and although the power is not as good as myself, it is not bad.

"The S-class structure is a pillar, and it's definitely not enough alone."

"Next, I will create another S-class structure while supplementing the B-class and A-class structures."

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

"I will make the next S-class structure based on you."

Hagiya told the girls about his plan.

His last two sentences were addressed to Chiyuan and Tobiichi Origami.

"Do you need our help? Yu Gong."

Tobiichi Origami wrapped his arms around Yumiya and asked obediently.

"Need not."

Chiyuan and Tobiichi's origami's abilities and skills are perfect for Yumiya.

To a certain extent, it is equivalent to owning their data.

Cang Yue, it's the same reason.

"The previous Honkai Beast was too weak..."

"A stronger opponent? Yes..."



This actual combat demonstration is not over yet.

After several batches of opponents were replaced and a more comprehensive test was conducted, the experiment ended.

After the test, Yu Gong and his party had achieved their goal of coming to Eden Island.

Everyone didn't stop there and returned to Changkong City.


In a blink of an eye, two days passed.

On the afternoon of November 16, 2013, an explosive news broke the calm of the long sky city.

The president of ME, Leidian Ryoma, defrauded US$3.4 billion under the guise of financing the development of ultra-high frequency electromagnetic field restraints, and has been arrested by the authorities.

In the evening, at the gate of Chiba Academy.

"Yi, what's wrong with you?"

Kiana and Mei left the school together as usual.

The two originally agreed to go to dinner together.

But Kiana found that Mei changed a lot after school.

Silence and heavy heart.

In addition, her classmates and friends looked at her differently than usual.

Not envy, longing, but deep malice.

The rough and big leaves, such as Qiana, all sensed that something was wrong.

During class, everything was fine.

Less than two hours later, the situation suddenly changed dramatically.

Exactly why? Kiana was puzzled. Death.

Chapter 357

"my father......"

Mei forced a smile and told Kiana the reason for the incident.

Something really happened.

Thunderbolt Ryoma broke the scandal of suspected economic fraud and was arrested by the authorities.


Kiana's eyes widened immediately.

She originally thought it was a small conflict between her classmates, and this small gap would disappear naturally in a few days.

Unexpectedly, things are so serious.

"I'm fine, Kiana, just a little annoying."

Shortly after seeing the news of the Thunderbolt Ryoma accident, one call after another came to Ya Yi's cell phone.

The person who makes the call is extremely complicated.

There are high-level executives in ME, there are friends of Thunder and Lightning Ryoma, and there are his former partners.

And so on, and so on.

Although the people are different, the purpose of their calls is the same.

ME company.

These people's words all revealed their coveting intentions for ME, which made Mei extremely disgusted.

After politely dealing with a few people, the irritable Mei Yi directly turned off the phone.


Kiana looked at Mei up and down and observed it carefully.

She found that although Mei was in a bad mood, she did not have the ashes and despair on her face as if the sky had fallen.

Seeing that Mei was not lying, Kiana was secretly relieved.

"What are you going to do? Is there anything I can do to help?"

Kiana knows a thing or two about the identity of Thunder and Lightning Ryoma.

The news of his arrest and imprisonment is undoubtedly a huge earthquake.

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