It was Bianca and Chiyuan who traveled through with Hanamiya.

Their births originated from Yu Palace and the dimensional shadow system, and the fates of the two sides have been closely linked.

Therefore, the two will not be separated from Yumiya.

"Chiyuan, we came to your world, and the era is thousands of years later."

The collapse is Chiyuan's heart disease.

In order to eliminate Honkai, Chiyuan's efforts and sacrifices are unimaginable for ordinary people.

After traveling to the collapsed world, Yu Gong felt the need to inform Chi Yuan so that she could be mentally prepared.


Chi Yuan clenched her hands involuntarily, making a harsh creaking sound.


The past events came to Chiyuan's mind one by one.

It was a painful memory that Chiyuan deeply buried in her heart, and she never wanted to touch it.

"Relax, I'm here."

Chiyuan's hand was wrapped in a warmth.

She raised her head and met Kamiya's eyes.


The warmth given by Yu Gong gradually calmed Chiyuan's emotional fluctuations.

Yes, things are different now.

With Yugiya here, he is no longer fighting alone.

Yu Gong's methods are mysterious, powerful, and endless, and there may be a way to deal with the collapse.

Taking a ten thousand steps back, even if Yu Gong had no way to eliminate Honkai, he would definitely be able to do better than her.

"Let's go and walk around."

The most urgent task is to figure out the current situation as quickly as possible.

Strategies can only be formulated when a timeline is established.



The three left the alley and walked onto the street.

"Has the technological level of human civilization developed to this point?"

Looking at the surrounding high-rise buildings, Chi Yuan murmured.

"I'm afraid the things hidden under the water are more terrifying than the surface."

The plots and timelines of Honkai Academy 2 and Honkai RD are similar to Godslayer World.

However, the technological level of the two is completely different.

Chiyuan's emotion was not just groaning.

Although his knowledge of Honkaikai is not as good as that of Blood Devourer and Godslayer, Yumiya knows the basics.

The intensity of the collapse is closely related to the degree of development of human civilization.

The higher the level of technology, the more terrifying the collapse.

"Broadcast for you..."

Walking to a certain building, Yu Gong and his party stopped...

On the front of the building, there is a huge LCD screen.

At this moment, the news program shown on the LCD screen.

The content of the news was extremely boring, and Yumiya, Chiyuan, and Bianca didn't pay attention.

What they care about is the time displayed in the upper right corner of the LCD screen and the location in the news headline.

Changkong City.

September 7, 2013.

"Changkong City?"

Bianca read the name of the city mentioned in the news.

The news being broadcast seems to be local news. If there is no accident, the Changkong City is where they are currently.

"We'll find a place to stay, and we'll talk about other things when we settle down."

Knowing the time is enough for Yumiya.

The next thing to do is to plan the future course of action.

"it is good."


Although they have traveled through different worlds, there are some commonalities among them.

For example, currency.

The money from Blood Devouring Raid World and Godslayer World can also be used in Honkai Impact World.

Therefore, finding a place to live is very simple.

Two hours later, a mansion in a high-end villa area in the center of Changkong became the home of Yu Gong and others.

Residents of this villa area are all 5.5 figures in Changkong City.

Some are even famous all over the country and the world.

Wanting to be one of them is the dream of countless people.

Because that is a status symbol.

It's a pity that the vast majority of people are blocked by the sky-high price.

However, the sky-high price threshold could not stop Yu Gong, and the most important thing for him was money.

At night, Hagiya's house.

"It's broken, it's really a headache."

Hagiya was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

At this moment, he looks like he is in a daze.

Actually not, Yu Gong is looking at the panel of the dimensional shadow system.

It was the first time that a new mission was released as soon as one crossed over.

This was originally a good thing, but the content of the mission made Yu Gong feel extremely difficult. .

Chapter 336

Against the collapse? With reference to Bishop Otto Apocalis?

The meaning of the dimensional shadow system is to allow yourself to establish an organization similar to destiny?

From the perspective of results, the system's recommendations are indeed good.

However, the problem is the process.

Whether it is destiny or anti-entropy, it is the precipitation of time, and it has the current scale.

Yu Gong wants to start from nothing and develop an organization to such a degree, how easy is it to say?

It is true that Yumiya has two worlds as the backing, which can omit the primitive accumulation stage.

With sufficient funds and resources, he may not be able to do it.

However, what about time?

Now is September 2013, and the third collapse is coming.

Does Yugiya have enough time to develop the organization to the point where it has the ability to compete with Kokai?

In addition to the above, there is one most important problem.

Destiny has Valkyrie troops and many Honkai can use technology, anti-entropy mecha troops.

What should he take as the foundation for the organization to settle down?

"Hey, eh."

Just as Hanamiya was having a headache, his eyes accidentally swept to a certain column on the system panel.

The current number of killing heroes and gods: 4 (rewards have not been claimed)

At this time, Yu Gong realized that he still had a system reward that he had not received.

"Forget it, get the reward first."

Yugiya issued an instruction to receive the reward to the Dimensional Remains System.

No way, he's been too busy recently.

When he was in the world of the godslayer, he was dealing with chores in the world, and he was "visiting" certain guys in the realm of life and immortality.

After finishing the work, he hurriedly traveled to the collapsed world.

When I came to Honkai World, I was busy understanding the situation and thinking about dealing with Honkai.

Now I finally have time to do business.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for acquiring the special ability - One Mind Rubik's Cube."

"One thought of the Rubik's Cube: Connect to other worlds and obtain a high-value thing."

"Note: Every time you travel to a new world, you can activate the One-Think Rubik's Cube ability once."

"A thought of a Rubik's Cube?"

Seeing the introduction to the abilities of the Rubik's Cube, Yu Gong's eyes suddenly lit up a bit.

Coincidence or accident?

This ability may be the opportunity to solve the current problem.

Without the slightest hesitation, Hanamiya decisively activated the newly acquired special ability.

A purple shimmer shone in the room.

A third-order Rubik's cube with complicated patterns and exquisite workmanship appeared in front of Yu Gong's eyes.

Ka Ka Ka Ka.

The Rubik's Cube floated in mid-air, turning autonomously, as if someone was secretly manipulating it.

After a while, the cluttered Rubik's Cube was restored to a state with the same six sides.


The Rubik's Cube trembled slightly, and then split into twenty-seven small pieces.

As the purple light flourished and dimmed, the abnormality in the room disappeared, and everything returned to normal.

At the same time, some information that didn't exist before appeared in Yu Gong's mind.

"Construction technology?"

Yu Gong was surprised and hurriedly checked this piece of information.


After a while, Yumiya breathed a sigh of relief after checking.

Structural technology is a double battle: in the world of Pamish, humans fight against Pamish and regain the reliance of the earth.

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