Bang bang bang.

"Uh ah~."

A series of roars sounded.

You could faintly hear Guinevere's screams.

The ice surface shook for a while, then stopped.

The ice snake retreated to the side, revealing Guinevere surrounded by the middle.

The scales were scattered, the flesh was rolled up, and bright red blood was seeping from all over the body.

At this moment, Guinevere no longer had the majesty of the dragon clan, and she was covered in wounds and was extremely miserable.

"Hu, hu, hu."

The ice snake's attack is indistinguishable from the enemy.

When attacking Guinevere, he crushed the ice chains that bound her (beff).

But it doesn't matter, Guinevere was seriously injured and had no strength to escape.

"Rama will come to accompany you soon, I will do what I say."

Yu Gong's right hand lit up with a bright, dazzling golden light.

When the light dissipated, there was a gorgeous golden sword in his hand.

Yu Gong raised his sword and pointed at Guinevere, and swiftly swung it down.


The golden sword spurted out an ink-colored sword energy.

The sword was as imposing as a broken bamboo, passing over the dejected silver-white dragon.


The huge body of the dragon disintegrated and turned into tiny little gravel.

Guinevere is proud of being able to escape from Yu Gong's hands one after another.

But luck will eventually run out.

This time, there is no one behind, risking their lives to buy time for her to escape.

Yumiya glanced at the place where Guinevere disappeared, and then turned to the sky.

From his appearance, he seemed to be waiting for something.

"Am I late?"

Yu Gong didn't wait too long.

A few seconds later, a white figure surrounded by small tornadoes fell from the sky.

The figure looked around, but couldn't find a partner from his own camp.

"Yes, Lord of the Wind, you are late."

"Come ten seconds early, and you might be able to see Guinevere."

The person Yu Gong is waiting for is the King of Wind.

The moment Guinevere died, he sensed the aura of rapid approach.

The King of Wind was silent.

Maybe she was in memory of Guinevere, or maybe she didn't care at all.

He reached behind him and held the handle of the knife on his back.


There was a flash of white light, and the knife was already unsheathed.

The knife is about one meter long, and the blade is wide and heavy.

In terms of appearance alone, this is undoubtedly Rama's weapon - the Sword of Salvation.

However, the current appearance of the Divine Sword of Salvation is different from the previous times when Han Palace met.

The upper part of the knife still shines and shines.

The lower part seemed to be polluted by dirt, covered with black marks.

In the middle of the blade, there is a handsome young face.

The face is full of ferocity, and every place reveals distortion and treacherousness.

This is clearly Rama's face, but his expression and temperament are completely opposite to his.

"Oh? Rama still needs to absorb the earth's energy to restore his strength."

"So, send you to take the lead?"

Yu Gong asked with a half-smile but not a smile.

"I swear to death, I won't let you disturb my lord."

The King of Wind admitted quite simply.

There is no need to lie, because you can't deceive Yu Gong.

To deal with Yu Gong, you can only rely on strength, other things won't work. .

Chapter 324

Knowing that he and Yu Gong wanted to compare, his strength was at a disadvantage, so the King of Wind Qiang launched an attack first.

Others are as famous and fast as the wind.

No, to be more precise, it was a speed comparable to lightning.

Pong pong.

The blades collided, sparking sparks.

The King of Wind's lightning strike was blocked by Yu Gong Sui-hand.

"If you are good at long-range attack methods, you may be able to last a little longer."


The wind king's mask is bounded by the middle and splits in two.

Immediately afterwards, the white cloth covering his body exploded for no reason, turning into countless tiny rags and scattered.

The King of Wind, who carefully concealed his identity, finally revealed his true face.

He is not a man, but an ape standing on two legs.

Unlike ordinary monkeys who are naughty and active.

The King of Wind has a mature appearance, with a faint intellectual and wise look.

No one will doubt that he is a reliable existence, and it is absolutely impossible for him to fall off the chain at a critical moment.

"Since you know my lord's real name, you must also know our origins."

The camouflage was violently destroyed by Yu Gong, and the King of Wind's heart did not fluctuate.

This is the final battle. If Yu Palace dies, they die.

At such an important juncture, is it necessary to cover up and hide your identity?

"What do you say?"

The King of Wind said "we", not "I".

"We" refers to two people, one of whom is the king of wind.

The King of Wind is the title. His original name is Hanuman, and he is a loyal retainer of Rama.

The other person is a young man who looks the same as Rama on the Sword of Salvation.

Rama's younger brother, Roshmana.

"Sure enough."

Yu Gong's meaning is self-evident.

Yes, he knows.

Hanuman held the handle of the Divine Salvation Sword in both hands, and continued to increase his strength, trying to suppress Yu Gong with his strength.

"My lord's duty is to defeat the Demon King who brought disaster to the world."

"Since you are not a godslayer, why do you have to fight against us?"


One hand against two hands, Yu Gong's sword is still as stable as Mount Tai.

No matter how hard Hanuman tried, he still remained motionless.

"Do you mean to stand by and let you fight chaos and turn the world upside down?"


Hanuman fell into silence, not uttering a single glance.

It wasn't that he didn't want to refute Yu Gong, but he couldn't think of anything to refute.

In terms of strength, Rama is far stronger than the godslayer, there is no doubt about that.

It stands to reason that Rama can easily wipe out all the godslayers and complete his mission.

But the fact is that every time, Rama has to experience a considerable degree of hardship.

Godslayers are special beings and cannot be judged by common sense.

Better than an opponent a hundred times, a thousand times, or even more powerful than you?

Since they became godslayers, they have already accomplished this impossible thing.

The battle between the Godslayer and Rama must not be small.

Not to mention Yugiya, even a virtuous Virgin might not be able to tolerate the place where he lives to be involved in disputes.

"Our duty is to remove obstacles for my brother, why bother?"

The face on the Sword of Salvation broke away from the blade and turned into a human figure beside Hanuman.

Roshmana and his brother Rama were carved out of the same mold.

The body, appearance, etc. are exactly the same, there is no difference in the slightest.

The difference is that Roshmana's skin tone is slightly darker, and his temperament is more gloomy.

To sum it up in simple words, Roshmana is very much like the dark side of Rama.

"Removing obstacles? Huh?"

The power from Xuanyuan Sword suddenly increased.


The two wrestling with each other separated.

Hanuman didn't expect Yu Gong's power to instantly increase to the point where he couldn't. He was caught off guard and flew out far away.

Forcing Hanuman back, Yu Gong kicked sideways and kicked Roshman's abdomen heavily.


Roshmana couldn't react in time, so he followed Hanuman's footsteps and followed him.

"With your strength, what can you do?"

The gods and heroes in mythology appear in the world as gods who do not follow, and they will be distorted in the long-term drifting.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

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