Symbiotic Spores: Hundreds of Millions of Deductions, Infinite Evolution!

Chapter 62: Void Spirit Vein, 100Races Go to War, Moonlight Godhead!


"The City of Judgment of the Angel Race.

"The glory of the gods of the gods.

"The abyss throne of the demon race.

"The Shadow City of the Shadow Sha.

"The fate of the Spirit Organs!"

"...and the Lingxiao Temple of my human race!

"I didn't expect the fortresses of the major races to open up!"5

Zhang Ren stared blankly at this scene.

He didn't understand a little.

What the hell is there that deserves all races to come together.


His first reaction was.

All tribes are united again.

A large-scale war against the human race.


See the races that appear.

He knew it wasn't so.

such as angels.

Neutral at all times...not strictly neutral either.

At least it's friendly to humans.

Although there is not much communication.

But there is no head-on conflict.

In the face of the abyss demons, and the Shadow Sha clan.

Angels are extremely disgusting.

Follow two races.

Don't say never die.

But it's normal to meet and fight directly.

Except for these two races, of course.

Angel races face some, other evil races.

Also keep the same attitude.

And then there are the Weavers.

Originally a neutral race.

But then he was forced to join the team of the gods.

And the gods and the human race are not pleasing to the eyes of each other.

So that the gods, humans, and abyss demons formed a tripartite confrontation.

If not.

If the gods join forces with humans.

The abyss demon is not even annihilated.

Absolutely not good!

Just when everyone looked at the appearance of many fortresses in amazement.

There was a sudden roar full of majesty.

Carry out the entire universe.

Everyone subconsciously looked towards the source of the sound.

Found a huge figure, and quickly appeared.

"Ancient Dragon Race!

"They came too!"

Zhang Ren said in surprise.

To say neutral.

The ancient dragon race is an absolutely neutral race.

They usually sleep in their own territory when they have nothing to do.

Almost never participated in the war of all races.

Didn't expect this time.

It even appears!

"This is definitely not a conflict of war.

"It's that there is something here that attracts all races.""

Ye An said after being shocked.

At the same time, he looked at Zhang Ren.

But Zhang Ren shook his head.

"I don't know either. 99

"It's just that the abyss demons suddenly drove a fort here more than ten years ago.

"And here, it is also on the verge of our clan's main front.

"That's why I was sent over to stare at them."

"After more than ten years of war, I always thought that the other party was a very ordinary person who wanted to build a stronghold."

"Then I thought about getting rid of each other. 35

"But I never thought that the other party's purpose has never been so simple!

Zhang Ren not only shook his head and said.

"You'll know when you ask."

"Our human fortress has come so much, let's find a place to rest first."5

Ye An looked at the large group of fortresses of the human race and said.


"Find two more people to treat you.""

"I'm tired by myself.

Zhang Jing also nodded at this time, looked at Zhang Ren and said.

"Which one do you go to?"

Ye An asked curiously.

There are so many fortresses, it's a little hard to choose.

"Come with me."

"Our Yangyan Guild has a fortress of our own. 95

"Although it was provided to us by the federation.

"But at least, it's all ours in there."

Zhang Jing said proudly.

like them.

A guild independent of the government military.

Actually there are quite a few.

But it really has its own fortress.

There aren't really many.

" doesn't look like it needs to be.

"My teammates are looking for me.

"See you next time.

Ye An waved his hand and said.

Immediately afterwards, the body exploded.

Eventually it burns into ashes and completely dissipates.

And on the other side.

in a fortress.

The members of the Qianlong Squad were sitting together.

Stare at a small puppet on the table.

"Are you sure he can hear? 35

Luoyu looked at Aming and asked.

"It should be possible! 9

Aming nodded.

Rain is a little suspicious.

Because the puppet didn't move.

But in the next moment.

The little puppet squirmed suddenly.

Then it grows rapidly.

A handsome man quickly appeared in front of everyone.


"What are you looking at me for?"

Ye An calmly wrapped himself with mycelium.

It's like wearing it as clothes.

"You teleport yourself, can't you teleport the clothes away together? 35

Luo Yu looked at Ye An with a strange expression and said.

"Uh...I didn't send it."

"Transportation costs a lot of spiritual power."

"So I just committed suicide and reborn.

Ye An explained calmly.


Hear Ye An's explanation.

Everyone was speechless.

They met for the first time.

Someone left the teleportation capability unused.

By suicide!


"Forget it, next time I have to worry about whether you will die.""

"I'm such an idiot. 99

The rain stopped.

This is the first time she has seen such a strange person!

"Speaking of which. 99

"Why are you back again.

Ye An looked at Luo Yu and continued to ask.

At the same time, a mycelium stretched out to Ye An's hand.

Spit out a ring.

And this ring is his identity ring in Tiangong Academy.

Suicide resurrection does not take the ring away.

But swallowed into the phantom stomach.

Spit it out again.

The effect is the same.

"What do you say?"

"Although I don't know what happened yet."

"But then we entered the dimensional tunnel.

"After walking for a while, I encountered dozens of human fortresses. 35

"We were naturally pulled into the fort and came back.

"Although we have now completed the task.

"But with such a big thing, we can't leave.

"Next, just wait for the mission here.

Rainy explained.

It was at this time.

The fortress suddenly vibrated, making a low-pitched sound.

Ye An closed his eyes.

Feel the vision of the spore he left outside.

Immediately discovered.

The fortress of the human race is arranged in a special shape called.

Then all the fortresses are connected with the surrounding fortresses.

The energy of dozens of fortresses converged.

A huge formation was formed.

"A miniature version of the star formation?"

Ye An said in surprise.

Of course it was, he wasn't sure yet.

Just similar.

Anyway, the energies of these fortresses are combined.

formed a strong system.

"In this battle, human beings, gods, demons... and all races, god-level beings are not allowed to participate in the battle!"5

"In this battle, demigods and emperors are not allowed to participate in the battle!

"In this battle, the winner can enjoy up to 30% of the resources!"

"The rest, divide up 70% of the resources!"

"Everyone, do you have any objections? 99

Right now.

A mysterious voice resounded throughout the universe.

This mysterious, ethereal.

It seems that it is not in the same dimension as everyone else.

Everybody knows.

This is a statement made by a god-level existence.

And it was the human race who spoke first.

"The Celestial Clan, agree!"

"Abyss Demon Race, agree!""

"Shadow-Sha, agree! 35

"Angel race, agree!""

"Weavers, agree! 39

"Giant clan, agree!""

"Catlings, I agree!""

"Original Spirit Race, I agree!""

With the human race taking the lead in speaking out.

And made a reasonable plan.

Other races agreed.

Of course mainly.

The Celestial God Race and the Abyss Demon Race all agreed.

the remaining races.

It doesn't matter whether you agree or not.


You are the first to appear!

"My dragon family, I want 10%! 35

But in the end.

There was still a discordant voice.

"Go get it yourself! 9

"If the dragon race wins, 30% can be taken! 35

The god of the gods said.

The meaning of this dragon family is obvious.

They don't want to fight.

I want one more.

But there is no such thing in the world.

If only it could do so.

Humans, Gods and Demons.

Absolutely the first time, to pack the good things here.

No matter how the three clans divide this place.

At the very least, the three clans will not let outsiders get involved in the near future.



Even the three clans.

Other races must also participate.

And give up some share.

If the Dragon Clan is unwilling to pay, it will take 10%.

It was indeed a dream.

"My dragon clan, as long as 10%, this is not enough?

An angry voice sounded.

"Then you have to ask."

"Our ten thousand clans are not allowed to take advantage of the dragon clan like this!

The god of the gods snorted coldly.

"If the dragon clan is unwilling to participate, you can quit now!

"We can give you a compensation.

At this time.

The Demon God of the Abyss Demon Race said with a smile.


The Dragon God of the Dragon Clan snorted coldly.

Did not go on.

It is clear.

He is ready to continue to let the tribe participate.

"Since there is no objection!

"Then the war begins now!

"If any race can't hold on, it can directly declare surrender. 35

"After announcing surrender, all clans must not continue to attack!

The gods of the human race spoke up.

next moment.

Inside the fortresses.

Countless armies began to surge outward.

This war doesn't say more rules though.

But it doesn't need to be said.

Fight anyway.


Just saw the end.

Who has more power left.

If the fortress is destroyed.

Still not admit defeat.

Within your race, if you want a fortress.

You can still drive over and continue playing.

In short.

This is a battle against the strength and heritage of the entire race.

High-level superhumans are not allowed to play.

It is also the level that controls the war.

Preserve the heritage of all ethnic groups.

Otherwise there are no restrictions.

Where is the fortress's turn here, what is the king, the king speaks.

It's a battle of the gods.

The demigods dare not stay here for one more second!

"There are no less than fifty races with divine heritage alone! 35

"Although the angels don't have gods, they are not capable of fighting each other, and demigods can kill gods!

"Although this battle has nothing to do with the gods.

"But a race with gods, and no gods, are completely two kinds of background."

"Secondly, the more god-level existences there are, the stronger the heritage of this race will be. 99

"If, even if fifty races, divide this place. 99

"Then it seems unlikely that one race occupies 30% of the total..."

Ye An pondered calmly.

So to say.

The plan set by the gods of the human race.

It is not at all that the winner occupies 30%.

But the three clans occupy 50%!

The remaining 50% will be divided among the ten thousand tribes!

after all.

how to think.

Humans, Gods and Demons!

The strengths are all equal.

How could there be a winner.

If the human race, if it really wants to win.

Then the gods and demons will definitely join forces to deal with the human race.

Of course, if the Protoss and Demons want to win, the result will be the same.

It must be the other two tribes teaming up!

Therefore, the three races check and balance each other.

There is simply no real winner.

The greatest possibility is.

The three clans negotiated secretly.

Pick a "winner".

The other two clans, by virtue of their powerful strength, each occupy a further division.

The final five percent.

When the ten thousand clans earn blood for the remaining 50% of the resources.

The three clans are slowly redistributing the 50% of the resources.

...the probability is a fair distribution.

Even if a little biased.

But the three clans obtained the resources.

There won't be much difference.

"What are you analyzing?"

Luo Yu looked at Ye An and asked curiously.


"I just thought, what the hell is this."

"It's worth the ten thousand races to come and snatch.

Ye An said curiously.

"Probably the Void Spirit Vessel.""

At this time.

A member of the Qianlong team said.

"Void spiritual veins are special spiritual veins hidden in the void plane."

"It's not usually noticeable at all. 55

"Because it is in the dimension of void."

"And the reason for being in the void plane.""

"It's because the cosmos plane can't bear the burden of a lot of spiritual power. 55

"So somewhere, space collapsed, and spiritual power flowed into the cosmic plane.

"Eventually these spiritual powers converged somewhere.

"And this universe, the rectification corresponds to the convergence point of the spiritual veins of the void plane."

The player explained in detail.

"Okay, little orange!"

"I didn't expect you to know so much!"

Falling Rain praised.

"Of course, don't think about it, I used to be engaged in scientific research!""

"If the experiment went wrong, the entire scientific research base would have been blown up...

"I'm still an honorable researcher!"

Xiaoju said proudly.


Ye An is more curious.

How did he do it.

The entire research base was bombed.

Logically speaking, the more advanced the scientific research base.

The higher the defense level.

He could blow up the entire base.

Absolutely talented!

"It can overwhelm the cosmos plane and form a void spiritual vein."

"That's a huge amount of spiritual power! 35

"In one minute, the flow of spiritual power is comparable to the existence of a king's realm!

"You can understand that a king will be created in one minute. 35

"Although that's not the case... but you think about it."

"You can understand the huge value in it!"

Xiaoju said while rubbing her nonexistent eyes.


Hear him explain that.

An expression of relief appeared on everyone's face instantly.

No wonder, all ethnic groups have come back here to snatch resources.

It also opened up the fortresses of their respective races and the most cards.

That's what happened!

"In short, even our human race only occupies 10% of the spiritual power.

"Even if our dozens of fortresses are all destroyed here.""

"It's also very profitable!

Tachibana finally added.

Hear him explain it again.

Everyone understands more clearly.

This Void Spirit Vein is precious!

At the same time, Ye An was also lost in thought.

Wouldn't that say.

This spiritual vein is enough to make you go crazy for promotion?

Of course this is just a thought.

After all, this battlefield.

But there is divine supervision!

He wants to level up like crazy in it.

impossible things.

But if you secretly absorb some, it may be possible...

"Anyway, it depends on the situation."

"At least the war that broke out next is enough for me to get countless benefits from it."

"There is no need to die, coveting the things that the gods of all races care about."

Ye An thought inwardly.

Just as he was thinking.

Luo Yu, who was beside him, suddenly stood up.

Then stand quietly for a minute or so.

Finally, he looked at everyone, showing a serious expression.

"As expected, our new mission is here!"

"And, because before, we did well 々".

"So the mission this time is to destroy the fortress!"

Luoyu said seriously.

The crowd did not have any strange reaction to this task.


"This mission is not an immediate action."

"Instead, we want us to destroy a fortress of the giant spirit clan within a month!"

"The location of their fortress directly clashed with us.

"So it has to be cleaned up.

"It's just that the war has just begun."

"Not confusing enough.

"So we will wait a while longer before we can fish in troubled waters and destroy the fortress.

Luoyu continued to explain.

"I don't think it's necessary to wait..."

"As far as the newcomer's ability is so powerful.

"Let's go in directly, place the fortress bomb, and when it's successful, we'll just teleport away and it's done.

At this moment.

The old fish said.

"You think too much. 39

"Although the stealth ability is indeed invincible.

"But the ability to teleport... will be limited!

"We won't be able to teleport away by then."

"I can only die with the enemy's fortress. 99

"So we need an other radical solution.""

"As a last resort, reveal the ability to teleport again."

"Otherwise, we have the most and succeed again!"

Luo Yu analyzed it carefully.


"My teleportation has two paths that they can't block. 35

Ye An said seriously at this time.

The first is homoplane teleportation.

That is what he showed in front of outsiders.

The second is exaggerated dimension teleportation.

Unless the enemy sets a limit stronger than the dimensional barrier.

Otherwise, there is no way to stop him.

But that level of restriction can be set.

Kings may not do it.

Feel free to worry at all.


"I forgot you!"

The rain could not help but help his forehead.

For her.

Ye An's combat power and abilities are a mystery.

When she felt that this was the upper limit.

Ye An can always give her new surprises!

"And when we separated before, I was successfully promoted to the platinum level."

"The ability has also been improved.

"If the enemy fortress does not have a king sitting in it.

"Give me a certain amount of time, and I can demolish the fort by myself!"

Ye An said confidently.


plus other abilities.

Wait until he controls the entire fortress.

Drain the fortress power again.

He demolished a fortress.

Absolutely a matter of minutes.

But having a king in charge is different.

Not to mention, it is impossible for him to infect a king.

Just inside the enemy fortress.

He didn't want to be discovered.

Just keep it hidden the whole time.

And still can't use any abilities!

Otherwise, it will definitely be discovered immediately!

"You've been promoted to platinum?!

"Isn't it just in the late golden stage?"

Hear what Ye An said.

Falling rain expressed shock.

As for the rear can be demolished a fortress alone.

All were ignored by her.

Even if Ye An can really do it.

She wasn't too surprised either.

But Ye An upgrades so fast.

She didn't expect it.

When Ye An just went.

The data shows that he has only been practicing for more than three months.

She thought it was the limit.

The future will take a long time to wait.

Ye An can continue to be promoted.

did not expect.

a month later.

Ye An upgraded directly.

And it's a big level straight up!

The point is.

this month.

Most of them are used for driving.

Infiltrate enemy fortresses to fight.

Including coming back now.

It's only a matter of half a day!

This upgrade speed is really incredible.

And she didn't understand either.

Ye An's symbiote, how suitable is it for him.

Only created, he upgrades so fast.

Efficiency after all.

Get another genius.

There is a high probability that the source is unstable.

But Ye An was still fine.

"It's actually quite slow."

"If not enough resources were not collected before. 35

"I'm already platinum."

Surprised by the rain.

Ye An said calmly.

"Then how did you collect the resources?

"Those corpses on the battlefield before?

At this time, Aming suddenly asked.

She didn't expect it either.

Only separated from Ye An for a while.

Ye An was promoted unexpectedly.

"As I said, those corpses are not enough..."

Ye An shook his head and said.

"If that's not are, give the corpse of that bull-headed devil to...

Aming said in surprise.

When I was with Ye An at that time.

She noticed.

Ye An focused his attention on the battlefield.

I thought I wanted to watch the battle of the king.

But think about it now.

Seriously terrified.

A mere piece of gold.

He even dared to covet a king-level corpse.

And it succeeded!

"At the last retreat. 35

"I saved the king of the human race.

"So the corpse of the bull-headed demon is naturally the reward.""

Ye An said with a smile.

Except for this of course.

The same human race.

On the endless battlefield, face aliens.

He has the power to save people.

Still to be rescued.

Even strangers don't matter to him at all.

But he still knows what he should do.

After all anyway.

He is also a part of the human race.

Not to mention that he has no deep hatred with his own people.

"Gold...below the king!"

"It is estimated that you dare, and at the same time you have the ability to do so.

Falling Rain not only complains.

The others nodded in agreement.

"Everyone, what are you talking about?"

"I don't want to take one with me either."

at this time.

A gloomy voice sounded.

For a moment.

people present.

Except Ye An.

They all stood up.

He looked at a long-haired girl who suddenly appeared at the door.

"Um... oh?"

"I didn't expect there to be a newcomer!""

"Young man, I see you are so handsome, do you want to learn medicine refining with me?

The long-haired girl swayed and walked in front of Ye An.

Exposed a self-confessed very friendly.

But in the eyes of others, it looks like a particularly terrifying smile.

"Uh...I think, forget it...

Ye An looked at each other.

He can pass mental waves.

Know that the other party is not malicious.

And I really want to invite myself.

But looking at the other person's state of being neither human nor ghost.

Ye An still shook his head and refused.

"Don't be in a hurry to refuse... Look, I have a lot of good things here."5

"If you like, you can take them all.

The long-haired girl saw that Ye An refused.

It didn't stop there.

Instead, take a box out of the ring.

Put it directly on the table in front of Ye An.


Ye An's eyes flickered.

Finally, I was attracted by a special stone.

"Do you like this stone?

"Then go there.

"You can take the rest if you want."

The long-haired girl said with a smile.

He took the initiative to pick up the stone and handed it to Ye An.

"Sure enough!

Hold the stone in your hand.

Ye An immediately got excited in his heart.

This is the Godhead Fragment without a doubt!

Not special enough.

The divinity inside is restrained.

There is no outward spread at all.

Otherwise, the other party would not be able to give it to him so generously.

"I want something.

"But I can't keep refining medicine. 99

"How about a date?"

Ye An looked at the long-haired woman and said.

" doesn't matter! 35


"Well, how about staying with me for two days now?

"I'm missing an assistant right now."

"They are unwilling to help me, but I also provide them with medicine."

The long-haired woman looked around the crowd.

snorted coldly.

Others blushed.

would rather accept the condemnation of conscience.

I also don't want to practice medicine with her.

Even the little orange that blew up the lab.

also refused.


for the request made by the other party.

Ye An nodded and said.

It's a big deal.

Anyway, he is not afraid of death.

Can prostitute a godhead fragment for free.

Make big profits.

And this is still a fragment of the godhead of a position.

Divine introverted inside.

He didn't know how much divinity it contained.

If you are lucky, it may help him start a new sequence!


"Hong Liu, how did you get here? 35

At this moment.

Luoyu said.

Ye An just found out.

The woman with long hair.

It was called Hongliu.

Kind of weird name.

But not bad either.

"Of course it was sent."

"Wan clan fights here, at least for many years."

"You can't go back to base either. 35

"After I was notified, I activated the base's teleportation array and came here.

"Well... now the base energy should also be depleted because of this.

"Although there is no protection, but... the battle in the rear has been cancelled."

"And don't worry about being destroyed by the aftermath of the battle.""

Hong Liu thought about it and said.


"You take care, it is estimated that the entire team is suitable for you to abandon with her."

Luo Yu suddenly looked at Ye An.

He solemnly patted Ye An on the shoulder and said.

"It's okay, then I'll leave first. 35

“I still have a study going on that cannot be interrupted for too long. 35

"And I successfully applied for the research laboratory. If you need medicine, you can go to the research laboratory No. 38 to find me.

Hong Liu looked at everyone and said.

Then he looked at Ye An and smiled again: "Come with me. 99

Ye An nodded.

silently followed.

Also a little curious.

What is so special about this red willow?

Let those mentally ill people feel scared too.

"This laboratory is good, but the defense capabilities are not enough.

"Any accident. 39

“The dozen or so labs around are expected to suffer.35

came to the laboratory.

Hong Liu looked at it and said.

Ye An also looked at it.

It turns out that this laboratory is indeed not small.

protective ability.

Probably can withstand a master-level blow.

But if that's not enough... it's enough to prove that Hong Liu is terrible!

"You wait here for a while... By the way, how much do you know about pharmacy?"5

Hong Liu looked at Ye An and asked.

"A little bit of basics.

Ye An replied succinctly.

"Yes, it's better than knowing nothing.

"This book records some pharmacy, and some other knowledge.

"It can be used later."

"I'm going to set up a new defense first, you can take your time. 95

Hong Liu took out a scribbled book and handed it to Ye An.

Look at the contents of the book.

Not surprisingly.

It should be a note written by Hong Liu.

"Well... it's all high-level knowledge, and it's a bit difficult to understand.

watched for a while.

Ye An muttered.

But that's not a problem.

Anyway, he doesn't need to think about what this knowledge is for.

After all, his system is not a decoration.

"Ding, all the information has been recorded!""

"Ding, the system is starting to deduce...

"Ding, the deduction is over... The content is automatically entered into the host's mind!"

Follow the system prompts.

A lot of pharmacy knowledge was integrated into Ye An's spiritual body.


For a moment.

Ye An suddenly understood everything.

And also found.

The system flagged several of the small errors.

Corrections were made at the same time.

Then wait for a while.

Hong Liu finished setting up the defensive formation and came to Ye An's side again.

"Have you read it all?"

Hong Liu looked at the closed note beside him.

Looking at Ye An with some surprise.


Ye An nodded.

"Looks like you can do more than a little.

Hong Liu said with satisfaction.

After all, doing experiments or something.

The more your helper knows, the better.

"Next, I have to resume the experiment.

"While I'm setting it up, you can help me make some potions first.

Hong Liu handed Ye An a piece of paper again.

The recipe for a potion is recorded above.

Also from the storage space.

A lot of materials were taken out and placed on the ground at will.

"Theoretical knowledge, you should be fine." 5

"It depends on your ability to move.

"I'm sure you won't let me down."

Hong Liu said with a smile.

Ye An looks at this recipe.

Look at the material all over the place.

Think for a moment.

Start picking up the equipment and get moving.

Grind, mix...infuse psychic power.

Fit again in proportion.

The second injection of spiritual power...

Ye An's movements can be said to be very smooth.

Without the slightest delay.

It was as if the potion had been made countless times.

"That's right... that is, why did you add five grams of material here?

Hong Liu looked at Ye An and asked strangely.

With Ye An's smooth movements.

There has never been an error in behavior before.

Ye An should not have noticed the difference of five grams.

"I've improved it a bit.

"The effect should be increased by 30%, and the quality should be perfect!

Ye An explained.

Then move on.

Hear Ye An say that.

Hong Liu was a little surprised.

Then slow down your work.

Watch Ye An's actions intently.

"A total of 7 formula ratios have been changed, and one material has been abandoned.

"There are three other places where the order has been adjusted..."

to the final mixing step.

Look at the potions that have changed little by little.

Hong Liu muttered.

The final change is over.

The medicine in the bottle turned completely red.

Hong Liu looked at the potion.

Came up and sniffed.

The originally puzzled expression suddenly turned into surprise.

"The content of spiritual power has increased by 30%, the recovery speed of spiritual power has increased by 40%, and it also has the ability to eliminate fatigue!

“The point is, perfect quality!”

Hong Liu said excitedly.

Look at Ye An again.

It is no longer the kind of curious look in the eyes of newcomers.

but wonder and admiration.

This is a potion of her own creation.

Improved countless times.

Almost to the limit.

She herself has no idea to make changes.

did not expect.

This newcomer Ye An.

Just took a look at the recipe.

Just improved so much!

The point is, this is without adding new materials!

"What do you mean by a little knowledge of pharmacy?

Hong Liu looked at Ye An and complained.

"I'm just learning faster.

Ye An said with a smile.

Hong Liu looked at Ye An and said nothing.

But her expression was hidden by her long hair.

Absolutely I believe in you!

"No matter what you are, the more powerful you are, the better for me!

"I'll fix all the experimental equipment first.

"You'll see how my experiment goes. 99

Hong Liu thought about it and said.

Ye An nodded.

Then look at the material on the ground.

Directly manipulate the mycelium and swept away all the materials.

"Biological Origin Tinder!"

Ye An immediately followed the process of making the potion.

Create a biomechanical process.

Then under the debugging of the system.

Changed several times.

Even if it's completely done!

"You are..."

Hong Liu on the side looked at Ye An suspiciously.

"Automatic refining machine. 35

Ye An said simply.

Then looked around.

A mycelium spread out again.

Swept the empty potion bottle not far away.

Immediately after.

Two or three minutes.

With the mycelium, the medicine bottle is automatically put into it.

Wait until the potion is full.

The second and third bottles were put in one after another.

"Can I ask, where did you go to high school?"

Hong Liu said very modestly.

"Tiangong Academy. 99

Ye An replied.

"No wonder……"

Hear this answer.

Hong Liu is also relieved.

Tiangong Academy is full of geniuses.

Even if the cultivation is not good, there will always be places where there are special achievements in other areas.

It really doesn't work if you practice.

Others are clueless.

For Tiangong Academy, it is also a rare thing to see in a hundred years.

"How long will this take you?"9

Ye An looked at Hong Liu and asked.

"It's almost ready.""

"You wait a moment."

Hong Liu spoke with respect at this time.

"Hmm 35


"Then I'll study this stone first.

Ye An nodded and said.

Then he took out the godhead shard that Hong Liu gave him.

Although pretending to watch.

But actually.

Ye An immediately started absorbing it.


"Introverted. 99

"Low-key... no, it's modest!

"And spirituality? 39


"And Guanghua!!!"

"This divine nature... contains so much power!"

Ye An said in surprise.

And the point is.

This divinity cannot be said to be extremely large.

But not a lot.

And it's an attribute he never had.

"good stuff!"

Ye An directly increased the strength of absorption.

"Ding, you have absorbed enough divinity, [God]'s sequence awakening degree +1000! 99

"Ding, you have absorbed enough divinity, [God]'s Sequence Awakening +1000!""

"Ding, you have absorbed enough divinity, [God]'s sequence awakening degree +1000! 35


"Ding, the new divinity has been absorbed! 99

"You have awakened a new sequence [Mingyue]!

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have awakened the new ability 'Moonlight'! 35

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have awakened a new ability 'existence reduction'!""

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have awakened the new ability 'Moonlight Roaming'!"5

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have awakened the new ability 'Divine Light'!"9

[God (to be unlocked): 570000/100…00 (million)]

[Mingyue: The brilliance of the moon, the existence is reduced, the moonlight roams, the holy light! 】

"Sure enough, a new sequence has been awakened, and it also comes with four abilities!

Look at this result.

Ye An said with satisfaction.

At the same time began to probe these abilities of the SAT.

"The brilliance of the moon... summons the phantom of the moon and illuminates everything around it with moonlight.

"It can weaken the enemy, and it can also increase one's own people."

"Auxiliary ability. 99

"And then there's... a decrease in existence!

"There's nothing to say about this, I have the attributes of an illusory spirit, and I don't really need this ability.

Ye An thought inwardly.

Then keep looking.

It's just moonlight.

"Under the moonlight, I can travel freely, ignoring all restrictions.

"This ability is amazing...but the premise is under the moonlight."

"And this Moonlight... So it is, Moonlight's supporting ability!

Ye An suddenly realized.

But he was also curious.

Except for the brilliance of his own moon.

Whether the real moon can also.

But this battlefield doesn't even have planets.

Not to mention the moon.

But if true, the moon can be proven.

That means that this is a conceptual law ability!

The effect will be great in the future!

Unlike now, it seems to be just some auxiliary role.

"Finally, 'Holy Light' remains!"

"It can dispel darkness and curses, and it can clear people's hearts...

"It's also an auxiliary ability."

"Overall good.""

"There is a lot of room for future development.

"And just now, it's pretty good!

Ye An nodded with satisfaction.

"The last godhead fragment..."

Ye An exerted a little force.

directly into powder.

After there is no divinity.

This is completely an ordinary stone.

"I'm ready.

at this time.

Hong Liu's voice came.

Ye An looked back.

I found a lot of material beside me.

And these special instruments, etc. are all arranged in a specific way.

"You are..."

Ye An has not been exposed to these things.

Still looking suspicious.

"I'm creating a special potion with high explosive power. 35

"Theoretically, it can quickly absorb the surrounding spiritual power.

"Then it compresses itself, collapses and finally erupts with great power."

"If it is successful, its power will seriously injure, and even killing a grandmaster is not a problem!

"The point is that the materials are super cheap!""

Hong Liu looked at Ye An and said.

In his eyes, he was also looking forward to what advice Ye An could give.

And hear her.

Ye An finally understood why she said the protection here was insufficient.

Really make a bomb!

Instead of researching something else, it might blow up!

"System, deduce...

such a complicated thing.

Ye An was also too lazy to think.

Let the system start the game directly.

The red willow on the side.

Watching Ye An fall into "contemplation".

Also stood there silently.

He didn't dare to disturb Ye An at all.

"Ding, the game is over!"9

"With the existing material analysis, the experiment cannot be completed!

"If the power is reduced, a bomb potion with 30% power can be made. 99

"At the same time, material consumption will also be reduced by 90%!

In the end the system gave the answer.

A message also melted into Ye An's brain.


Ye An let out a light breath.

Hong Liu, who was waiting on the side, looked even more expectant.

"In the current situation, it is impossible to make the power bomb you imagined."

"But you can make a bomb potion that is only 30% powerful. 35

"And material consumption can also be reduced by 90%.

Ye An said.

"Only thirty percent?"

Hong Liu was also a little disappointed.

But think about it.

Thirty percent seems to be a lot.

This power is also enough to cause a lot of damage to the master-level enemy.

And the consumption of materials is also reduced even more.

"The main reason is to absorb the surrounding spiritual power."5

‘If you want to make a low-cost potion, there is not much spiritual power injected into it. 99

"It needs to absorb spiritual power by itself and then explode..."

"The idea is good, but the material is limited after all."

"Unless you have reserved enough spiritual power in advance."

"But it doesn't make any sense..."

Ye An explained.

"Well...then what do you think?"

Hong Liu looked at Ye An and said.

Ye An shook his head slightly.

"I don't even have access to herbal medicine, material science, etc.

"So don't know what's right.

"But you can try to make a 30% potion bomb first. 35

"Look for other materials to improve later.

Ye An thought for a while and said.


"Then...the 30% method...39

Hong Liu blinked.

Through long bangs.

Looking at Ye An expectantly.

"Five grams of troll's toes, three grams of hurricane wolf's fangs...

Ye An began to speak little by little.

Hong Liu nodded while listening.

Wait until you have memorized the order.

It also started to act immediately.

Although only 30% of the power.

But at least it worked!

Of course, it will not be successful until it is refined.

But she felt that Ye An's idea was absolutely fine.

"Naling grass... eh!?

The red willow at the critical step.

Suddenly, he accidentally saw his hair dipped into the potion.

the next moment.

The potion began to frantically absorb spiritual power.

A terrifying pressure.

Completely formed in the blink of an eye.

Ye An can feel it.

only momentarily.

This power is no less than a blow from the Grandmaster.

Not to mention it's still pumping up!

"Illusory space!

Ye An saw this.

Instantly creates an unreal space.

Put this potion in it.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding space fluctuated.

But nothing happened.

But wait until the unreal space ends.

A plume of smoke appeared instantly.

swept the entire laboratory.

"Illusory stomach bag..."

Facing this circumstances.

Ye An had no choice but to use the symbiote.

Swallow all the smoke.


"Success, I just succeeded!

The smoke cleared.

Hong Liu coughed twice.

Then he said very excitedly.

Just that moment.

She can feel it.

That's not the power of 30%.

It is definitely more powerful than she imagined.

Although the explosion was accidental.

But it was also successful!

"Calm down...I think so.""

"It was indeed a success."

"But you have to figure out what substance in your hair caused this Chen Gong.35

Ye An looked at Hong Liu who was excited and stunned.

hurry, said.


Hong Liu nodded.

Looking at his hair, he was lost in thought.

"Well, take care of yourself first. 35

"Hair trimming."

"And then analyze what material the hair is contaminated with..."

"In the end, I came to the conclusion that it is enough to experiment slowly.

"Or tell me the properties of these materials and I'll think about it..."

Ye An looked at Hong Liu and suggested.

"You are right!

Hong Liu said with a smile.

Then she opened her long bangs.

A pair of eyes like red jade appeared.

"You wait.

"I'll be back when I go."

Hong Liu tied her hair up.

Looking at Ye An and smiled.

Then quickly leave the laboratory.

Back to his room.

Only ten minutes have passed.

Hong Liu returned again.

And this time.

The bangs in front of her were all cut off.

The hair behind him was also tied up.

Clothes that were dirty and covered in material dirt also disappeared.

It also exudes a fragrance.

He also seemed to have taken a shower.

to be frank.

Just such a huge change.

If it weren't for those red eyes.

Ye An can't even recognize it!

"Please wait."

Hong Liu respectfully said to Ye An.

Then take out a section of hair.

Start researching.

Research at the same time.

While recording data.

that's it.

Three hours passed.

The red willows gathered together the data of half a book.


Hong Liu handed the book to Ye An.

Ye An watched.

While letting the system begin to deduce.

"Ding... the game is over! 35

"New materials are needed: Scarlet Heart, Spiritual Horn! 35

"The specific operation method is..."

Accompanied by system prompts.

A new fusion method also appeared in Ye An's mind.

Then Ye An unceremoniously told Hong Liu this method.

"I see!

Hong Liu suddenly realized.

Looking at Ye An's eyes, it will be even more admiration.

I don't know material science.

But after knowing the properties of the material, it can be analyzed so quickly.

This made her even more admired.

Unexpectedly, the newcomers who use stones to "cheat".

Such a big guy!

She felt that the luck of her generation should be used for this.

"Okay, it worked!"

"And it's perfect quality!""

After a while.

Hong Liu said excitedly.

Ye An also admires her ability.

The perfect quality potion is dispensed directly.

This is not something you can do with a recipe.

He is also reminded by the system and constantly adjusted.

And this red willow did it for the first time!

Definitely a genius in pharmacy.

That's the genius... it's okay you have to make some bombs!

Isn't it good for pharmacy to honestly make some restorative potions!

"Wait a minute, I'll do two more.

After getting excited.

Hong Liu said to Ye An.

Then start working quickly.

This time, the speed was more than twice as fast as the last time.

Apparently it was the first time she was afraid of an accident.

Slow down deliberately.

It continued to wait for a while.

Hong Liu put away ten bottles of medicine.

Then look at Ye An with adoring eyes.

"Let's go, Captain, she'll be surprised when she knows we've made it!

Hong Liu said proudly.



Ye An nodded.

In this way, the two left the laboratory.

"By the way, I don't know your name yet...

Hong Liu followed her eyes.

Looking at Ye An admiringly, he asked.

"Ye An.

"You should be able to find my information.

Ye An said simply.

"Ye An?"

"I remember!

Hong Liu nodded.

that's it.

The two went all the way back to the lounge where the Qianlong team was.

And Hong Liu also couldn't wait to break in directly.

"Everyone, I succeeded!"

"The ability of the potion is absolutely beyond your imagination! 35

Hong Liu excitedly said to the crowd.

And the people of the Qianlong Squad.

He looked at Hong Liu with a surprised look on his face.

"Hello ma'am, who are you?

Orange blinked.

Looking at Hong Liu at the door in surprise, he asked.

"Um...probably the wrong way. 35

The old fish said at this moment.

"The voice is quite familiar."

"Maybe you know someone?"

At this time, someone else said.


Hong Liu was speechless for a while.

It's hard to show off.

Although it was done with the help of Ye An.

But the original idea was her!


One by one pretending not to know themselves?

"These eyes... and Ye An?"

" shouldn't be Hongliu!

Rainy blinked.

Said with a look of surprise.

"It's me!"

"Can you guess it?"

Hong Liu said angrily.


"Red Willow?"

"I do not believe!

Others showed extremely surprised expressions.

The maiden-like red willow.

The image of the whole day is like a ghost.

With this red-eyed, dry and neat beauty in front of her, is she the same person?

"You're trying to find fault, aren't you!

"I tell you."

"Once this bottle of medicine is opened, it can directly explode damage comparable to the grandmaster's full-strength blow!"

"Although a place can only be used once, believe it or not, throw it out!

Hong Liu said fiercely.

"Sister Hongliu, I didn't and I are here."

At this time.

said a female player.

This player Ye An was a little impressed.

At that time, I tested my mental ability and gave a girl who was scared to tears.

"Look at what?"

Hong Liu walked over.

The female player pressed the ring.

A screen popped up.

Immediately after, the portraits of the two people appeared.

"This is what you looked like a few hours ago.

"This is what you look like now.

"You think it's the same person?"

The female player said rudely.

"Uh... I was this ugly before?"

Hong Liu looked at his image.

Also suddenly speechless.


"And it has a pungent potion smell."

"I don't know how long you haven't dealt with your hair, and it's also stained with various materials. 99

"I can see some weird stuff on top of your head..."

The female player complained.

"That's what you say!"

"Did I not..."

Hong Liu realized something.

himself actually.

Even in front of Ye An, his performance was so sloppy!

He should have seen it all.

Don't think I'm too dirty.

Fortunately it looks fine now.

No, there are still have to dress up!

Hongliu didn't know what to do.

So many strange ideas suddenly popped into my mind.

And she actually felt that it didn't matter what others thought of her.

She was the only one who cared about Ye An's thoughts.

"team leader!

"Come here and help me..."

Hong Liu almost said in a crying voice.

Others were puzzled.

What happened to this red willow?

"what's the matter?"

Rain falls as the captain.

Although I don't want to talk to Hong Liu.

But the responsibility is here.

"Go out and say..."

"Go to my room!

Hong Liu directly pulled Luo Yu's hand.

left the lounge.

annoy people.

Including Ye An was stunned.

"There really isn't anyone who isn't weird..."

Ye An sighed and groaned.

"It's really weird!"

"Sister Hongliu usually doesn't care about her image at all.

"Don't even dress up..."

The female player looked at Ye An.

Suddenly thought of something.

But it felt unlikely.

Hong Liu is a person who is out of vulgar taste. least it has nothing to do with looks!

Unless you can beat her in talent!

Probably only possible.

But Ye An... She admitted that Ye An is really good at practice.

But in other respects... it shouldn't be so great.

After all, he has only been practicing for a few months.

Those pharmacy knowledge or something.

It's all something that has to be accumulated over time.

In a short time, you can at most memorize knowledge points.

But it's absolutely impossible to get the hang of it!


"I'll go to the battlefield for a while. 35

"The mission is about to start, call me again.

Ye An shook his head and said.

Then he turned around and chose to leave.


Aming stood up at this time.

I want to go with Ye An.

But Ye An shook his head.

"I can do it by myself.

"And I'm not fighting head on. 35

"You don't have to waste your energy.""

Ye An finished.

He waved his hand and chose to leave.


"Let's not talk about what happened to Sister Hongliu."

"At least Sister Aming, absolutely..."

The female player sighed inwardly.

Happy at the same time.

Fortunately, I like women.

Otherwise, you will definitely like him.

That would be a sin!

uh... it's going to die.

After all, she played Aming.

Can't provoke Hong Liu.

"Captain, can you tell me more about Ye An's identity?

inside the room.

Hong Liu was cleaning his body.

while asking.


"He is eighteen years old this year, born in Tiangong Academy, because he killed a..."

Rainfall is briefly introduced.

"Wait...he's eighteen?!"

"Not looking young, but really young?"

Hong Liu was surprised.

Rainy nodded.

"So, he has only been cultivating for a few months, and he has...

Although in Hong Liu's heart.

Ye An lacked a sense of esteem.

But she cared more about Ye An instead.


Just so great.

Whatever you think, I like it very much!

"What's wrong with you?"

Luo Yu looked at Hong Liu's strange performance.

Involuntarily complained.

"I don't's him...

"You don't know how good he is! 55

"I thought it was a rookie.

"It turned out..."

"But now it seems that he is really a newcomer."

"But this talent is invincible!"

"His mission with you is a waste. 39

"Doing research with me is the right way..."

Hong Liu talked directly.

He almost pointed at Ye An's nose and shouted forever.

"Uh... why don't you listen to him about his cultivation?"

Luoyu said with a sigh.

She didn't expect it either.

Ye An is so talented in this area!

In this world, are there really all-round talents?!

So under Hong Liu's expectant eyes.

Falling Rain begins to talk about Ye An's outrageous abilities.

and training speed.

"This... is absolutely genius!

"Then I'll be better...

Hong Liu just wanted to talk about dressing up.

But why do you do this?

"Captain Luoyu, aren't you proficient in some tactics? I remember that tactics include psychology."

"Can you help me analyze, analyze what's going on in my current psychology?

Hong Liu asked strangely.

Then he expressed his special feelings.

Then the rain froze for a moment.

Then his eyes widened in disbelief.

" can you use psychology! 95

"You are in love..."

Luo Yu was surprised and amazed.


There was also a smile.

"You... kill yourself!

at this time.

on the battlefield.

Ye An looked at a demon and said.

The last second the demon was still fighting with Ye An.

next second.

Cut off his head directly.

"not bad…."

Ye An nodded in satisfaction.

Look at the large swath of enemies in the distance.

Reach out.

point to that area.

"Let's all attack each other! 35

"All around you are enemies!"

Ye An said lightly.

next moment.

A large number of demons began to kill each other.

"You too should be damned.""

Enjoy this scene.

Ye An lowered his head.

Look at the Shadow Sha clan who want to sneak attack.

Ye An said lightly.

But it's not mind control that greets each other.

But a fiery red mycelium.

Cut the opponent directly and burn it to ashes.

"It feels good to kill in seconds.

Ye An said happily.

Just as he looked around.

When thinking about what to do next.

A white figure suddenly flashed past.

Immediately after.

A crimson attack followed.

"The devil again?

"And... the Angels!!

Ye An suddenly became interested.

Demons are slaves.

Miss Angel Race...

Although they are not allied with humans.

But not hostile either!

On the battlefield, it is not enemies, but friends.

Now she is being hunted by demons.

I am busy, I must help myself!

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