Sword Spirit

Chapter 1024: Re-yin you

The three people of Sikongdong distributed their knowledge and cautiously searched for the trace of Lu Xuan, not letting go of any place.

It’s just that the suffocation in the Tianzhu Valley is too strong, and it has a certain suppression effect on the gods. The most powerful Sikodong can only detect the range of about 100 feet.

However, the existence of suffocation also has certain advantages. That is, there is almost no monster in the Scorpio Valley, that is, even the birds are not. The animal is more sensitive to danger than human beings, and no one will break in. In this way, as long as there is a little bit of wind and grass, it will be noticed by three people.

"Everything is inspected a little more carefully. Lu Xuan’s accomplishments on the road are not low. He must have mastered some hidden methods. Don’t let him escape under our eyes.” Sikong Dong said.

"Don't worry, we three people inspect together, he can hide a person, can you hide from the three of us?" Sikong South seems full of confidence, at this moment his fear of Tianzhu Valley has dissipated almost However, he found that with his current strength, he couldn’t help himself in a short time.

Not only that, Si Kongan still feels that he seems to have found the opportunity to break through. This time, the heart-change is very important to him. He believes that after returning to Sikong, he only needs to close for a period of time, and he will certainly be able to achieve too much.巅峰峰.

At this moment, Si Kongxi suddenly said: "Big brother, look here!"

When the voice fell, both Sikongdong and Sikongan looked at Sikongxi. I saw Sikongxi pointing a finger to the front. The two looked at his finger and could clearly see a place in front. There are traces of being trampled on the grass.

Sikong South suddenly showed a hint of joy: "It must be Lu Xuan undoubtedly! The birds and beasts are extinct here, no one comes in at all, and this tread marks look very fresh."

Si Kongdong also showed a smile, simply said: "Go!"

There is no one in the Tianzhu Valley, so that the ground is full of weeds, unless it is always flying, otherwise it must leave traces on the grass, and this has become the best way for Sikongdong to find Lu Xuan.

Although the tread marks are a little messy. It looks like Lu Xuan has been here for a long time, but it does not affect the trio.

"Wait." Sikong West stopped the two men and frowned slightly: "This step is getting deeper and deeper. It looks like it is going to the depths of the Tianzhu Valley. The nearby suffocation has become more and more intense. Can Lu Xuan resist the invasion of this level of suffocation?"

"Yeah." Sikongan also agreed: "The more the Tianzhu Valley goes inside, the more dangerous it is. Is Lu Xuan really trying to find death?"

Sikong Dong Shen Sheng said: "He has no way to go. There are people behind us. If he doesn't want to fall into our hands, he can only go forward. What's more, he may not know the danger in the depths of Tianzhu Valley. ""

"But... we know the danger." Sikongan hesitated again: "If you go inside, we will consume a lot faster."

Sikong yelled at him and said, "I am afraid of anything. I am a little angry. I will not be able to kill you for a while. Moreover, my ancestors should have disposed of Ye Ruida already, and it will not be long before it will arrive. At that time, you will be It’s hard to die."

Listening to Si Kongdong said that Sikong Nan had a lot of peace of mind, and the three suddenly re-entered, but the speed was obviously three points faster. After all, it would be more dangerous to stay in it for a while.

As soon as the three of them gradually entered the depths of the Tianzhu Valley, a sharp sword gas suddenly burst out from a jungle!

"Be careful!" Sikongxi took the first shot, and the palm of his hand easily defeated the sword. Then he followed the palm of his hand and slammed into the place where the sword was shot.


Several towering trees collapsed, and a figure rose from the sky and immediately landed in front of the three men.

"Good boy, finally caught you! You dare to come out?" Sikong Nan did not hide his killing in the eyes, staring straight at the appearance of Lu Xuan.

This figure is naturally Lu Xuan. When he realized that there seemed to be some sort of formation in the valley, he was always looking around. Of course, with his cautious personality, he would naturally not be afraid of defending the empty house, so he left a lot of small bans along the way. Once someone touched him, he would immediately investigate.

And Sikongdong three people chased along his footsteps. The whereabouts of nature has long been known by Lu Xuan, so he deliberately went all the way to the depths of Tianzhu Valley, trying to scare away the chasing person by the suffocation in the Tianzhu Valley, but he did not expect Sikongdong to kill him. The mind is so strong that I have been chasing it all the way.

At this moment, Lu Xuan’s brow slightly picks up: “There is so heavy here, do you dare to break in?”

Sikong Dong coldly said: "Do you think this suffocating threatens us? You are afraid of these suffocating, we are not afraid."

Sikong South looked at Sikongdong and did not say anything. He was still not stupid. Naturally, Sikongdong was stunned by Lu Xuan.

However, Lu Xuan sneered at the words of Si Kongdong, such a strong suffocation, even his soaking in the Shura pool, people who have Taiyi Guiyuan feel a little pressure, he can not believe that a few people can Ignore it, nothing more than relying on the strength of the strength of the support.

"Lu Xuan, you'd better get rid of it, so we can spare you a life. If you are recalcitrant, bring your body back, we can also cross." Sikong West out loud, if Lu Xuan really fights to resist, then he I also said that I must not have to kill, after all, can not make fun of their own lives.

Lu Xuan haha ​​smiled: "It is not so easy to want my life. Are you not afraid of this suffocation? If you have the ability, then chase me!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Xuan did not stop, and he fled deeper into the heavens and valleys.

"This kid, even dare to run inside?" Sikong Nan snorted, could not help but look at Si Kongdong.

Si Kongdong simply spit out a word: "Chasing!"

If you haven't seen Lu Xuan, then Lu Xuan is living in front of his own eyes. How can he stop here?

Seeing that Sikongxi did not hesitate to follow up with Sikongdong, Sikong Nan squatted, and a bite of his teeth followed, and even Lu Xuan dared to run inside, he did not dare.

The speed of the three people of Sikongdong is very fast, and the distance between them and Lu Xuan is getting closer and closer. It is only a matter of time to catch up with Lu Xuan, but the suffocation is even stronger, but none of them have stopped.

Finally, Lu Xuan took the lead to stop.

"Run! Why don't you run?" Sikongdong stopped and slowly sneered a few steps forward.

Lu Xuan turned and smiled and said: "What should I continue to run? I have already brought you to success here. My purpose has been reached. Hey, I want to come to you and chase me. I should forget to watch out for other things." What?"

Si Kongdong heard a sudden change in his face, but it was already late. He only heard Lu Xuan continue to say: "Don't forget, I am a miracle... I will give it to you for a while!"

When this statement came out, Lu Xuan suddenly made a law decision, and for a time, the wind and the sky surged, and the heavens and the earth changed color! (To be continued~^~)

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