Sword Spirit

Chapter 992: Identity leak

"Oh..." The annoying applause sounded again, and Si Kongqing seemed to have come out of the surprise. He still looked at Lu Xuandao with a smile: "The special envoy has given me another good show." Congratulations to the special envoy to successfully remove the traitor, and also thank the special envoy for helping me, so that I do not have to personally remove the person who is behind the Lord."

Upon hearing this, Lu Xuan could not help but reveal a self-deprecating smile. He looked at the body of Yi Yong. He didn’t know what he would think after he heard this. He wanted to rely on the sale of Jiuhua League to rely on Sikong’s home. Will he really accept him as he imagined? Without the identity of the shadow master, will Sikong really put a six-armed warrior in the realm of the district in the eye?

Betraying this kind of thing, there will be a second time for the first time. Since you can betray the Jiuhua League once for the sake of benefit, if you want to betray him, you only need more benefits. This kind of person, How can I use it?

Taking a deep breath, Lu Xuan looked up and looked at Si Kongqing, and sighed: "Sikong’s owner is really good, and even the owner of the dark shadow hall can buy it successfully. I won’t complain in this game, but I There is still a question, and I hope that the owner of Sikong can solve it."

Si Kongqing smiled and said: "I also admire the special envoy's means. I have long been a **** for a long time. The special envoy has any doubts to listen to."

"Since Yi Yong has already been bought by you, I think the South Palace’s whereabouts have long been in your control. I don’t know why there has been no action. Even when I last raided Chi Fire City, Yi Yong was still a big If you don't, I don't trust him like this." This is where Lu Xuan can't understand, and he believes Yi Yong. Because of the performance of Yi Yong in the Red Flame Palace, Yi Yong can be described as a great credit.

Nangong Liewen couldn't help but change his face. Now, in retrospect, he couldn't help but be afraid for a while. If Lu Xuan said, Sikong had used Yiyong as a concealer. I am afraid that the Nangong family has long ceased to exist.

Si Kongqing’s gaze was swept away from Nangong Lie, with a slightly mocking smile: “The Nangong family in the district is not enough. Since I can destroy them for the first time, it can naturally destroy the second time. Yi Yong is a good one. How can a dog be used in such a small matter?"

Everyone in the Nangong family was suddenly furious, and Sikongqing looked so lightly at them? Nan Gonglie is holding his fist in death. He swears. If he can escape this time, he must let Si Kongqing taste the bitter fruit of his arrogance today!

Looking at the expressions of the people in the Nangong family, Si Kongqing disdainfully smiled and said: "As for the Red Flame Palace, it is because I didn't have the full grasp of the special envoys, but then some of them are worth the loss. It’s better to let you know more about Yi Yong. At least for now, it’s not good?”

“Oh?” Lu Xuan wondered: “So to say that the owner of the squad seems to be just for me? I don’t know how the district can be valued by the vacant family?”

"Ha ha ha ha!" Si Kongqing suddenly burst into laughter and smiled at Lu Xuandao: "The special envoy is modest, as the only son of Ye Wuzhen, the only heir to the future of Jiuhua League, if such a distinguished identity is not yet It deserves my attention. Who else can be worthy of my attention?"

As soon as this statement comes out, everyone will change!

Nan Gonglie looked shocked at Lu Xuan. He always thought that Lu Xuan was only praised by his excellent talents, but he did not think that Lu Xuan was actually a nine-star alliance! Leaf has no trace of the only son!

Countless pictures flashed in Nangong’s mind. He remembered that in the land of the seal, Lu Xuan told him that he was the top of the Jiuhua League. Nangong Lie thought that this was just a false statement. Now it seems that it is simply The top level is simply the core. It is no wonder that Lu Xuan released his words before. As long as he is in the 9th China League, he must be able to protect the Nangong family’s development. Lu Xuan has the qualification to say this!

Although Nangong Lie has connected many things before and after, but one thing he guessed wrongly, when Lu Xuan originally made up the high-ranking status of Jiuhua League, it was not the nine-member alliance.

The Shadow Hall people are naturally shocked. They did not expect that Lu Xuan was the lord of the Jiuhua League. It is no wonder that the lord will delegate authority to Lu Xuan. When the special envoy arrived, it was only equal to Yi Yong. However, what surprised them even more is that Lu Xuan’s status as such a distinguished person would be dangerous. It is hard to imagine.

Lu Xuan’s face was not shocked, but his heart had already set off a storm, his identity was exposed!

All doubts are solved at this moment. It is no wonder that Si Kongqing did not easily use Yi Yong as a chess piece, in order to introduce himself into a lore where he would kill, and when the Sikong family wants to start against Jiuhua League, Is there anything more important than killing or leaving the only young master of the Jiuhua League?

But how does Si Kongqing know his identity? Lu Xuan asked himself that he has never been exposed, and even the people who know the inside story are few and far between, unless it is... Jiuhua League headquarters has a traitor!

A figure of the body flashed from Lu Xuan’s mind, Lin Xinyi, Xia Chenxi, Ye Haoran, Ye Wei... Ye Wuxue and Zhao Ying are definitely not revealing their identity. Lin Xinyi and Xia Chenxi are their own women. Trust, Ye Hao... Although this woman is quite awkward, she is quite naive and should not be possible. In the end, Lu Xuan set her goal on two people.

Ye Haoran, and... Ye Hao!

Although Ye Haoran is his second uncle, if Ye Haoran wants to inherit the position of the lord, it is the best choice to remove Lu Xuan. As for Ye Hao, his motives almost completely surpassed Ye Haoran, but the person who is most likely to inform the secret. The resentment between Lu Xuan and him is too obvious, and the appearance of Lu Xuan is completely reduced. The status, whether for his brother Lin Zeyu revenge, or to fight for favor, Ye Hao has enough reasons to sell Lu Xuan.

Countless thoughts flashed from Lu Xuan’s mind. Although it quickly analyzed the people who might sell themselves, it didn’t help. If Lu Xuan had hoped that Si Kongqing would not value himself too much. If you have a chance to escape, then the idea can be completely eliminated.

It can be said that even if Sikongqing let go of all the people here, including Nangong Lie and Nangong Tianyou, he will never let him go.

Looking at the expressions of the people below, Si Kongqing felt very comfortable. Haha laughed loudly: "Ye Shao, seeing that I have prepared such a big squad for you, should we sit down and talk? For me, the living leaf is less useful than the dead, not to mention, I believe that the brotherless brother will certainly be willing to pay some price for redemption, isn't it?"

Hearing the words, everyone could not help but feel the move, they all looked at Lu Xuan, Si Kongqing said that, in order to maximize the benefits, he definitely did not want to kill Lu Xuan, so in addition to angering the leaves without traces, less than a little benefit .

See Lu Xuan’s words, Si Kongqing said again: “In fact, we almost became a family. If my sister married a brother without a trace, Ye Shao, you have to call me now!”

Lu Xuan Yan Yan smiled: "Yeah, it's really worse. If it wasn't for my father's child who died for me, now I can't stand in front of Sikong's family."

Everyone looked at each other. They were not very clear about the things 20 years ago. They just listened to what they said. It is obvious that there is still a lot of grievance between Sikong and Jiuhua League.

The smile on Si Kongqing's face gradually converges: "Listen to the meaning of Ye Shao, it seems that I don't want to talk about it?"

Lu Xuan sneered in his heart, he did not doubt that Ye Wushang is willing to pay for himself, but he does not believe that Si Kongqing will let himself go alive, a person who even his own son can freely abandon, there is nothing to do. , not to mention, not falling, not the style of Lu Xuan!

With Si Kongqing's words coming out, the atmosphere on the court was tight, and a murderous murderous man was uploaded from the Sikongjiawu people around him. No one dared to make a move except for a trace of breeze.

"Lu brother, I am willing to do my best to protect you from the breakout. I hope that after you return to the Jiuhua League, you can be kind to the descendants of the Nangong family." Nangong Lie whispered, he knew Lu Xuan’s character and would never agree to Sikong. Qing, and Lu Xuan’s identity is doomed to his investment worthy of Nangong Lie!

For Nangong Lie, Lu Xuan can't be denied, just staring at Si Kongqing slowly lifted the dusty sword, and a clear voice came from his mouth: "Everyone listens!"


When the words came out, everyone instantly saw them. They thought that Lu Xuan would let them protect Lu Xuan from breaking through, but they did not expect that Lu Xuan had just ordered an escape. They had no doubt that Lu Xuan was attracted by such an important person. The firepower of the Sikong family, their chances of escape have been greatly improved.

But at this time, the voice of Nangong Lie was followed closely: "All the people in the Nangong family heard the order and swear to protect Ye brother!"

"Shadow Hall belongs to the order! Swear to protect the lesser master breakout!" This voice is Song Jianbai, under Yi Yong, he is the highest person in the shadow hall.

Si Kongqing heard that he was not angry and laughed. He shouted: "It’s really a good servant, but you don’t want to escape! Open the temple!"

The empty hall of the Sikong family is like the red flame of the South Palace of the Red Flame Palace. Once it is opened, no one can leave the half step before breaking the formation, and the empty house of the Sikong family is in full swing. Power will never be smaller than the Red Flame Golden Bell.

Lu Xuan did not care about Si Kongqing's orders, and quickly urged the body to rush outside the temple. The Shadow Hall and the Nangong family did not choose to abandon Lu Xuan to leave, all of them started to charge after Lu Xuan.

Si Kongqing smiled and looked at the people who fled, the beasts were still fighting, there was a large array of guards, where can I escape?

But at this moment, a flustered voice rang in front of Sikong Qinger: "Report, newspaper, newspaper owner, the temple has a big problem!"

"What do you say?!" Si Kongqing suddenly turned back and was furious! (To be continued.)

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