Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 942: Two wells die together!

Stick, sword, finger, fire, air!

The combination of the five skills, this combination, made the flame storm condensed on the Lingtian sword and swept out of the void, and in an instant, it skyrocketed countless times.

Wherever he went, the space also shattered one after another, instantly suppressing the violent hurricane that the storm pterosaur displayed before!

And the entire nine-layer space, because of the appearance of these two storms, cracking sounds began to appear.

This space was already crumbling, and now, it can't bear the appearance of two energies of this magnitude.

At this moment, outside the ruins and on the platform, Li Chongyang looked at the trembling phantom of the nine-storied pagoda, already stunned.

"No, not only the passage is ruined, it seems that that space will be broken!"

Li Chongyang's words fell, everyone stood up from their seats and looked at the black thundercloud in the distance, dumbfounded!

This hunting can smash this space! ?

The four people inside have made a lot of noise! ?

"Don't stand anymore, everyone, step back!"

Li Chongyang rolled up the sand table and shouted.

Everyone also reacted, and they set up their escape and galloped toward the outside of the island.

The fragmentation of such a large volume of space will definitely not cause small fluctuations.

If it is affected by the aftermath, then there is really no bones left.

But at this time, Qin Shaoyang, Zhang Zhao and others were full of worry, Ling Tian and the others were still inside!

Inside the ninth floor of the heavy tower.

Yun Yang looked at the two flame storms colliding with each other and was already stunned.

In the moment when the two attacks touched, the powerful wave exploded, and the space began to vanish and shatter.

And the hurricane gathered by Storm Pterodactyl could not be stopped at all.

Ling Tian's swords and clubs were united into one, smashing the hurricane all the way, directly smashing the hurricane, and then swallowing the entire storm pterosaur.

At this time, the entire space is on the verge of collapse.

The darkness, shrinking from the center in all directions, is a chaotic space storm.

Although Ling Tian and others did not die at the hands of Yun Yang and Storm Pterodactyl.

However, the power of this space is absolutely impossible for them to resist.

Even if the eldest princess makes a move, it will not work!

"Ling Tian, ​​let's go to the altar!"

At this time, Cui Chenxiang said.

Upon hearing this, Ling Tian picked up the two women and flew directly to the edge of the altar.

However, Ling Tian discovered that there were still prohibitions around the altar at this time.

He couldn't break it in a short time!

"use this!"

Cui Chenxiang took out a dark token from his arms.

Ling Tian is no stranger to this brand. It is exactly the kind of token that Yue Qianfang gave him, the master of the Qunfang Pavilion!

Unexpectedly, Cui Chenxiang also has one!

"Ling Tian, ​​this array of tokens should have three yuan, and Yun Yang has one more!"

Ling Tian immediately looked into the air, then stretched out his hand and took the dropped sign directly into his hand.

It turned out that Yun Yang relied on this brand to triumphantly return to the sixth floor, thus deceiving Ling Tian.

At the same time, Ling Tian also took out his own brand.

The three brands are combined into one, forming a brand new token the size of a palm, and the lines on it are combined into one, which is the word Chongxiao!

Because Ling Tian's token was just a small piece before, he didn't realize that it could actually form two characters.

The Grand Heaven Order was united and Ling Tian directly lifted it. In an instant, the formation on the altar broke open. Ling Tian put Qin Mingyue and Cui Chenxiang into it, and then flew high in the sky to lift the floating moon and that After the death of the storm pterodactyl, the soul and the crystal treasure chest remained in the ring, and then flew into the altar.

"How to do!?"

Ling Tian fell and looked around.

At this time, the space is still being obliterated, and the speed is getting faster and faster. Soon after, this altar will also be swallowed, and they will still be unable to escape and ascend to heaven.

"Perhaps, we really can only wait to die..."

At this moment, Cui Chenxiang was lying on the altar with despair on her face.

"What's the matter, sister Chenxiang?!"

Qin Mingyue's spirit also returned to normal at this time, resisting the pain, and crawling over.

Ling Tian also stepped forward and found that in front of Cui Chenxiang, there was a wellhead from two sides!

Yes, there are two wells on this altar!

But at this time, there is no water in this well, nor is it deep.

In one of the wells, there is an image of the green mountains and rivers on one side. The entire well head is like a transparent glass, as if you can reach out and touch the world on the other side.

However, when Ling Tian probed his hand, he discovered that that layer of ‘glass’ was a forbidden formation far beyond his understanding, and he couldn’t get past it at all.


Ling Tian shouted in his heart, but Tao Yaoyao was helpless.

"Ling Tian, ​​this formation...I can't help it. Your sword shadow is not good either. It's too mysterious. Between this square inch, there is all the power of the heaven and earth enchantment. You can only go out, but you can't enter. This well, It's the exit of the other world!"


Ling Tian didn't understand at all, but looked at the other well. This well was completely different from the one next to it.

Inside this well, it was extremely dark, like a pitch-black whirlpool, revealing the swallowing force of the emptiness of space.

Standing on the side, Ling Tian could feel the extreme danger.

Presumably, for the well next to it that can be transmitted from the other world, this one, no matter how it looks, is the same as the well of death.

"This well is not complete. It should be that the owner of this ruin hadn't repaired it and died..."

Cui Chenxiangsu clasped his hands tightly, desperate, "If I didn't guess wrong, the next well can only go out and not in, but this one can be in and out. If this well is intact, we can escape the sky. but now..."


Qin Mingyue was also stunned there.

However, Ling Tian was a little surprised, and secretly said that Cui Chenxiang could still know this, it was really amazing.


However, outside the altar at this time, a roar of earth-shaking sound suddenly sounded.

Ling Tian looked up, only to find that the wind-sand vortex that stretched across the sky above his head was shrinking extremely fast.

"There is no time."

Qin Mingyue said: "Girl Chenxiang, you mean, this well is the only way we can survive, isn't it?"

"Yes, but it's incomplete. The power of the space inside can crush everyone. At least, it's impossible for people below Emperor Wu to survive."

Cui Chenxiang nodded.

"The power of space?"

Qin Mingyue groaned, but looked at the peach pit on Ling Tian's chest.

Ling Tian also took a look, as if thinking of something.

"Now, sister Chenxiang, I want to ask you, you could have left here early, why didn't you leave? Don't you know that you will die if you stay here!"

Qin Mingyue looked into Cui Chenxiang's eyes and asked in a condensed voice.

"I...I...I just want to see if I can help." Cui Chenxiang replied hesitantly.

"It's just because of this, it's this time, if you don't tell the truth, there will be no chance in this life!"

Seeing that Cui Chenxiang’s eyes were still flickering, Qin Mingyue took off her veil. "Sister Chenxiang, we are all dying. It is destined to die together. My face is only seen by our own family. Yes, now, can you take off your veil and speak your heart?"

"Sister Mingyue, you!"

Qin Mingyue's alluring face was enough to make women feel moved. At this moment, Cui Chenxiang was stunned.


However, facing Qin Mingyue's eyes, Cui Chenxiang finally bit her lip fiercely, "I admit, I like Ling Tian, ​​and I don't want him to have an accident!"

"Girl Chenxiang, you..."

Ling Tian standing aside was stupid, what's the situation?

How can I fall in love with myself when I meet one?

"But, I know, I'm Cui Chenxiang, not good enough for him."

When the voice fell, Cui Chenxiang also took off the veil on his face.

However, compared with Qin Mingyue's beautiful face, Cui Chenxiang's face has a blue-black mark, making a face that should have been extremely beautiful, looking very ugly!

Cui Chenxiang didn't dare to look at Ling Tian, ​​blood was already biting out of her lips.


The power of space has been crushed beyond the altar, and it is about to engulf here.

"Sister, looks are just a skin. The most important thing is people's hearts."

Qin Mingyue took Cui Chenxiang and Ling Tian's hands and looked at the dark well, "Sister, we are separated from our relatives outside Yin and Yang by this jump. Do you regret it now?"

"Can... be able to die with Ling Tian, ​​Chen Xiang doesn't regret it!"

Cui Chenxiang finally raised her face and said firmly.

"Well, let's die together!"


After Qin Mingyue finished speaking, she grabbed Ling Tian and Cui Chenxiang and jumped out of the dark well...

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