Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 893: The new sword is born, thunder and out of fire

Moreover, under the blessing of its gloves, the power of Qijuequan cannot be underestimated.

In addition, Ling Tian also deliberately spent a lot of time cultivating the unexpectedly obtained Tenglong Chong.

However, like Dragon Fist, because of the limitation of physical strength, the power of these two martial arts is not as good as the previous ones.

Although the dragon elephant battle is already the second stage, the physical body of the diamond body, now it seems, has been a little bit unable to keep up.

Otherwise, Ling Tian is absolutely confident, and can use Dragon Fist and Tengkong Chong to the extreme, if that's the case, then no one can stop it.

"Hey, it seems that the shortcomings of this physical body should also be made up."

Ling Tian sighed, and also hoped at this time, to be able to find the blood of the demon beast needed for the promotion of the physical body in the ruins of the sect.

Otherwise, his physical body would not be worthy of being his own assassin.


Ling Tian strolled in the peach forest, the scarlet blade in his hand trembling from time to time.

Xiao Lei finally succeeded.

But the price he paid was that he slept for two years before digesting the power of the dragon armor beast’s soul and woke up.

Fortunately, there are four elephant towers.

Otherwise, Xiao Lei was silent for two years, and Ling Tian would have to cry to death.

However, the strength of the Xiao Lei that swallowed the spirit of the dragon armour beast has skyrocketed, but what followed was a skyrocketing of the Rainbow Sword's rank.

Even when Xiao Lei merged into the Jinghong sword body, he almost broke through to the heavenly rank!

Because of the size of Xiao Lei's soul, it has reached Baizhang.

The celestial soul is comparable to the heavenly weapon.

But the problem is that although the sword body of the Jinghong Sword has crowned the head of the Jedi, it is still slightly insufficient to carry the celestial soul.

At the very least, the formation on it is not a heavenly formation.

Moreover, taking a step back, even if the Jinghong Sword directly breaks through the heavenly weapon level, then Ling Tian cannot be used.

After all, his cultivation is just a golden body!

After the birth of Jinghong Sword, Ling Tian also had a headache because of the ups and downs.

In the end, the princess still spoke and proposed a way to temporarily seal part of Xiao Lei's strength, and at the same time, as much as possible, to increase the tenacity of the sword body of the lower Jinghong.

So, the long princess once again cut a small piece of gold from the fire and blood, and the golden water that Ling Tian used to use his blood to financially cut a seal under the crimson Jinghong sword.

Not only did Xiao Lei suppress the powerful Tianpu soul power, but also made the entire sword body even more tenacious because of the fire blood gold and other small fairy materials.

This is somewhat similar to the prison fire stick!


Ling Tian drew the blade from the sheath, the sword at this time was already different.

Half a month ago, Jinghong Sword was still crimson and crystal clear.

But it looks like an unformed sword embryo.

But now, the two sides of this slender red sword are embedded with two straight gold threads. The gold threads are densely packed and full of extremely mysterious formations. It is these lines that bring Xiao Lei’s spirit to heaven. Soul power seal.

And around the scarlet sword body, this faint golden halo was exuding, and this was exactly what it looked like after being inscribed by the gold pattern crystal.

At this time, the Jinghong Sword changed drastically.

Although it is not as pure and crystal clear as before, it seems that the golden fire is tumbling, the thunder is shining, and it is extremely domineering!

At the root of the sword, the original word Jinghong was also erased by Ling Tian.

Instead, there are four other words.

Thundering away from the fire.

That's right, this is exactly the name Ling Tian chose for the new sword.

Thundering away from the fire, this sword that hides the majesty of the heavenly weapon, the day the sword is released, it will surely be named Zhongzhou!


The Thunder Dragon surrounded the sword body, as if suffocating enough power, wanting to vomit quickly.

"Xiao Lei, don't worry, let you kill yourself at that time!"


Ling Tian just returned the sword to its sheath, but the academy brand on his waist trembled.

Somewhat surprised, Ling Tian quickly took it out, but found that this sign turned out to be a reminder that the Phantom Flying Owl, who had been sent to the martial arts tower before, had spent all the contribution points and was about to be kicked out!

The Phantom Flying Owl should have come out long ago, but before Ling Tian came to the East Palace, he took the time to rush to the rankings, from the 50th place, directly won the 20th, and earned a huge amount of points to allow the Phantom to fly. The renewal fee has so far been.

Never thought, now that he has spent all his points and was kicked out.

This time, Ling Tianzai couldn't get the contribution value to squander this little guy.

"Hehe, if that's the case, then come out and see how much this martial arts tower can raise you to!"

Ling Tian smiled slightly and wiped it directly on the sign. The next moment, with a swish, a figure gradually appeared in front of Ling Tian's eyes.

However, Ling Tian looked at the figure in front of him, for a moment, he was actually dumbfounded.

"You...who are you?"

It's no wonder that Ling Tian was surprised. At this time, standing in front of Ling Tian was a boy dressed in a snow-white shirt, who looked only thirteen or fourteen years old!

"According to your human race, I am your contracted beast pet, Phantom Flying Owl!"

This young man could understand Ling Tian's words, but his complexion looked a bit cold, and his eyes were especially deep and sharp, really like the eyes of a falcon!

"Are you Phantom Flying Owl?!"

Ling Tian looked at the young man and said in surprise.

This is also amazing.

At the beginning, Phantom Fei Xiao was just a cub, but now, is it already transformed?

This martial arts tower is too powerful, right?

"You know, when I let you in, you were so older..."

Ling Tian gestured with his hands.

However, this phantom Fei Xiao was not willing to talk very much. Instead, he stood behind Ling Tian, ​​holding his arms, and looked at the surrounding scenery for himself.

"Hehe, you're pretty cool. Why, did you be my Lingtian pets wronged you? What will you do? My Lingtian pets are used to confront the enemy, not for fun!"

Ling Tian said with a smile.



However, just as Ling Tian's voice fell, the young man suddenly disappeared into the air without a trace.

In an instant, Ling Tian frowned.

The Phantom Flying Owl was so close that he could never disappear under the cover of his spiritual thoughts.

But I don't know why, the breath of Phantom Feixiao disappeared directly in one breath!

What way is this?

However, before Ling Tian had time to think about it, there was another piercing sound, and suddenly the entire peach forest resounded in the distance behind him.

Suddenly, Ling Tian was the God of War, but he saw a white light, swiftly flying towards him.

When the white light comes and disappears, it is like a phantom, and it is like a teleport, a few flashes, it is close!

At this moment, Ling Tian could see clearly that this white light was the phantom flying owl transformed into a young man. He stretched out a golden claw and ran straight to his chest!


Ling Tian raised the corners of his mouth, and his arms crossed his chest in an instant.


The golden light was splashing, and the young man's golden claws were directly on Ling Tian's arm.

The immense strength made Ling Tian step back slightly.


Ling Tian is now so powerful that even Yang Tong and his like would never want to shake him easily!

But now, this boy has done it!

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