Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 885: Firewing Tyrannosaurus

Countless eyes suddenly shifted away, and then they all came down in amazement, because the top of the auction stage was an extremely large white bone.

This beast corpse is extremely large and peculiar, with a length of hundreds of feet, but the damage is a bit serious. It seems that only half of it is left, the head and tail are missing, but there is a pair of wings on the back. Bones.

Although he couldn't tell what kind of monster it was, the white skeleton was filled with ancient and wild-like aura, faintly, as if the pair of wings had the power to support the heaven and the earth.

"what is this?"

Ling Tian looked at this ancient beast skeleton with only one in surprise, and also subconsciously asked.


But at this moment, the prison fire stick behind him suddenly shook, and a message spread to Ling Tianyihai.

The name of an unfamiliar monster beast sounded in Ling Tian's mind.

"Firewing Tyrannosaurus!?"

Ling Tian was very surprised, and asked in the sea of ​​mind with divine thoughts.

"Haha, that's right, unexpectedly, I can still meet this guy's direct blood relatives here!"

Hell Yanyi’s voice sounded, "Tsk tsk, I think at the beginning, in the upper realm, this thing was my favorite to eat, but Ling Tian, ​​let me tell you, this firewing tyrannosaurus is very strong, although the bones in front of them are not his, but But it also has the blood of the dragon family, it should be called the Flame Winged Dragon Armored Beast, in the upper realm, although it is spurned by other dragon beasts, in this world, it is definitely the overlord!"

"Moreover, this thing must have been extinct long ago!"

"So it's not an orthodox dragon? Then what use do I want this thing for?"

Ling Tian said disappointedly.

"Hehe, you can't use it, is that the dragon used it?"

Ling Tian shook his head, "It's useless, what Xiao Lei lacks is the power of the soul, this guy has only bones left."

"Hey, this is what you don't know. The Tyrannosaurus Flame Wing is different from other monsters. After it dies, its soul power will not dissipate, but is hidden in the depths of the eighth bone of its spine! If you can obtain it, even if the dragon armor beast's remaining soul power is not much, it is strong enough, the soul power of the little dragon will not directly skyrocket?" Hell Yanyan said with a smile.


Hearing that, Ling Tian's eyes lit up instantly, and the Rainbow Sword was unable to transform into a strong form due to the lack of soul power of the Thunder Dragon, but now if it can obtain the soul power of this Flame Winged Dragon, it will undoubtedly be Let Jinghong Sword evolve to complete body directly!

And this, isn't it what Ling Tian has been eagerly looking forward to all the time.

The Jinghong Sword followed Ling Tian for so long, and it was unable to make the Jinghong Sword's real sword dominate the world. It was always a knot in Ling Tian's heart.

However, the increase in the soul power of the spirit of the weapon is no small matter. If he could devour the spirits of any monster at will, it would be simple.

However, Xiao Lei in the Rainbow Sword had dragon blood, and he could only absorb the soul power of the dragon dragon blood.

Therefore, in addition to this, Xiao Lei wanted to break through to the spirit strength comparable to the Jinghong Sword rank, only to slowly accumulate by himself.

And that will be a long process.

Xiao Lei couldn't wait, and Ling Tian couldn't wait either.

Here, Ling Tian's heart was hot.

This pair of bones, he is bound to win.

The huge forest white beast remains standing on the auction stage, and the wild aura spreads in waves, as if it made the surrounding air some signs of shaking.

This scene made many people a little discolored. They were just half-beast skeletons. They possessed this kind of power. I really don't know how powerful this beast would be when it was alive.

In the auction room, many people's eyes were gathered on the stage, and they were whispering. From this kind of momentum, even if many people don't know what kind of monster the skeleton is, they can still guess it. Extraordinary.

"Hey, what kind of monster is this, it's so weird!"

Li Mu was also very curious and puzzled, beckoning all over, a gray-haired old man leaned over.

"His Royal Highness..."

"Old Li, you traveled north and south with my father in the early years and traveled all over the nine states. Do you know what kind of monster bones this is?" Li Mu asked.


Lao Li looked at the bones for a while, and finally shook his head, "It's true that you, Your Highness, the old minister has never seen this thing. This monster should be extremely huge during his lifetime. This is only a small half of his middle body. There may be some clues about the skull of this monster, but now..."

He sighed, but did not give an answer.

"Okay, but this skeleton is powerful, should its value be not low, right?" Li Mu was a little disappointed.

"No, your Highness, if this monster beast has just died and the blood of the monster beast still exists in its skeleton, it is naturally an extremely precious thing. But this skeleton has obviously existed thousands of years ago, or even longer. I can’t feel any energy of the essence and blood in it, and the power of the soul has already dissipated. Except for its bones, which may be able to study it, it is of little value."

That Li said.

"Okay, this king understands."

Li Mu nodded, and the slightest thought about the skeleton in his heart was also dispelled.

"Everyone, this skeleton was salvaged from the depths of the North Sea by the adventure warrior. Although it is not clear what monster beast it is, it must be an ancient beast. There is no blood in its bones. But it's still a strange thing! This skeleton is used to refine weapons' blades or grind bone meal to refine pills. It's not bad." Song Zhe shifted his gaze away from the huge beast skeleton and looked at the audience.

"So, the auction price of this skeleton is five billion!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience suddenly turned off. This amount of spirit coins is not a small number even for most warriors, and this is only the starting price. If what they are in front of is a top martial art, perhaps they will grit their teeth, but if they are asked to buy a beast skeleton at this price, even if the beast skeleton looks good, it will inevitably be a little distressed.

"Hehe, Yunding really is a lion who speaks loudly..." Ling Tian also sneered, secretly saying that this guy absolutely doesn't know the details of this skeleton, but it is still so expensive, which is really a profiteer.

However, this price is still within the range that Ling Tian can accept.

If it is true that the essence of this thing is hidden deep in its bones, then if Xiao Lei's soul power can skyrocket, no matter how much it spends, it is worth it.

He will certainly do whatever it takes!

You know, Ling Tian had high hopes for the Rainbow Sword, but Ling Tian made a mistake in his judgment, resulting in the Rainbow Sword being just a sword embryo, and so, the Rainbow Sword could not exert its powerful combat power. Jinghongjian's position was a bit awkward.

Now that the royal hunt is about to start, it will be a fight by then, and the intensity will be stronger than before. In that kind of place, even Ling Tian dare not pack up and say that he can go smoothly, so if you can refine the Jinghong sword right now Completely, that is undoubtedly a great help for Ling Tian, ​​so it is definitely not let go.

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