Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3059: The pattern of escape from the dead has changed dramatically

"Ling Tian, ​​this person is invincible, so hurry up!"

Inside Taoyuan, Liu Yao exclaimed.

This supernatural power is really horrible, unless Ling Tian hides in Taoyuan, but Taoyuan is also very likely to hold it in his hand with a big hand on his back. At that time, everything may happen.

"Made, if I want to go, I have to take away my dragon blood!"

But how could Ling Tian be willing?

No matter if the classics in this golden palace can't be comprehended, the blood of the dragon can't just give up like that.

Ling Tian's figure flashed, and collected the blood of the sky in the temple, and then hidden the heavenly gods, urging them to the extreme, madly, and fleeing outside the enchantment.

However, it seems that it is too late.

The big hand that covered the sky, with endless flame coercion, descended on the golden palace.

Under the terrifying power of this magical power, all the gods of Ling Tian were hidden, all at this moment, being severely restricted.

It is impossible for him to escape here with his own speed.

"Damn, who is this!?"

Ling Tian was frightened.

Such magical powers are definitely not the work of Tianjiao.

Could it be that it was the Lord of the Divine Burial in the mouth of the Golden Phoenix, the former God of the Fire Department, Luo Xuan?

I was surprised, but there is not much I can do now.

In Ling Tian's hands, that Yunxing Sword manifested.

Even in the face of Fu Yunqi and the others, he never considered using that terrifying mysterious sword.

But this time, he also had to use this sword technique to save his life.

"Give me, open!"

Mysterious sword, directly slashed out of the sky.

At the beginning, this sword, in Taoyuan, almost smashed the power of the law.

Liuyao even said that once the divine sword was cut to pieces by a single sword, it had the rhyme of this sword.

Ling Tian didn't know what the name of this sword technique was, or who created it, but this sword was extremely terrifying.

There is no doubt about this.

The sword that was used with all his might, as if to break the ground.

It turned into a shocking sword energy and slashed on the big flame hand.


With a muffled sound, although this sword could not directly tear such a terrifying hand in half, it caused the big hand to suddenly stop on the golden palace.

How precious is the moment of breathing?

Ling Tian directly used the Universe Movement Dafa of the Sanqing Clone Technique and disappeared within the barrier.

At the moment when Ling Tian disappeared.

The sword energy of that mysterious sword was crushed by the big hand of flame, and the whole golden palace was held tightly by the big hand and rose from the ground.


Five thousand miles away from the Golden Temple barrier.

Ling Tian's clone aura suddenly changed and merged with the body.

However, at this moment, he looked in the direction of the golden hall, but found that the golden hall had been caught in the palm of his hand by the magical powers, and then slowly disappeared into the gap above the sky, but only ten A few breaths, the cracks in the sky, slowly healed.

Everything was restored to its original state.

If it weren't for the huge deep pit left by the disappearance of the scarlet scorched earth and the golden palace within a thousand miles, Ling Tian felt that this might be just a dream.

"Oh my God, what is going on? Golden Palace, it's gone!?"

Tian Xiao looked at everything in front of him from a distance, his face blank.

Just now, a group of Tianjiao still killed you to death for this golden temple, it is inextricably difficult to distinguish, but now, they were snatched by a sudden emergence of supernatural powers?

"The golden palace opportunity has disappeared, let's go!"

Ling Tian was still panting heavily. He didn't expect that even his current mysterious sword could not smash that big flame hand. ’

You must not stay here for a long time, it is better to leave as soon as possible.

At this time, on the ground of the battlefield of the gods, dozens of beams of light have appeared, which are the formations leading to the outside of the battlefield.

The battlefield of the gods is on the verge of collapse, and if you can't escape, it's a death.

Summoning Xiaoqing, everyone fell on their backs, turned into a green light, and disappeared in place.

"Damn it, all previous efforts have been lost!"

Fu Yunqi also shouted angrily.

But he also understands that this big hand is extremely terrifying, even if the Yu Beast Tianjiao inside has a fake artifact in his hand, he can't stop it. He just doesn't know if that guy is dead!

"let's go!"

Looking at Ji Heng and Ren Duxing who came back, Ji Heng raised his hand and led the crowd, Yu Feng left.

At this moment, on the entire land of the battlefield of the gods, all Tianjiao all fled.

In this round of the battlefield of the gods, many names of Tianjiao disappeared from the list.

There are also many Tianjiao who got the chance against heaven during the period.

No matter what happens in the end, the battlefield of the gods will affect the pattern of the next trial road.

A month later, Ling Tian and others returned to Hanxing City.

During this period, Ling Tian also handed over to Ji Jiuyou, one of the top ten ancient imperial artifacts, Huangquan Wushou. The fragments of the divine power of the longevity world were given to the pro Mingyue. Suitable for this kind of supernatural power.

The girls left and returned to the node city where they were.

Before John Star City.

Everyone in Ling Tian couldn't help letting out a long sigh.

The line of the battlefield of the gods is really ups and downs.

Fortunately, they all returned safely.

Moreover, going out this time has benefited them a lot.

Tian Xiao not only obtained the divine power of the sage realm, but also succeeded in stepping into the realm of the quasi-emperor.

Jin Jin'er and the two daughters also received a few laws and their combat power skyrocketed.

As for the Star Coin, it's not bad.

At the very least, it is still possible to maintain the current ranking.

Of course, the eyes of the three of them all fell on Ling Tian. The others didn't know it, but Ling Tian definitely gained a lot from this trip to the battlefield of the gods.

Not to mention the vast array of magical powers and magical powers and the art of law, the celestial arrogant who killed them, their star coins were all made for Ling Tian.

Although those star coins cannot be used to make the list.

But it is possible to buy treasures from Hanxing City.

"Don't look at me like that, your eldest brother is just an ordinary person."

Ling Tian shrugged.

"Ghost letter, although we didn't follow you, but on the road for more than ten years, the zealous Yu Beast Tianjiao is definitely the eldest brother you!"

Concubine Yu Zi curled her lips.

"Oh!? Look, the information in the token has been updated. Yuan Gu and Li Chunfeng have returned safely to their respective star cities."

At this moment, the Jin Jiner said suddenly.

"Oh!? Yuan Gu and Li Chunfeng are back!? What do they say, has the other golden palace been taken away?"

When everyone heard the words, they all looked over.

The whereabouts of another golden palace is very critical.

"Hehe, just like us, they were all taken away by a big flame that fell from the sky."

Jin Zhen'er smiled and shook his head, "However, in that golden palace, Yuan Gu got a sword of ancient emperor weapon-Ogma Swallowing Heaven Sword."

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