Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 3010: Are you a descendant of that guy?


Inside the tomb of Jianxiu.

Ling Tian and Xiao Qing walked with swords.

The space in the mausoleum is very large, there are many tomb passages, and there are many undead entrenched in it.

These undead were all the burials of Emperor Zhun Xiu Jianxiu.

Here they turned into undead souls, and I don't know how many thousands of years they have practiced.

They practiced by absorbing the essence of heaven, earth and stars in the starry sky, although the speed is very slow, but the most important thing is time.

Therefore, these almost endless undead, each of which has a combat power, is enough to match the ordinary quasi emperor.

Ling Tian and Xiao Qing slashed one after another with Yun Xing Sword. These undead could not stop Ling Tian from taking a step.

After half an hour.

Ling Tian smashed a giant gate made of steel in front of him with a sword, and stepped into the main chamber of the mausoleum.

Until then, Ling Tian saw the so-called Protoss sword repair.

The tombs of the Protoss are different from those of the Humans.

They were not buried in the coffin, but copied everything they had in their lives.

At this moment, the main tomb looked like a temple.

On both sides, there are the Protoss sword attendants standing, and in the middle is a straight Shinto.

At the end of Shinto, there is a sacred throne.

And above the throne, there is a protoss quasi-emperor in the form of undead sitting.

He was full of blue-gold undead light, but in his hand, he was holding a dazzling golden sword.

This golden sword is a genuine weapon.

Moreover, the high casting technique and the superb quality of materials are rare in the world.

There is not much difference from the quality of imperial instruments.

However, what shocked Ling Tian's heart most was that he still felt the soul of the sword in this golden sword.

This is definitely a sword soul who has cultivated for tens of thousands of years.

The power of its sword soul is even more terrifying than this undead form of the Protoss sword repair.

"Hehe, that sword intent a day ago, it really was you!"

On the throne, the undead sword repairman stood up holding the giant sword.

His gaze was squinting, looking at Ling Tian, ​​but his gaze finally fell on the Yunxing Sword in Ling Tian's hand.

"Yes, yes, it is a sword made of Yunxing Shen Iron. No, this sword has a different hilt. It looks like... a divine sword?"

"This sword-making technique belongs to my **** race. It should have been lost under the heavens. How did you refine it?"

A hint of surprise flashed across Jian Xiu's face.

"Hehe, it seems, I don't have to explain this to you, you are just a dead spirit!"

The blade in Ling Tian's hand was drooping.

The voice is indifferent.

"Hahahaha, an undead!? What!? You, a descendant of the ninth-order immortal, dare to mock our undead?"

"Tell you, when this seat was alive, he was a famous sword repairer in the Protoss race, my name is Gongsun Canglan!"

"Today, if you are good at breaking into my tomb, then you will definitely die!"

"You have a good sword in your hand, just use it for me!"

That sword repaired a grinning laugh, suddenly raised the golden giant sword in his hand and cut it down!


In an instant, the sword spirit burst out from within, transforming into a colorful golden tiger, hidden in the sword's edge, and a sword blasted down.

This protoss sword repair is an epee, and when the sword comes out, it sinks vigorously, like a tiger, pressing the top of Mount Tai.

"Excalibur Yulei, cut!"

Ling Tian naturally wouldn't be able to hold it big either, the Star Containing Sword in his hand bloomed with tens of thousands of stars, and when he raised his hand, he slashed it with one sword.

It is still the word cutting style of the Excalibur Yulei Zhenjue.

But with this sword, Ling Tian had no idea how many years he had cultivated.


There was a blast. ,

Two sword lights shattered in the hall.

The entire hall visible to the naked eye began to collapse.

Under the regret of the powerful at this level, the tomb of the mountain gods cannot bear it.


But Ling Tian took two steps back under this sword.

This undead sword repair is indeed extraordinary in combat power. Not only is it extremely powerful, the golden sword in his hand and the sword technique displayed are also top-notch, and it is not inferior to Ling Tian's current Yunxing Sword and Divine Sword Yulei.

Even, the current rank of Excalibur Yulei is no longer as good as the opponent.

However, that Excalibur Sword Repair was also under this sword, backing back again and again.

The throne behind him was shattered.

The giant sword in his hand kept buzzing, and the light of the undead on his arm was shaking.

He is the body of the undead, the flesh is not tyrannical.

Therefore, under this sword, retreat one after another.

In this way, after one move, this sword repair turned out to be a disadvantage.


Protoss Jianxiu finally realized Ling Tian's fierceness. Such existence is definitely not an ordinary Tianjiao.

"Which fairy world are you from!?"

Ling Tian raised his sword and stepped forward, "Ha ha ha, it's okay to tell you this, I'm from the Haotian Realm!"

"Haotian Realm!? No, this divine sword Yulei Zhenju, it should be the unspoken secret of the prehistoric realm, how could it fall into your hands."

"Wait, Haotian Realm!? Could it be that you are not a descendant of which fellow!?"

That Protoss sword repair seemed to think of something terrifying, his face changed drastically.

"I remember, the hilt of this sword was owned by that guy once."

"It's been more than ten thousand years, this sword has actually come to the tomb of God again!"

"Who on earth are you talking about! Tell me, I will make your death easier." Ling Tian raised the Yunxing Sword and pointed directly at the undead.

It seems that this guy recognizes the master of the Star Sword.

Ling Tian knew that he and the owner of this sword were inextricably linked.

But all the guides, including Liu Yao and others, just didn't say anything.

He wants to solve this secret by himself.

"Don't you know it yourself!?"

However, that Jian Xiu was startled, and immediately sneered: "Naturally, I don't have to tell you."

"It's okay, since you are his descendants, you naturally have the inheritance of that guy. It's really God's help to my Gongsun Canglan. After more than ten thousand years, I finally hope to get out of this god's tomb!"


The sword repairer suddenly laughed like crazy, and then looked at Ling Tian with bitter eyes, "Sword Servant, it's time to use you, go together and kill him for me!"

As his voice fell, the sword attendant who had originally stood here in the hall suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a surge of weather in his body, which was comparable to an ordinary quasi emperor, and he swung his sword towards Ling Tian.

The combat power of these sword attendants is much stronger than the undead in the tomb passage before, and there are also many such sword attendants in the main hall.

With such a strong combat force, even Ling Tian is not easy to deal with.

"Hmph, a bunch of dirty things should turn into dust!"

Xiaoqing had been standing behind Ling Tian, ​​looking at the besieging sword attendant, suddenly furious, the one who was not afraid of death turned into a green light and rushed into the sword attendant.

Suddenly, the sound of the blade breaking and breaking one after another.

Xiaoqing blocked the sword attendant, Ling Tian's sword light flashed, and he took the Protoss sword for repair.

"Don't tell me yet!?"

With a click, the blade of the sword was in regret, Ling Tian raised the sword, and the sword repair was shaken back again.

"Hmph, don't be mad, you can't beat me in my tomb!"

Protoss Sword Xiu smiled, although Ling Tian was tyrannical, but within a short time, he couldn't kill him.

But there were so many sword attendants in the hall, and when the monster race was destroyed, Ling Tian would still die.

"Brother, here I am!"

At this moment, a large palm formed by the awe-inspiring righteousness fell in the hall, knocking over a dozen swordsmen, Tian Xiao unfolded the white jade fan and appeared behind Xiao Qing.

"Watch out!"

However, before Xiao Xiao was handsome that day, dozens of sword attendants raised the giant swords in their hands, and they were about to chop them down.

"Damn, why so much!"

Tian Xiao was also dumbfounded.

There are no one thousand swordsmen in this temple, but eight hundred!

"Boom boom!"

Seeing that Tian Xiao was about to be swallowed, at this time, a burst of purple arrows burst out from the tomb passage, nailing all the sword servants around Tian Xiao and Xiao Qing.

Concubine Yu Zi, who was enveloped in the flames of the emperor, also appeared in front of the hall with a long bow in her hand.

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