Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2953: The Secret of Haotian【Thanks to Jiangsu Kete for unblocking】

"Hehe, Qin Yu is here just right, let me introduce you to you."

Yuan Tiangang blew his beard, but when he looked at Ling Tian and Di Jiuge, he frowned. For a while, he didn't know who to introduce first. After all, both of them are not easy to provoke.

"This is the famous emperor of the human race Jiuge girl, right? Next, the descendant of Emperor Zi Hengwu, Qin Yu!"

However, before Yuan Tiangang's introduction, Qin Yu took the initiative to step forward.

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Qin Yu with his hands. He found that his eyes were always on Di Jiuge's body, but he made a cold snort in his heart.

It seems that Qin Yu came out this time because he wanted to fight Di Jiuge! ?

Think about it, it's true.

Qin Yu and Di Jiuge, one is the emperor, and the other is the emperor.

But Di Jiu Ge has always been decided within a short period of time.

How could this Qin Yu get involved! ?

An emperor...

The emperor will not work either.

For a while, Ling Tian looked at that Qin Yu's gaze, and gradually became gloomy and cold.

Although it was the first time that he and Qin Yu met, if he wanted to steal a woman from himself, then this Qin Yu was the enemy!


However, Qin Yu said with a smile, but Di Jiuge didn't even look at it, just faintly said.

This made the atmosphere a little embarrassing for a while.

Then Qin Yu's face changed even more, and he was in a dilemma, and his face was a little flushed.

"Uh, hehe, that's right, this is my big apprentice Qin Yu, with emperor blood and great talent!"

"This is Gao Xing, the second apprentice, the third apprentice Luluo, the fourth apprentice Pound, the fifth apprentice Liu Ji, Xiaoliu and Xiaoqi, you all know each other."

Finally, Yuan Tiangang looked at Zijin and Mo Yuan.

In Chaoge City, Zijin and Mo Yuan both had intersections with Di Jiuge.

"This one, don't need me to say, you also know, the only descendant of Emperor Yuxu Wu, the daughter of the emperor family, Emperor Jiuge!"

"I have seen the emperor girl!"

All the apprentices all saw the courtesy one after another, but Qin Yu's expression was obviously restraining.

"This is what I have often told you about, my human race, today's most outstanding genius, the lord of the big man, Ling Tian!"

However, when Yuan Tiangang finished the introduction.

The scene was quiet for a while.

Somewhat embarrassing.

"Yes, I have always heard Master Ling Tian Gongzi talk to me, and now I see it, it is really well-deserved, I think, in our academy, there are only big brothers who can compare to Ling Tian Gongzi."

Luluo finally reacted.

Now Ling Tian, ​​even though he has beard and his appearance does not seem to be young and handsome, but his whole body still exudes that **** charm.

Naturally, Luluo couldn't look away.

However, her words fell, and all of the brothers suddenly sneered.

"Hehe, just like him!? Old, ugly, and not terrible. What praise him for!?"

But Di Jiuge sneered.

"You! Your mouth is poisonous, I didn't provoke you, right?"

Ling Tian scratched his neck, and said to his heart what is the situation of this Emperor Nine Songs, and what is the sum of his own?

However, these two words seemed to be tit-for-tat, but it made Qin Yu's face instantly gloomy.

He is an emperor, but Di Jiuge didn't even look at him.

What is Ling Tian?

It looks like noisy, but it is clearly a familiar feeling.

Some even seem to be flirting!

For a moment, Qin Yu looked at Ling Tian, ​​his hands behind his back suddenly clenched tightly.

"No, I don't want you to provoke me, you better stay away from me!"

Di Jiuge held his chin up.

"It seems that who is willing to provoke you!" Ling Tian sneered and looked at Yuan Tiangang, "Senior asked me to come over, do you have important matters to discuss?"

"Why don't we say it inside!?"

"Okay, okay!" Yuan Tiangang was stunned, and then nodded again and again, looking at the disciples, "I will tell Ling Tian first, you are good to be with the emperor girl."

"Hehe, don't have to stay here, Qin Yu, you are a big brother, you can take me to appreciate the scenery of Kunwu Academy, and find me a place to live. One month before the event, I will live in the academy. Up!"

However, that Emperor Jiuge spoke.

In an instant, Ling Tian and Qin Yu were both startled.

A hint of surprise flashed across the latter's face!

Originally, Qin Yu was still lost in his heart, but he did not expect that now it was Liu Yinhua who became clear!

Di Jiuge will live in the academy until the grand event opens! ?

Then near the water tower, within a month, he had enough time to get the heart of Di Jiuge.

No matter what is going on between her and Ling Tian, ​​Qin Yu is confident, as long as he is given time, his ability and charm are enough to replace Ling Tian.

Ling Tian, ​​a mere master of the immortal dynasty, what a thing! ?

"Okay, the emperor will come with me!"

With a gentle smile, Qin Yu led Di Jiuge away.

"Tsk tusk, there seems to be a good show, brother!" Zi Jin whispered behind Mo Yuan.

"I'm afraid it's a good show." Mo Yuan shook his head.

"Haha, Ling Tian, ​​let's go!"

Yuan Tiangang said.

"Well, senior please!"

Ling Tian took a deep look at the di Jiuge and Qin Yu who had left, and followed Yuan Tiangang into the hall.

In the main hall, only Ling Tian and Yuan Tiangang remained.

However, as soon as he entered the hall, Ling Tian discovered that this Kunwu Hall was similar to the Thousand Star Sect Hall he had seen before when he was in the Lower Realm.

Even in this hall, three deities are enshrined.

It was exactly the same as the one he had seen in the Nether before!

At that time, Ling Tian remembered that the head of this idol was called Tianzun by Yuan Tiangang.

It is said that he has a very high status and is the master of Yuan Tiangang's way.

For Jun Tian, ​​Ling Tian now knows better, but Ling Tian knows nothing about this so-called Tianzun.

Now, this Yuan Tiangang not only got the Kunlun Ruins from Emperor Wutian Wu, but he was also able to openly erect statues of gods to worship them in this hall, which really surprised Ling Tian.

Could this be allowed by Haotian! ?

Within the scope of Xiling City, Emperor Wutian was definitely the only god.

However, even though he was suspicious in his heart, Ling Tian still lighted three incense sticks after walking into the hall and before the **** statue to light the offering.

"Senior, the younger generation is really curious, you have really met Emperor Wutian Wutian five hundred years ago!?"

Ling Tian inserted the incense into the incense burner, turned around and asked.


Yuan Tiangang's beard is very mysterious.

"But as far as I know, at least these five hundred years, the emperors of all races have never appeared in the immortal realm, as if collectively disappeared. My preliminary judgment is that they should have left the immortal realm, or have gone outside the realm. , Could it be that this does not include Emperor Wudi of the Celestial Clan!?"

Ling Tian looked at Yuan Tiangang.

Whether Haotian was in this Haotian Emperor Palace was very important to Ling Tian.

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