Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2943: The heavens are not worthy!

"It's him again!?"

Ling Tian pursed his mouth and sneered suddenly, "Fortunately, he is not here this time, otherwise, I have to make him look good!"

"He is Duo Wentian's eldest son, and among the imperial palace Tianjiao, he has a high status. If you want to beat him up, wait fifty years later." Qin Mingyue smiled.

"Don't worry, I won't let him go."

Suddenly, Ling Tian looked at the distant sky, "Heaven Clan is here!"

Sure enough, Ling Tian's voice fell, and thunderclouds rolled over the mountains in the sky.

A tyrannical coercion spread, and it had not yet manifested itself, but there was a sound, sounding.

"Eastern patrol angel Nian Xili, whoever killed my heavenly clan **** will come out of Dawn to receive punishment!"

The voice billowed like thunder, and in the cloud, thousands of heavenly clan warlords faintly appeared.

"Hehe, the patrol angel of the East..."

"I'm waiting for you!"

Ling Tian rose from the top of the Breaking Dawn Pass, looking at the billowing thundercloud.

"These heavenly tribes, descending on my big Han Shouyang Mountain, ruining my great formation, killing my tribe, deserve to die!"

"Presumptuous! The heavenly clan is the nobleman of the immortal world, even if there is a mistake, how can you allow you to beheaded!?"

"Lord of the big man!? Get out of the game and catch it!"

The patrol angel said angrily.

"Haha, catch it with your hands, you deserve it too!?"

Ling Tian snorted coldly and blasted out with a punch. The quasi-emperor-level supernatural power surged out, and the punch was to disperse the thundercloud on that day.

Thousands of warriors of the Celestial Clan on it, people turn their backs on their horses.

Even an angel patrol could not stop Ling Tian's punch.

"Ling Tian, ​​you are so courageous, you really think that my Celestial Clan dare not move you, you have moved your Dahan Immortal Chao."

The patrol angel said with shame.

"Hehe, you can try!"

Ling Tian sneered, the Ten Thousand Beast Cauldron above his head directly manifested the light and shadow of thousands of feet, the giant cauldron slowly turned, and finally fell into the eyes of the Dawn Pass.


With the blessing of the Ten Thousand Beast Cauldron, the entire Jiuding Imperial Sky Formation, the light surging, and the tenacity, rose to another level.

In the previous battle with the Dark Demon Clan, Ling Tian had already obtained a Fallen Celestial Cauldron, and now the Jiuding Yutian Great Formation already has six Heavenly Treasure Cauldrons, and the Six Yao Cauldrons as the eyes, strength , Has been very impressive.

Not only that, there is also a one-strength tripod in Taoyuan that is useless. When the eight tripod furnace is inserted into the formation, the Jiuding Formation will be unprecedentedly powerful. When the ninth tripod arrives, then the Jiuding Imperial Sky Formation will open up. In the state of victory, even the quasi emperor would never want to smash the big formation in a short period of time.

"This is... the Cauldron of Ten Thousand Beasts! Why is the Cauldron of Ten Thousand Beasts in the Fourth Divine Palace in your hands!?"

The angel patrol was furious.

"Hehehe, you don’t deserve to ask me questions. After you go back, tell the Fourth Shrine of the Celestial Clan. If you want to trouble me, you can, I’m Ling Tian, ​​always waiting, but if you still dare to hurt my human race, I’m Ling Tian, ​​and They never die!"

After all, Ling Tian and Qin Mingyue left.

"Ling Tian!"

"The Ten Thousand Beast Cauldron should be the thing of the five sons of Lord Guangmu Tian, ​​but now it is in the hands of Ling Tian. Is it possible that the **** of the purple mansion..."

The patrol angel's face changed, and he hurriedly left with a group of heavenly races.

Luoyang City.

Ling Tian had just left for three days.

However, Luoyang's plan to organize the Taiji Shrine was spreading at a terrifying speed. Now, no one knows about the warriors in the entire Han territory.

It is said that the Taiji Academy will be taught martial arts by the top experts in the entire Han Dynasty. Moreover, the eight masters of the hidden world will take out all the classics collected in the family for use by the students of the Taiji Academy.

This is a bolt from the blue for Tianjiao of all races.

After the Tai Chi Academy is completed, it will become the holy place for the entire human race to seek for the most!

However, at this time in the Luoyang City Palace, the Dahan, including the Dugu Patriarch, were all frowning.

The affairs of the academy are proceeding in an orderly manner, and it's almost complete.

But there was no news from Ling Tian.

If you can't find the Tao in the secret realm outside the sky, then the Taiji Academy will not be able to do it.

Moreover, the realm outside the sky must be in the territory of the Han Dynasty.

At Shouyang Mountain, it is already a border, and theoretically, it is not an ideal place for academy.

"Don't worry, Ling Tian will definitely be able to do it, it won't trouble him!"

Kwai Cailin hugged her shoulder and said.


Soon after the voice of Kwai Cailin fell, the sky suddenly began to shake.

Under the sound of muffled thunder, it was as if the entire sky was about to split.

The warriors in the entire Luoyang city were suddenly shocked.

This kind of astronomical change is extraordinary.

Because, in Luoyang city, there are now all the top powerhouses of the entire Great Han Dynasty.

Moreover, the main line of the Jiuding Yutian Great Array is also in Luoyang City. Even the powerhouse at the level of a quasi-emperor would never want to invade Luoyang City easily.

But now this celestial phenomenon...

"Wait, there seems to be something coming down from the sky!"

Ranxiang said suddenly.

"Falling from the sky!? What would it be!? This movement is a bit too terrifying."

Everyone was even more surprised.

This kind of astronomical phenomenon does not seem to be offensive to Luoyang City by a strong person.

"Oh my God, look, it looks like a mountain river!?"

Suddenly, Ling Nian pointed his fingers high.

At this time, everyone looked there with amazement, and indeed found that there was a mountain and river above the sky, manifesting!

The speed is getting faster and faster, and finally, they discovered that, above the sky, appeared in a fairy house!

They actually saw a magnificent and sacred temple at the end of that mountain and river!

"Hey, this...is it possible that the realm outside the sky!?"

Suddenly, Patriarch Dugu was the first to react.

"Haha, it must be, this must be the legendary realm outside the sky!"

"It's your Majesty Ling Tian, ​​your Majesty has succeeded!"

Other powerhouses are also overjoyed.

Finally, the realm beyond the sky all manifested in the high sky thousands of miles away from Luoyang City.

At this height, the entire fairyland was suspended above Luoyang City like a piece of land, and the sky and the earth were dim.

"Dahan officials, go to the school palace!"

Ling Tian's figure appeared in front of the fairy hall, and the Patriarch Dugu and others were overjoyed, flying out one after another, heading straight to the realm beyond that day.

At this moment, such a grand scene fell in the eyes of Luoyang City warriors, and for a while, it was completely dumbfounded.

Beyond the sky! ?

Is it possible that your Majesty Ling Tian has moved a place outside the sky to Luoyang City! ?

If this is true.

What a mighty power of heaven and earth! ?

At least, they can't even think about it.

It is unheard of!

In front of the Taiji Hall, when Patriarch Dugu, Ling Nian and others climbed the 90,000 layers of stairs, they were completely stunned by the weather of the Immortal Hall.

Especially the Tai Chi Hall plaque on that hall.

The emperor's will is permeated, shrouded in the entire Tianwai territory, and they are all fighting power, from the inside out, they are all solemn and respectful.

Emperor Yi!

So it can be seen that this immortal palace in this outer world is absolutely extraordinary!

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