Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2920: Mercilessly kill

Even Yun Yang, there is no possibility of resistance.

The big hand was playing with the Promise Clock, but there was a little disappointment in his heart. If the Heavenly Treasure, such as the Ding Lu, would be fine.

But after all, it is also the treasure of the sky, within the combat power of the realm of Xianzun, it is definitely a top treasure.

The Promise Clock disappeared after a flash, and was put away by Ling Tian.

However, that Yun Yang spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Although the Wuji Bell had not been completely refined in his body, Ling Tian's grabbing so much still caused him to be instantly injured.

But Yun Yang also knew that Ling Tian wanted to kill him, and a breath was enough.

"Now, still have the confidence to annex the big man and take control of the human race?"

Ling Tian soared, floating above Yun Yang's head.

"Hehe, okay, I Yunyang knows that I am far behind you this time, and it's useless to say anything. If you want to kill me, then please!"

That Yunyang sneered.

He knew that he might not be able to survive, but he really didn't show much fear.

It's just a pity that he obtained the ancient wood spirit of the golden phoenix tree in the Tianzhu secret realm. Relying on this energy, he used more than half a year to increase his combat power to a level comparable to that of Tier 9 Immortal Venerable.

But now, there is still not enough time.

Otherwise, he also has the confidence to make himself a powerful existence like Ling Tian.

He is not afraid, but unwilling.

"It's cheaper to kill you now. I'm still too late. You will have to pay for the death of the warriors of the Shen family and the Feng family."

"But before I kill you, I want the demon race who knows nothing about life and death to know about my human race and don't deceive!"

Ling Tian suddenly turned around and looked in the direction of Zhushan that day.

"Lord Lei Peng, since he has entered this Tianzhu Wonderland, do he still want to run?"

Ling Tian's voice, like a sharp sword, shot directly at the collapsing Tianzhu Mountain.

And at the moment its sound fell, a scream sounded, and immediately, a flash of thunder blasted away, the direction turned out to be outside the fairyland of the day!

Just Ling Tian's sonic wave sword, the sword intent made the Lord Lei Peng unable to bear it.

"Hehe, it's late!"

Ling Tian sneered. Although he was hundreds of miles away, he suddenly raised his hand and shot away again with a sword light.

That Lei Guang was locked by the Excalibur and struggled several times, but was still hit by Jian Guang directly!


With a scream, the figure fell from the sky before it had escaped far.

Ling Tian made a big move and directly detained the figure to the front.

At this time, a group of Terran warriors in the Shen family discovered that this person who came from being imprisoned after being seriously injured by Ling Tian turned out to be the lord of Lei Peng, the lord of the eighteen monsters!

And the Lei Peng clan that covers the sky, within the demon clan, but the status is respected.

The cultivation base of the master of the sky-shaking Lei Peng has reached the realm of the top Immortal Venerable. Even if his combat power is not enough for the Emperor Zhun, among the immortal Venerables, he is also a top tyrannical one!

But now, in front of Ling Tian, ​​he turned out to be like a pig and dog, vulnerable to a blow?

Is it possible that Ling Tian's combat power is already comparable to the quasi emperor! ?

Na Yunyang was even more frightened, but under his sleeve robe, there was a golden phoenix tree light flowing, carrying a trace of his soul, quietly overflowing into the air.

"You, are you really that Lingtian?"

Lord Lei Peng was detained under the coercion of Ling Tian.

At this time, half of his shoulder was cut to pieces by Jianguang.

His whole body was imprisoned by Ling Tian's divine mind, unable to move.

"Naturally, Lord Lei Peng, I really didn't think about it, you dare to extend your claws to my human race."

"Tired of living?"

Ling Tian sneered.

"Hehe, Ling Tian, ​​I admit that you are strong now, but before that, no human beings dare to talk to me!"

"Don't be proud, when my monster race is like your human race, there is no quasi emperor, no imperial palace, no emperor Wu?"

The lord of Lei Peng was screaming in anger, he wanted to live, he couldn't die in Ling Tian's hands.

"I advise you, let me go now!"

"Otherwise, my demon clan imperial palace will investigate it, and the human clan here will all die and be buried with you!"

"You big guy can't afford it either!"

The lord of Lei Peng waited for Ling Tian to curse.

"Hahahaha, Emperor Zhun? The imperial palace? You are also worthy to mention you Wudi of the Monster Race?"

Ling Tian Yangtian smiled, "Also, the Emperor Zhun you mentioned, but Qingyi?"

The lord of Lei Peng was startled, and secretly said that Ling Tian still knew Qingyi Zhundi?

"Tell you, before I came, I had seen Qingyi Zhundi, and I promised him, this time I only borrowed the Ten Thousand Demon Xianzhou, and will not do anything against the demon clan."

"But you dare to bring an army to my Human Race Tianzhu Wonderland, then I Ling Tian, ​​I must not be merciless!"

"Die to me!"

A hideous color rose on Ling Tian's face, and then he patted that Lei Peng with the next palm.

"Your leader of the Ascension Alliance and her apprentice are still in the hands of the army of my Lei Peng clan. If you dare to kill me, they will all die!"

Suddenly, the lord of Lei Peng roared.

"Hehe, Lord Lei Peng, do you think your army of hundreds of thousands of monster races is enough to see?"

However, Ling Tian did not wait for a response.

From the direction outside Tianzhu Wonderland, a dense fleet suddenly appeared.

The master of the fleet, even the entire Tianzhu Wonderland, surrounded it.

The hundreds of thousands of Lei Peng clan's army was locked by countless divine thoughts, and they didn't dare to move.

And a figure appeared in the Tianzhu Wonderland along with the voice of just now.

That was the arrogance of the hidden family, Li Ruochen.

At this moment, he was holding the unconscious leader Ranxiang in his arms.

Behind him, followed by the disciple of Ranxiang, Ouyang Yoona.

It turned out that when Yun Yang flew to the top of the pillar, Ranxiang was already in a coma, and Ouyang Yoona was not Yun Yang's opponent, but was captured.

Lei Peng still wanted to use this threat, but among the monster army, no one could be Li Ruochen's opponent.

"This, how is this possible!?"

The Lord Lei Peng was also dumbfounded when he looked at the dense human fleet in the distance.

This is at least another five million army! ?

These, the battle power aura of these five million human races, is far from comparable to the human races in the Ascension Alliance.

Even when compared with the martial arts level of the Lei Peng Clan, it was not weak.

Where did these human races come from?

Not only the lord of Lei Peng, but also the Immortal Venerables such as Shen Congfeng and Qin Zun of the Ascension Alliance, they couldn't believe their eyes now.

This Lingtian, could it be a magical technique! ?

"Hehe, I am here in Ling Tian, ​​there is nothing impossible, remember, this is what you Lei Peng clan asked for, don't blame my human clan!"

After all, Ling Tian's palm was directly photographed, even if Lei Peng was the master of the eighteen great monster races, he was still under this palm, and his body and spirit were destroyed.

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