Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2915: Qing Wing Zhun Emperor

In addition, if an army of tens of millions of ranks suppressed the realm, if they were really fighting, their five million demon clan coalition forces would really not be able to stop it.

However, behind them, there are after all the Ten Thousand Demon Immortal Prefecture, Ten Thousand Demon Immortal Prefecture, and the imperial palace. Therefore, although they were surprised, they were not afraid.

"The Dragon Clan Expeditionary Marshal Long Xuan, by the order of the Qingchen Emperor's Palace, borrowed the Ten Thousand Demon Xianzhou to go to the Tianzhu Wonderland."

Standing on the flagship of the army, Long Xuan spoke lightly, but his voice was shaking thousands of miles.

"Destiny of the Qingchen Emperor's Palace, expedition?"

"Who to conquer?"

Among the big demon demon lord, there is demon lord who spoke.

"No comment!"

Long Xuan's face gradually became gloomy and cold.

He knew that Ling Tian was impatient, and now he naturally didn't want to delay any time.

"Presumptuous, since you want to borrow my Ten Thousand Demon Xianzhou, your attitude is just so arrogant, is it easy to deal with when I am a demon?"

Those demon veterans were immediately angry.

This so-called Dragon Clan Grand Marshal was too mad.

"Let your quasi-emperor from the Ten Thousand Demons Underground Palace show up."

However, before Long Xuan could speak again, a voice suddenly rang from the army behind.

And when he opened his mouth, he named the quasi emperor of the monster clan.

"Master Zhundi?"

And those big demon demon venerable's heart was shocked even more.

The other side unexpectedly knew that there was a quasi-emperor in this frontier army! ?

"Hmph, who is talking, without showing his face, still wants to see my monster quasi-emperor? Delusion!"

Yao Zun sneered.

"I heard that there are two quasi emperors in the monster palace, Qingyi quasi emperor, and Chixiao quasi emperor. I guess, this time before my army, it is Qingyi quasi emperor!?"

"Human Lingtian, bring his army to the border of the monster race, and ask Qingyi Zhundi to show up!"

However, the sneer of the demon lord hadn't fallen yet, it was abruptly stagnated, a rush of weather, surging, even if the aura of those demon lord had been connected, but before this coercion, they were still invincible. The breath of half the sky collapsed instantly.

More than a dozen demon masters vomited blood and retreated.

He couldn't resist even a breath.

"Impossible, this kind of breath is the quasi emperor!?"

The demons were shocked.

When he suppressed them in an instant, only Zhundi could do it.

But this one in front of you is clearly a human race!

Moreover, they are no strangers to Ling Tian's name.

However, when did the Lord of the Han Dynasty become the quasi-emperor?

"Haha, Terran Lingtian..."

However, before and after Ling Tian appeared in the army, from the direction of the monster race, there was a surging weather.

In an instant, Ling Tian's breath was once again blocked from half the sky.

After that, a black figure appeared in front of the monster army.

At the moment when this figure appeared, the tens of thousands of troops after the dragon clan saw a huge cyan bat phantom that was tens of thousands of feet thick under the half of the sky, looming.

Sure enough, Ling Tian was right. The quasi-emperor who appeared in this monster race was Qingyi!

"I really didn't expect that not long after you left my monster clan, you would have grown to this level. My monster clan imperial palace still underestimated you!"

The black figure gradually manifested.

A demonic old man who looked like a human race came out from it.

Its aura is strong and solid, its great will is permeated, and its combat power aura is definitely not under the wind of the sky in a state of complete victory.

Second only to the Kuroshio.

"Hehe, Ling Mou is just a born child of the human race, so he doesn't need to worry about it from the imperial palace."

Ling Tian smiled slightly. Under the breath of Qingyi Zhundi, his face remained unchanged, and he was not affected at all.

"Lady? The younger generation is terrifying!"

Azure Wing Zhundi groaned, then raised his eyes and said: "I want to borrow the Dao Demon Race, I have no objection."

"But you, tens of thousands of troops, countless immortals, my imperial palace, I have to guard against it."

"I will bring the army of five million monsters to **** you to the Tianzhu Wonderland, and your army of tens of millions will pass through the Ten Thousand Demon Xianzhou in ten routes."

Qingyi Zhundi Road.

"No way."

However, Ling Tian shook his head and refused almost without thinking.

What a joke.

Thousands of thousands of troops passed through the Ten Thousand Demon Xianzhou in ten routes, and the human race couldn't wait.

And, being escorted to Tianzhu Wonderland by these five million army! ? Is this an **** or surveillance?

Being flatly rejected by Ling Tian, ​​the Azure Wing Zhundi's face suddenly sank.

Ling Tian did possess an aura comparable to that of a quasi-emperor, but Qingyi knew that whether it was a real quasi-emperor's combat power would depend on whether there was a trace of great will.

Obviously, Ling Tian is not even Xianzun, how can he have even a trace of Daoist Will?

"Ling Tian, ​​you have to know, I show up to give you face."

"Don't force me!"

Qingyi Zhundi said coldly.

"Senior Green Wing, you should also be aware that I am discussing with you, not under your orders, and you should not force me."

"As long as I can promise, if you and I fight against each other, you can't help me, let alone keep me."

"But with the five million army behind you, I can't guarantee their safety."

Ling Tian shrugged, and did not take Qingyi's threat to his heart.

For a time, two auras, clashing above the sky, no one has ever retreated.

The two-room fleet retreated thousands of miles.

The confrontation between these quasi-emperors changed the colors of heaven and earth, and it was really terrifying.

"Then what do you want?"

"It is absolutely impossible for a tens of millions of troops to cross my Ten Thousand Demon Immortal State. If you want to do so, my Qingyi and the five million troops behind me have done everything, and I will stop you from the Ten Thousand Demon Immortal State !"

"Ling Tian, ​​this is my bottom line, don't think that my monster race is easy to talk!"

After a long while, Qingyi took the lead to remove his breath.

Thousands of thousands of troops crossed the Ten Thousand Demon Xianzhou at one time, it was a blasphemy of the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor's Palace, Qingyi Zhundi would absolutely not tolerate it.

Ling Tian groaned, naturally he never thought of offending the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor's Palace completely.

"Senior Qingyi, otherwise, my army is divided into three parts, I Ling Tian first led five million people to Tianzhu Wonderland, after I arrived in Tianzhu Wonderland, the next five million army, and then enter Xianzhou."

"Finally, my brother Long Xuan, led half a million elite dragons, and finally crossed, what do you think?"

Ling Tian also took a step back.

To go to the Ten Thousand Demon Xianzhou, there is no need for a tens of thousands of troops to come together.

"Okay, it's a deal!"

"Monster, make way!"

Before Qingyi Zhundi had hesitated, he agreed.

Behind him, the five million army gave way to open a road to heaven.

"Long Xuan, you are my last trump card. Don't be too anxious during your trip. I will build a teleportation formation on the other side of the Ten Thousand Demon Xianzhou. By then, you will be sent directly to half a million Dragon Brothers. Come to my big man territory."


Ling Tian returned to the flagship where Long Xuan was, said.

"We are in-laws. What are you polite with me, but now, the big man, I can't stand shoulder to shoulder with you. Be careful on the way, this Ten Thousand Demon Emperor Palace is not a good thing."

Long Xuan Dao.

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