Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2881: Ling Tian has arrived [9]

"I once said, I will kill you!"

"Even now, your cultivation base is much higher, but you are still not my opponent!"

When the Qinglong King heard this, a hint of anger flashed across his face.

To him, Long Xuan was just a junior.

However, the starting point of the former is extremely high.

After flying up, he directly entered the imperial palace to practice, so in such a short period of time, his combat power soared to such a realm.

Even, now the other party no longer puts himself in his eyes.

The Azure Dragon King himself admitted that without the Emperor's weapon, his current combat power is indeed just between that of Long Xuan.

However, now that Long Xuan is so humiliated in public, the Azure Dragon King still burns with anger in his heart.

He is the strongest of the five-color dragon clan, how can he be so despised by Long Xuan now.

"Long Xuan, don't be too arrogant. Have you forgotten how you got hurt before?"

Qinglong King narrowed his eyes slightly, and said viciously.

"Hahahaha, are you talking about the Black Dragon King who was badly injured by me using the Emperor's weapon?"

Long Xuan laughed wildly, "Yes, I have it, but I only need seven days, I can recover, the old black dragon thief, I am afraid that I will lie down for a few months!"

"If you don't have the emperor's weapon, you are just a waste!"

"Hmph, so what, my five-color dragon clan has the emperor's weapon, which is the most precious weapon, and, let me tell you, my Azure Dragon clan's ruling spear has returned!"

"The gun of ruling is in hand, do you think you can still be my opponent?"

However, the Azure Dragon King suddenly smiled triumphantly.

However, the expressions of Long Xuan, Xiao Long Nu and others changed.

"Father! The third brother is back?"

That Ao Zhen was overjoyed.

If the spear of judgement of the Azure Dragon clan returns, then Yaolong King, they are really not afraid of this day.

No matter how strong Long Xuan is, he can be the opponent of the two imperial weapons! ?

"Yes, I have sensed the breath of the dragon boat. Now, you should be able to see it!"

The Azure Dragon King nodded, and then looked towards the distant sky. At this time, on the battlefield, hundreds of thousands of Dragon Warriors also looked towards the sky.

There, as expected, a cyan streamer gradually emerged.

The speed of that streamer was extremely fast, but in the blink of an eye, it reached the battlefield.

And when the streamer appeared in front of everyone, the dragons all recognized it in an instant.

This is indeed the dragon boat exclusively for the Qinglong clan.

Before, Ao Chen, the third prince, was riding this dragon boat to leave the Ten Thousand Dragons Realm. There was absolutely nothing wrong with it!

Then, now that the Spear of Judgment returns, the battle power of the Azure Dragon King will skyrocket again.

That Long Xuan was no match.

Sure enough, at the moment when he saw the dragon boat, Long Xuan's face suddenly became gloomy.

He naturally knew what the Emperor's weapon meant for this Observation.

However, when the dragon boat hovered in the sky, after he used his divine mind to sense it, his expression quietly changed.

He seemed to sense a mysterious and familiar breath.

Although the breath of the Azure Dragon is undoubtedly, but...

"Hahaha, Long Xuan, what? Now you know you are afraid?"

Seeing the change in Long Xuan's face, the Azure Dragon King thought that the other party was scared, so he couldn't help laughing wildly.

Now that the Spear of Judgment has returned, as long as Long Xuan and the entire Tianyao Dragon Clan are destroyed, outside of this imperial palace, he is the world of his five-color dragon clan.

At that time, the quasi-emperor Kuroshio in the imperial palace will inevitably have a long face.

The coercion of his Azure Dragon clan will be the same for a while!

"Hehe, old thief Aobai, are you too happy too soon!?"

But Long Xuan suddenly sneered. There was no fear on his face, but a look of excitement and expectation on his face.


The Azure Dragon King also felt the strange expression on Long Xuan's face.

This is strange.

Immediately, he seemed to have guessed something, and suddenly turned around and looked at the huge dragon boat on the sky behind him.

The dragon boat is not empty.

A dozen figures stood on it.

Among them, there are the five-color dragons like Ao Baiying and others they know, and there are also Ao Zishuang and others who seem to be particularly strange to them

and many more!

Among these people, there are still human races.

Can the Terran even pass the Dragon Gate Conference and enter the Ten Thousand Dragons Realm! ?

However, this was not what shocked and puzzled the Qinglong King. What made him puzzled and panicked was that among these arrogances, there was no figure of his son Ao Chen.

Not only that, there was a strong smell of blood on the dragon boat.

That is the blood aura of the Qinglong clan.

What's wrong with this?

"My son, where is Ao Chen!"

The Qinglong dynasty shouted angrily as he moved towards the dragon boat.

However, all the arrogances on the dragon boat only cast a few indifferent gazes, and there was no answer at all.

This made the five-color dragon army on the battlefield start to wonder.

How is this going! ?

The Qinglong King's heart also became more flustered.

This situation is weird, and he has a vague premonition in his heart.

"Hehe, are you the Azure Dragon King?"

Finally, from above the dragon boat, suddenly remembered a voice

However, that voice was quite strange to the Azure Dragon King.

"Who are you!? Where's my son Ao Chen!"

The Azure Dragon King roared again.

"Hahaha, do you want to find that Ao Chen, then now, I will return him to you!"

The voice fell, and a huge figure suddenly appeared on the dragon boat.

It is five thousand feet long.

Crash fell from the sky above.

However, after seeing this huge body, all the dragons took a breath.

Because that was the corpse of a Qinglong tribe.

It's just that the corpse of the Azure Dragon tribe has no head, no trace of blood on the whole body, and it is particularly shriveled.

The dragon scales all over his body are gone, and his death is extremely miserable!

"My son, my son!"

After a long while, the Azure Dragon King was relieved from the shock. He flew over the fallen Dragon Clan's corpse, and after confirming that this was Ao Chen, he was furious.

His third son, Ao Chen, is the purest existence of the entire Qinglong clan, and he has even awakened and returned to the ancestor with a trace of Yinglong's blood.

As long as there is enough time to train, Ao Chen can definitely become a quasi-emperor.

He is the pride of the entire Qinglong clan.

Therefore, the Azure Dragon King was relieved to let Ao Chen leave the Ten Thousand Dragon Region with the spear of judgment.

But at this time, Ao Chen is dead! ?

This makes Qinglong King, how can he accept it.

He almost passed out.

However, the anger almost caused the Azure Dragon King to spontaneously ignite, and his son Ao Chen couldn't just die in vain.

Moreover, there is the gun of ruling!


The sound of breaking through the sky suddenly resounded above the sky as soon as it had risen in its age.

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