Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2866: Wanlong domain is in chaos

Ao Zishuang pursed his lips, "I think, it's probably in the Ten Thousand Dragons Realm, it's messed up!"

"I have a bad feeling!"

Sure enough, before Ling Tian asked again, that Ao Chen was holding the ruling spear, and there was a slight panic on his face.

"The situation has changed, everyone, I have to speed up the progress of the Longmen Conference."

Immediately, his eyes swept over Ling Tian, ​​Ao Tianyan, and Tianjiao from the left and right five-color dragon clan.

"From now on, you will be allowed to fight together no matter what method you use, but in the end, there are only five people left!"

"These five can get the Ancestral Dragon Pill given by Wanlongyu."

"After the Dragon Gate Fair is over, I will take the top 15 Tianjiao and return to the Ten Thousand Dragon Region immediately. Then, the passage from the Eight Dragon Gates to the Ten Thousand Dragon Region will be completely closed."

"Now, let's start!"

That Ao Chen's voice fell, and the whole dragon clan watching the battle up and down in Wendao Mountain screamed.

Ao Chen suddenly changed the rules, which was absolutely unusual.

Moreover, even the Azure Dragon Envoy appeared, which shows that something serious may have really happened in the Ten Thousand Dragons Territory.

"Didn't you hear what I said, all warriors, end!"

Ao Chen screamed again, it could be seen that he was very anxious.

Its voice fell, and all the warriors entered the arena, preparing for the final battle.

Ao Chen did it all over again.

"Prince, what happened? Qinglong brought all the adults here?"

The Lord of the Forbidden City also looked confused.

The blue dragon stone just appeared suddenly at Wen Dao Mountain, only to say a few words behind Ao Chen, and Ao Chen seemed to have lost his soul.

What happened in the Ten Thousand Dragon Realm that could make the three princes gaffes was definitely not an ordinary change.

"The Lord of the Forbidden City, you shouldn't ask, you'd better not ask."

"From today on, without order, none of your eight dragon gates can open the passage of the dragon gates privately, otherwise, there will be no mercy!"

Ao Chen did not speak, but the Azure Dragon messenger screamed.

The terrifying coercion came, and the Lord of the Forbidden City was shocked.

Although they are all top immortal veterans, the Azure Dragon Envoy, but the top immortal veterans with the blood of the Azure Dragon, are far more powerful than him.

"Well, old minister, don't ask, don't ask!"

The lord of the Forbidden City immediately sat down, but in his heart, he was also confused.

In the eventful autumn, I don't know where the dragons will go after this Dragon Gate Conference.

However, at this time, Wendao Mountain Arena, the Dragon Gate warriors and the five-color dragon clan were left, but they had all entered the arena.

The sudden melee has caught many powerhouses off guard.

This time the melee is like putting a group of beasts into a cage, and the battlefield will be even more **** and cruel.

Moreover, the battle situation will change rapidly.

"It's over, Ling Tian, ​​how good is this? The situation seems to be getting worse and worse for us."

Ao Zishuang frowned.

In this way, the Martial Artist of Shenglongcheng and the other five-color dragon clan will inevitably unite.

The combat power of the Forbidden City side will become unprecedentedly strong.

‘It’s okay, remember what I said before, if anyone moves us, he’ll be beaten to death! "

Ling Tian sneered.

"Hehe, I really like this!"

Kwai Cailin also grinned.

"You fighting freaks!"

Ao Zishuang curled his lips.

"Sister Zishuang, our Bailong clan can only help you with three positions. The rest is up to you. Come on!"

Ao Baiying also flew over with two Tianjiao from the Bailong clan.


Above the ring, it soon became clear and distinct.

That is the side of Shenglong City and the side of Forbidden City.

However, the gap between the two sides is huge.

On the side of Shenglong City, apart from the five powerhouses including Ling Tian, ​​there are only three powerhouses from the White Dragon clan, Ao Baiying.

On the other hand, the Forbidden City is surrounded by all the arrogances of the four dragon races.

Only in terms of the number of strong players, it's a huge difference.

"Haha, it's interesting, you all help this guy, but there is only one Ancestral Dragon Pill, even if you all stay, but this Ancestral Dragon Pill, how to divide it!"

Ao Baiying sneered.

The dozens of five-color dragon clan Tianjiao heard this, and their expressions changed.

Indeed, as Ao Baiying said, there are only five Ancestral Dragon Pills.

"Hehe, everyone, don't fall into her divorce plan. Let's kick all these guys out first. After that, I will promise, Ancestral Dragon Pill, I only need one from the Forbidden City side!"

"The remaining four, your four dragons, split equally, how about?"

After Ao Tianyan said, the expression of Ao Xue behind him changed, and Dugu Jingtao didn't express much. After all, the Zulong Pill was of no use to his human race.

But the powers of the other four dragons finally looked much better.

In this way, it is also the best solution.

After all, the four martial artists of Shenglong City are too mysterious, no one can be sure which step they can go to, so it is better to solve them first.

In this way, the alliance between the Forbidden City side was completed, and more than a dozen powerhouses bloomed and attacked and killed them towards Ling Tian.

"Go on, Zishuang, protect yourself!"

Ao Baiying snorted coldly, and brought the two Tianjiao to greet her. Although Ao Baiying's combat power was good, she could only stop the same number of five-color dragon clan powerhouses.

The rest is still a lot.

"Miss, Li Ruoli, you just need to protect yourself."

"Cailin, Rose, we stand in front, one is coming up, and one is destroyed!"

Ling Tian's shoulders shook, and the light that shook the dragon fist in the hands of Azure Dragon had already begun to surge.

The five-color dragon clan is only, it is directly exploded.


Kui Cailin and Rose shouted in unison, and the flames of war were already surging in their hearts.

"Hehe, Outer Territory Dragon Race, die!"

Sure enough, before the warrior of the Forbidden City came up, there was the Tianjiao of the five-color dragon clan who rushed forward.

Although they are not the best in their respective ethnic groups, they have been cultivating in the Ten Thousand Dragons Realm, and their supernatural powers and cultivation bases are extremely high.

One shot is tyrannical and direct, shattering the void along the way,

The ring began to tremble violently, and nearly two dozen Tianjiao were fighting at the same time. If there were no barriers, the fluctuations that erupted on the battlefield would be enough to wipe out Wendao Mountain.

Those who rushed towards Ling Tian first were the Tianjiao of the Hei, Qing, and Huanglong clan.

There are three in total,

They still disdain to join forces, thinking that they can solve the Ling Tian trio alone.




However, the continuous burst of battle armor cracking, and the sound of separation from the flesh and blood, moved across the ring.

Everyone just saw a wave of shock waves erupting on the arena, and then the dragons directly shook down to the edge of the arena.

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