Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2856: Desecrate the Dragon Bell

They never thought that at this Longmen Conference, there would be a scene where the dragon bell was shaking thousands of miles.

And this, this scene, is not the ten ringing of the dragon bell.

Rather, fifteen rings!

Not only Rose before, but also Kui Cailin and Ling Tian afterwards, they all easily made the dragon bell ring five times!

The three of them completed fifteen times in total, almost instantaneously, and the sound of the bell was superimposed, which made the dragon bell sound thousands of miles away!

And the bell rings five times, this is already the talent of the top Tianjiao in the Forbidden City.

Before the three, four of the teams in the Forbidden City had the talent to shake the Dragon Bell Five Rings!

Terran Dugu, Ao Yao of the Xuantulong clan, and Ao Xue of the Baiyulong clan.

And Ao Tianyan himself who shook the dragon bell six times.

And these achievements also made the Forbidden City surpass the dust.

But now, it was almost overtaken by Shenglong City.

They were also four, but they lacked one who could compete with Ao Tianyan.

But these achievements have surpassed other dragons, and they are almost beyond the reach of other dragons.

Not only that, these three mysterious dragon geniuses shook the dragon bell, but they didn't seem to explode with all their strength. They just let the dragon bell ring to qualify for the finals, but this is still shocking.

After all, they didn't have any reputation before, and the status of Shenglong City was only in the middle of the eight dragon gates.


"how can that be?"

Among the five-color dragons, Na Ao Baiying looked at Ling Tian and the three as if watching a group of monsters.

Behind Ao Tianyan, that Ao Xue's gaze always fell on Rose.

Although Rose's appearance has changed at this time, the dragon breath in his body is Ao Xue, and will never forget it.

However, when the old friend met, Ao Xue's eyes were full of tears.

She waited for Rose for three years, but she didn't expect that this guy would finally come to the Forbidden City.

As for the faces of Ao Kuang who had laughed at Ling Tian and other dragons before, they were already flushed.

Never thought that the face slap came so quickly.

However, before the sound of the dragon bell on Wendao Mountain fell, Ling Tian stretched out his hand and slowly pressed it on the dragon bell.

"what you do!?"

This scene made Ao Tianyan and Ao Chen look aside.

The handed down dragon bell, so noble, is the sacred object of the dragon clan.

It is okay to shake the dragon bell, but not to desecrate the dragon bell!

"Huh, so bold!"

The Lord of the Forbidden City gave a cold snort, but did not stop it, because the dragon bell is a sacred object. Now if the bell hasn't stopped, he will be attacked by the dragon bell.

The injuries ranged from serious injuries to death.

This guy is looking for death!


However, at the moment when Ling Tian's big hand was pressed on the dragon bell, the buzzing sound on it was an instant and stopped abruptly!

The bell ringing to ask Daoshan thousands of miles, just like that, stopped?

In this scene, the dragons who had just been shocked opened their mouths again.

Even the Lord of the Forbidden City frowned deeply.

Everyone knows that the talented and tyrannical Tianjiao can make the dragon bell shake.

But few people have tried to stop the shaking dragon bell.

Moreover, it stopped so fast.

The most unbelievable thing was that Ling Tian let go of his hand casually after stopping the humming of the dragon bell.

He, there was nothing wrong with him!

"Okay, yes, it didn't delay you much time."

Ling Tian who let go of Long Zhong turned around and smiled faintly.

However, who could not pay attention, there was a dent on the position of the dragon bell that Ling Tian pressed.

The dent was extremely deep, as if it had been left a long time ago.

The three Ling Tian from Shenglongcheng were shocked up and down Wendao Mountain.

These three dragon races not only possess extremely high talents, but Ling Tian also stopped the dragon bell from buzzing! ?

This is before, but it has never happened before!

"Bold, you dare to blaspheme the dragon bell, you deserve death!"

As soon as Ao Tianyan turned his eyes, he shouted, "Come on, take him down!"

On both sides, the strong immortals from the Forbidden City stepped forward.

"Slowly, Ao Lingtian came from outside. He didn't know Longzhong's rules and didn't blaspheme the heart of Longzhong. Those who don't know, are innocent!"

But Ao Baiying stopped all the strong ones.

She knew that if she didn't speak, then there would be no one on the mountain, but no one would speak to Ling Tian.

"That's also guilty!"

Ao Tianyan didn't want to let go of this opportunity, but Ao Chen raised his hand, "Sister Bai Ying also makes sense."

"I don't know who is not guilty, let alone the arrogant of my dragon clan, this time, forget it!"


With a deep groan, Ao Chen's eyes suddenly shrank and fell on Ling Tian's body, "What's your name and where do you come from?"

The face of the Lord of the Forbidden City also changed, and then he took out the fire-red dragon ball in his hand.

"I, Ao Lingtian, come from the Qingyilong clan outside of Qingchen Xianzhou!"

Ling Tian said that he was neither overbearing nor overbearing, his identity, Ao Zishan, handled it for him when he was in Shenglong City.

"Prince Ao Chen, apart from this Ao Lingtian, the other two are from the Profound Golden Dragon Clan and the Myth Silver Dragon Clan. The ranks of their bloodlines are only worse than those of the Five-Colored Dragon Clan."

"Their information shows that the family is in the territory of the Celestial Clan. There is no way to check it carefully."

The Lord of the Forbidden City whispered behind Ao Chen's ear.

"Ao Lingtian? Ao Si? Why do these names sound a bit familiar?"

Ao Chen frowned.

"The prince, there was a riot outside before, there is a human race, called Ling Tian!"

"That human race is the lord of the big man, who killed millions of dragon warriors!"

The main road of the Forbidden City.

"Human Lingtian!? Hehehe, I remembered it, but don’t care, those are just ants, the red-patterned dragon tribe is destroyed, there is no waves in the Ten Thousand Dragons Territory, but these guys, are you sure? Is the Dragon Clan undoubtedly?"

The Lord of the Forbidden City looked at the dragon ball in his hand and said: "Dragon Ball has nothing unusual. I can conclude that these three are genuine dragon races with very few bloodlines. According to the records in the Ten Thousand Dragons Territory, they should have been extinct. That's it."

"Well, since it's a real dragon, it's okay!"

Ao Chen nodded slightly, and then raised his big hand, "Since this is the case, let it go, shake the dragon bell, so far, the other warriors of the Eight Dragon Gates will start tomorrow. The qualifiers and the finals of the Dragon Gate Conference will open in seven days. "'

"By then, the top fifteen will be eligible to enter the Ten Thousand Dragon Realm, and the top five will be rewarded with the Zulong Pill.

When the voice fell, Na Ao Chen left Wendao Mountain, leaving the dragons on Wendao Mountain looking at each other.

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