Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2850: Handed down dragon bell

"However, no matter how the rules change this time, I'm still very confident. Sister Bai Ying, this time you just wait for me to go to the Wanlongyu with you!" Suddenly, Ao Zishuang smiled sweetly, and again. Has become that indifferent appearance.

If before, the changes in the rules would definitely make Ao Zishuang's squareness chaotic.

But now, because there is Ling Tian in the team, this existence that his father praised highly is enough to deal with any rules and situations.

"Oh!? Sister Zishuang, this is not like you when you were a child. Why, are you so confident now?"

"I can remind you that if you want to be the top five in the final and get the Ancestral Dragon Pill, you need to defeat those dragon geniuses who have descended from the Ten Thousand Dragon Region."

"Including me, anyway, this time, I am bound to win the Zulong Pill!"

Ao Baiying's face suddenly became stern.

"Hey, isn't this just right, five of us, exactly one of us!"

Ao Zishuang laughed.

"Hey, it's your little girl who has a good mentality. You don't know that when you enter the Ten Thousand Dragon Domain, the pressure will be greater!"

"What's more, the Ten Thousand Dragons Realm now is different from before. Sometimes, I feel that you are outside, but it is better."

Ling Tian frowned slightly, and finally spoke at this time: "Master Bai Ying, what has happened in the Ten Thousand Dragon Region today?"

"It's hard to tell, I can't tell."

"Don't even dare to talk nonsense."

Ao Baiying stood up, "Well, apart from the rules of the Longmen Conference, I seem to have nothing to tell you."


Ao Baiying, who was about to leave, turned around again and said: "By the way, sister Zishuang, don't forget to take a few of them to ask about the dragon ball and the dragon bell tomorrow."

After that, Ao Baiying left.

"Shaking Dragon Bell? What is that?"

Rose asked.

"It's for the seed team."

"After the Dragon Ball, the strength of the dragon bloodline will be reflected in the ability to ring the dragon bell."

"When the dragon bell rings, it will directly enter the final stage of the competition."

"The changes in the rules of this Longmen Conference are more obvious. As long as the dragon bell can be sounded, it is equal to directly entering the finals."

"This will save a lot of trouble. After all, there will be nearly ten thousand warriors who will participate in the Dragon Gate Conference at that time."

Ao Zishuang said: "However, you don't need to care about this. Since you can reach the third floor, it should be enough to ring the dragon bell."

The three Ling Tian glanced at each other, and they understood in their hearts.

So, just wait for the start of the Longmen Conference.

The next day, the entire Forbidden City boiled.

The Dragon Gate Conference has almost attracted warriors from outside the Ten Thousand Dragons Realm. Although the eight dragon gates have been pre-screened, the number of warriors that can participate has approached more than 10,000.

Therefore, it is impossible for these tens of thousands of warriors to compete all on the same day of the Ten Thousand Dragons Conference.

Therefore, it is necessary to conduct qualifiers to select the powerful teams first.

As for the seeded teams of the major Longmen, naturally they will not participate in these qualifiers.

However, it is not easy to enter the finals of the Longmen Conference directly.

To qualify for the finals of the Longmen Conference, you need to ring the handed down dragon bell on Wendao Mountain outside the Forbidden City. If you can’t do it, you need to have a seven-day meeting with all other warriors on the second day. Qualifiers.

In the end, the remaining 80 warriors competed with the remaining seeded teams in the finals.

Therefore, Wen Daoshan's ringing of the dragon bell this time also represents the official start of the Longmen Conference.

Almost all the warriors in the Forbidden City, on this day, also gushed out of the Forbidden City and came under Wendao Mountain, thousands of miles away.

On Wendao Mountain, there is a dragon bell handed down from the dragon clan.

Legend has it that this dragon bell was once a sacred object of the same level as the dragon ball, but it was made from the bones of the dragon family in ancient times.

If the bloodline rank and combat power are not enough, it is impossible to make this dragon bell ring.

Wendao Mountain is so majestic, like an ancient dragon flying high.

And above the mountains, there is a staircase leading to the sky, with a total of 99,900 steps.

At the end of the stairs, is the legendary dragon bell.

On this day, when Ling Tian came to the bottom of Wendao Mountain, among the countless warriors, he looked up at the top of Wendao Mountain, and his heart also seemed to waver.

Asked Daoshan, when Ling Tian heard about it for the first time, he felt that this name didn't look like a dragon race, but a human race.

And when Ling Tian saw the two-character questioning stele standing at the foot of the mountain, he was even more convinced that this was definitely a handwriting left by a strong human.

Moreover, this handwriting is almost the same as the plaque of Napiaoxianglou.

The whole Wendao Mountain is also quite divine, towering and majestic.

The long stairs seem to be connected to the sky, and you can climb to the sky on foot.

At this time, under Wendao Mountain, countless warriors were surging.

Almost all the warriors of the Forbidden City have come here, there are hundreds of thousands.

Not only that, but on the top of Wendao Mountain, a dozen majestic figures can also be seen faintly standing upright.

Above these Taoist figures, there is a dragon breath that soars into the sky, manifesting various divine lights, and rising from the sky, terrifying and terrifying.

Don't think about it, this is the guardian of the Forbidden City.

Today, although it is not the day when the Longmen Conference will open, and the qualifiers of the Longmen Conference will not be held, it is the day when the eight dragons and the Dragon Bell will ring the bell.

In a way, this is more important than the qualifiers.

All warriors also want to witness the beauty of those seeded players from the eight dragon gates before the finals of the Dragon Gate Conference. ,

Countless warriors, looking up at the huge dragon bell suspended above the mountain, don't know how many people want to ring it.

It is said that this dragon bell can detect the nobility of the dragon bloodline and the potential of the warrior.

As long as it is a warrior with extraordinary blood and potential, it will shake the dragon bell.

Otherwise, no matter how high the cultivation base is, it is useless.

And according to the strength of the bell, and the difference in sound quality, to distinguish the level of blood, and the strength of potential.

Its effect is somewhat similar to that of the pearl I've seen in Piaoxianglou before.

"According to the legend, before each Dragon Gate Conference, there will be a Shaking Dragon Bell, and almost every time, there are amazing dragons who are recorded in the annals of the Dragon Gate Conference."

"Yes, although Shaking Dragon Clock has it every time, almost every time a top celestial phenomenon is born."

"The top astronomical phenomenon represents the top genius. As far as I know, the most amazing thing in the last Longmen Conference was the former Miss Ao Jinzhi of the Forbidden City, right? She made the dragon bell ring seven thousand miles and seven bells. , Endlessly, the bells are even more condensed into a purple dragon, lying on golden branches."

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