Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2824: Quasi-imperial will

This is his unshakable enemy of the Red Dragon Clan!

"Since the patriarch Ao Chong is so anxious, that's what I want, but it's not convenient for you and me to fight here. So, let's change a place, how about!?"

The corners of Ling Tian's mouth suddenly raised.

However, before Na Ao Chong could react, he felt a Tianxuan earthquake.

Then, the surrounding dark night and starry sky were gone.

Appeared in front of him, above a peaceful and quiet mountain and river.

It's just that there is this round, pale sun above the blue sky above.

It is completely different from the fairy world.

"where is this place!"

After breathing a breath that was fundamentally different from Qingchen Xianzhou, Na Ao Chong's expression changed drastically.

Because, he suddenly discovered that this place does not seem to be Qingchen Xianzhou anymore.

But how is this possible! ?

He is a ninth-order Immortal Venerable, and Ling Tian can move him out of Qingchen Xianzhou in an instant! ?

Then what a terrifying method would this be to live with magical powers?

"Haha, welcome Patriarch Ao Chong to Taoyuan!"

However, just when Ao Chong was uncertain, Ling Tian had suddenly appeared in front of Ao Chong.

That's right, this is Ling Tian moving Ao Chong into this Taoyuan in desperate circumstances.

In this Taoyuan, Ling Tian could decide the life and death of Ao Chong.


Na Ao Chong was even more surprised when he saw Ling Tian appear.

This is enough to show that this is Ling Tian's method.

Once, he had heard that among the practitioners outside the territory, the human race could display a magical power called Qiankun in the sleeve, and could move the opponent at will.

But, in Ling Tian's sleeve, is there such a strange world! ?

This is simply unbelievable.

Ling Tian smiled slightly, and said in his heart, looking at it, this Ao Chong doesn't know what Taoyuan is. If this is the case, it will be much easier.

"Yes, here, I can make you die with just one word of you!"

Ling Tian held his hands behind his back.

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous, thinking that in your magical power, you control everything!? Anyway, this is just a magical power!"

"Look at how I broke this illusion!"

Ao Chong thought that Taoyuan was an illusion, and the blood of the dragon in his body was boiling, and the force was a blast to the sky, but the magical power disappeared without a trace.

"This is impossible!'

Ao Chong was shocked, and another hammer fell on the mountains below his feet, but the mountains collapsed, and within a thousand miles, they all turned into powder.

However, this space is still stable.

"Hahaha, Patriarch Ao Chong, you don't have to waste your efforts, this is really not an illusion!"

Ling Tian looked at Ao Chong who was going crazy, and wanted to laugh.

"It's not an illusion, what the **** is going on in this countryside!"

Ao Chong gasped.

In this mysterious space, he was panicked.

"It's just Taoyuan."

"Here, it is my chassis!"

"Now, you can go to death!"

Ling Tian stretched out his big hand and formed a magical power on the top of Ao Chong's head.

This magical power was formed by Ling Tian's power to control Taoyuan. Here, no one could resist it.

Ao Chong's expression finally changed greatly. He had never encountered such horrible things.

As Ling Tian said, here, the other party seems to be the master!

"No! Ling Tian, ​​you won't be able to win! I Ao Chong, I'm not convinced!"

Seeing Ling Tian's big hand slowly landed, Ao Chong let out a roar.

He was not reconciled, so he died here.

"Hehe, success and defeat, nothing is impossible to win!"

Ling Tian sneered.

"I'm just not reconciled! Even if you can kill me like this, what about it, do you dare to bring this thing into the Ten Thousand Dragons Realm!?"

"Without this Taoyuan, let me tell you, entering the Ten Thousand Dragons Realm is also a death!"

Ao Chong pointed at Ling Tian, ​​his eyes were blood red, "You are just a trash, even if I Ao Chong is dead, I despise you!"


Ao Chong's voice fell, and the big hand above his head suddenly stopped.

Ling Tian's face was gloomy as water, and then suddenly shook his big hand, and the magical power on Ao Chong's head collapsed.

"Well, today, I will let you die, convinced!"

The corners of Ling Tian's mouth twitched.

Although he could easily kill this Ao Chong, now he has changed his mind.

"Hahaha, okay, Ling Tian, ​​come to me and see if you have any real skills, I'll be here waiting for you to kill me!"

"Can you shake me!?"

With a grinning smile, Ao Chong once again opened up the blood of the red-patterned dragons all over his body, and the blood blazed into the sky.

I firmly believe that with Ling Tian's current combat power, he can't help it.

He can die, but he has to be disgusting.

"Is it!?"

"Then right now, shatter all your fantasies!"

"God of War, Killing the Sky!"

Above the mountains, Ling Tian suddenly shook his arms!

The heavenly divine light shines in Taoyuan.

At this moment, it was like a tsunami of energy, surging away.

The figure tens of thousands of feet high gradually manifested in the divine light.

That figure stood with a sword, like an ancient sword saint. Although it looked dim, it was just a vague gaze, as if it could penetrate the void.

An unrivaled emperor's breath fell from the figure.

Enough to surrender everything within a radius of a thousand miles.

But Ling Tian was suspended under that figure, shrouded in divine light, at this moment, he was like a god.

"This, this breath!"

"Quasi, Zhudi!?"

Now, Ao Chong, who had witnessed everything in front of him, was completely dumbfounded.

Dragons also have Emperor Wu and Zhun Emperor.

Although that kind of existence, even him, he rarely sees it.

However, he was still able to tell, the aura that burst out of Ling Tian's body at this time was undoubtedly the emperor!

And what is represented by the Emperor Zhun! ?

In the case of Emperor Wu, the Emperor Zhun is the pinnacle of this immortal world!

In the entire huge dragon clan, there are only two quasi-emperors.

Although the quasi emperor that Ling Tian broke out at this time was only a breath, but it was blessed by this aura, and its combat power would inevitably skyrocket.

Now, how does he resist?

Finally, Ao Chong was sweating all over his body.

He is scared now!

"Ao Chong, your red-lined dragon clan has been contaminated with too much blood from my human clan, today I will completely wipe out your red-lined dragon clan!"

"After that, I will personally set foot on the Ten Thousand Dragon Realm, and I want the dragons in this Qingchen Xianzhou to face my human race!"

"My human race, don't be insulted!"

"Excalibur Yulei, cut!"

Ling Tian raised his hand, and the Meteorite Sword appeared in his palm. Behind it, the sky-reaching figure also raised the illusory sword in his hand.

Exactly the same as Ling Tian's movements, he slashed down towards that Ao Chong.

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