Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2809: I'm going to smash my head


Instead, the sword formation shook Ao Guang back. At this time, he was surprised in his heart.

Secretly, this human race's swordsmanship and magical powers were different from those he had seen before.

There are also many powerful swordsman gods in the human inheritance in Qingchen Xianzhou.

However, he had never come into contact with swordsmanship such as Ling Tian and other swordsmanship with the heart.

"Hehe, Dragon General Ao Guang, I have given you a trick, now it's my turn, right?"

From the thousands of sword formations, Ling Tian rose in suspension.

The sword formation was consolidating and revolving, and finally, from a sword and shield, it turned into a giant sword that could reach the sky.

Jian Yu Lei Ting directly cut down towards Na Ao Guang.

This swordsmanship!

On the battlefield, Liu Xiu, who was also a sword repairman, saw Ling Tian's sword shadow falling from the sky, as if the sky was half cracked, and he was shocked.

He is a sword cultivator, and he naturally knows how terrifying Ling Tian's sword is.

He now finally understands how huge the gap between himself and Ling Tian is.

It is simply an insurmountable gap!

Ao Guang was also astonished by Ling Tian's sword shadow at the first time.

If it was replaced by another Sword Dao Immortal Venerable, he might choose to dodge.

Anyway, with his body, avoiding such a magical power of swordsmanship, he can still do it.

But no matter what, what he is facing now is a descendant of the human race immortal king who has not yet reached the realm of immortal respect. Therefore, even if he was frightened, his pride and dignity did not allow him to escape.

Can only take it abruptly!


Ling Tian's sky-reaching giant sword directly swallowed Ao Guang.

But after the roar of the earth trembling, there was no such Ao Guang figure above the sky.

Was cut into the void by a sword! ?

On the battlefield outside Rocky City, those warriors couldn't believe their eyes when they saw such an admiration.

Can the supernatural power of a younger generation actually hurt the dragon general Ao Guang! ?


Sure enough, when the sword energy dissipated, everyone suddenly discovered that the dragon general, Ao Guang, bent himself in the dust in front of Rocky City.

At his feet, there is a huge trace of swordsmanship, which is ten thousand feet long, deep, and full of thousand feet.

It seemed to be a gorge split in front of Rocky City.

It can be seen how terrifying the power of Ling Tian's sword is.

Not only that, the current dragon general Ao Guang looked a little embarrassed, and the dragon scale battle armor on his body also lay down with blood.

Even with Ao Guang's dragon flesh body, he couldn't resist the sword edge of the divine sword that protects against thunder.


Then Liu Yuchan also took a breath.

She lives in the Red Dragon Clan, and she also knows that although this Ao Guang is not the top combat power of the Red Dragon Clan, she definitely ranks in the top ten of the Red Dragon Clan.

Even his father-in-law, the prince of the red-patterned dragon clan, was only a little more powerful than Ao Guang.

But the prince of the red-patterned dragon clan, what a arrogant and noble prince! ?

It possesses the most noble bloodline of the Red Dragon Clan today, which is the closest to Zhulong. ’

As long as the prince can become the Immortal Venerable, then the bloodline has a 50% chance of returning to the ancestors, and has never become a real Zhulong, so that the Red Dragon Clan, the entire clan, will move into the Zhulong clan and enter the Ten Thousand Dragons Realm.

That was the most dazzling glory for the red-patterned dragon clan.

But in front of him, what qualifications does this human race have to fight with Ao Guang in this way.

So, doesn't it mean that this person's combat power is about the same as his counterpart?

This made Liu Yuchan unacceptable.

In her heart, the prince of the Red Dragon Race is the top man in this Qingchen Xianzhou.

"Hehehe, very good, I didn't expect that I, Ao Guang, could be hurt by a human fairy king!"

In the Kendo Canyon, Na Ao Guang also rose to the sky again.

The blood on his body was evaporated by him in an instant.

And the scars on it were gradually healed under the terrifying recovery ability of the dragon clan.

However, after a few breaths, what was astonishing was that this Ao Guang looked as if he had never been injured.

The dragon clan's terrifying recovery ability once again caused everyone to take a breath.

"It's not bad, the dragons are really rough and thick. If that's the case, then it seems that I'm going to waste some time!"

Looking at Na Ao Guang, Ling Tianjiang had already anticipated all this.

"Huh, no, it doesn't take much time, you will still die in my hands!"

"It's just that, unlike before, now I'm going to be serious!"

Na Ao Guang shook his head, but the next moment, a crescent shovel appeared in his hand.

This is Ao Guang's weapon. This weapon is extremely large and blood red. It looks like it is extremely heavy. It moves slightly, and it ripples out in the void, so terrifying.

It turned out that the previous Ao Guang didn't use weapons, so his combat power didn't show much.

Now, Ao Guang is completely angered by Ling Tian. He knows that this junior is not ordinary and doesn't deal with it seriously. It is possible that he will capsize in the gutter.

"Oh!? It seems that you have to be serious too, yes yes, then come on, you and I have a good fight!"

Ling Tian squinted his eyes slightly, and on the blade of the Meteorite Sword, 800 layers of fairy flames filled it.

"Excalibur Yulei, chase after!"

Ling Tian and Ao Guang were far apart, but at this time, they were controlling the Meteorite Sword, spanning dozens of miles, and slashed directly.


Seeing this, Na Ao Guang was also shocked.

Secretly, this Ling Tian's swordsmanship can be so far!

This made his attempt to get close to Ling Tian all in vain.

No matter how fast his body is, it is impossible to reach Ling Tian, ​​dozens of miles away, in an instant.

However, the speed of this Divine Sword was extremely fast, almost in the blink of an eye, but it arrived in front of him.


Although he was angry in his heart, Ao Guang was helpless, so he could only use the sword in his hand and start fighting with the sword light.

On the battlefield, the patriarch Tianhu watched the fight on the sky from a distance, and couldn't help but smile.

Before, he looked like this was played by Ling Tian.

Any monsters or dragons, I am afraid that they will have a headache when they encounter this Divine Sword Defending Thunder True Art.

Now, this Ao Guang can't escape this routine.

Sure enough, under Ling Tian's flying swordsmanship, that Ao Guangtou was about to be smashed.

The Divine Sword Yulei controlled the Meteorite Sword, the speed was already extremely fast, and Ling Tian was dozens of miles away, or even hundreds of miles away, Ao Guang couldn't stand Ling Tian's body at all.

Not only that, there was fairy fire on the Meteor Sword, and once Ao Guang was cut, even if the latter had dragon scales and the dragon's recovery ability, it would not be able to destroy the power of fire in a short time.

This caused more and more scars on Ao Guang's body.

If this continues, no matter how tyrannical he is, he will be played to death alive.

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