Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2806: You are really Xiu'er

However, the short half of tea time passed, and Kui Cailin was still unharmed, but Liu Xiu, the flames all over his body, began to dim, and the power of the source was about to be exhausted.

"Xiu'er, come back!"

The city lord Liu Tianxiao has already felt that the money in Rocky City is not good. ,

"However, Liu Xiu has already reddened his eyes, how could this person withdraw.

"Today, I, Liu Xiu, won't kill you, I promise not to be a man!"

Liu Xiu roared and rushed to Kwai Cailin frantically.

He has completely lost his mind.

"Hehe, you are really Xiuer!"

Kwai Cailin sneered, knowing that now the opportunity has finally arrived.

Its light flashed and appeared directly behind Liu Xiu's side, the golden claws tore down, and Liu Xiu was to be shredded directly.

The latter was shocked and tried desperately to use her body skills to try to dodge.


However, its speed is not faster than Kwai Cailin.

Although most of the body dodged, a blood mist bloomed, and one of Liu Xiu's arms and the fairy sword fell directly from the void.

A claw of Kwai Cailin directly abolished Liu Xiu's arm!


Then Liu Xiu was in pain and screamed in horror. Now he realized that he was completely teased by the other party.

He himself, lost!

"Haha, die!"

Kwai Cailin would not let Liu Xiu go, and the sharp claws fell again, trying to kill Liu Xiu directly.


However, Liu Tianxiao finally couldn't help but shoot.

Suddenly he tore the void and appeared in front of Liu Xiu, with his big hand raised, and he was with the golden claws of Kwai Cailin.


There was a sound of explosion like a stone.

This time, Kwai Cailin's golden claws did not succeed, but was shaken back again.

Although the current Kui Cailin was able to defeat Liu Xiu, it was still far behind Liu Tianxiao and other immortals.

"You dare to scrap one of my son's arms!?"

Liu Tianxiao frowned. Although she had expected her son to lose, she couldn't tolerate it. The other party abolished Liu Xiu's arm.

Kui Cailin's golden claws are extraordinary, this arm is scrapped, and it is not that simple to recover.

"Hehe, how young I can't beat, I'm here!?"

Kwai Cailin sneered.

"Presumptuous, you junior, it seems that you still need a lesson!"

Liu Tianxiao sent Liu Xiu back to Rocky City, and then a palm fell from the sky all over his body.

Unlike Liu Xiu, when Liu Tianxiao shot, he was the strongest supernatural power. Although he didn't use a weapon, this big palm supernatural power can cover a radius of 50,000 meters!

Such a large area of ​​supernatural powers is unavoidable for the current Kwai Cai scales.

What's more, this Liu Tianxiao's spirit is also very terrifying, directly locking the aura of Kwai Cailin, it is impossible to break free!

One shot, it was Liu Xiu who was too tyrannical!

When the millions of warriors outside the city saw this, they all took a breath.

Secretly, this is indeed the city lord of Rocky City, and the shot is still quite terrifying.

Kwai Cailin stood above the void, unable to break free from the lock of divine consciousness, looking at the falling palm, her face was full of anger.

This time she left the customs, her combat power has indeed skyrocketed a lot, but in the face of Liu Tianxiao, there is still nothing she can do.

"Cai Lin, you did a good job, it's okay, leave it to me for the next thing!"

But at this moment, Ling Tian suddenly appeared in front of Kwai Cailin.

He directly shattered Kui Cailin's divine mind and sent it back to the patriarch of Tianhu. After finishing all this, he turned around, raised his hand, and raised his palm to the sky.

Supernatural powers.

Today Ling Tian has absorbed all the energy in that green flame immortal fire, so that his cultivation base has skyrocketed from the eighth stage of the immortal king to the horror level of the ninth stage of the immortal king.

Although it has not yet reached the level of the top fairy king, it has not touched the threshold of the fairy king.

But it was more than enough to deal with Liu Tianxiao.

Today's big hand appeared, directly condensing the power of the immortal origin in front of Rocky City, condensed into a palm that was bigger than that of Liu Tianxiao, and rushed to the sky.

"What magical power is this!?"

Then Liu Tianxiao exclaimed, but the two big palms were already together.


With a muffled sound, thousands of miles shook wildly. ,

The gust of wind swept away, making the millions of troops outside the city unable to fix their bodies and constantly retreating.

Just the aftermath, it is so terrifying, one can imagine what the two people at the center of supernatural powers and regrets would be like!

In Rocky City, the seriously injured Liu Xiu and Liu Yuchan were also shocked. Unexpectedly, Ling Tian could compete with his father instead of being slapped to death!

Is this still a junior! ?

And the dragon general behind Liu Yuchan frowned.

What happened in front of Rocky City today has begun to be beyond his expectation.

Including the woman who seems to have dragon blood.

And the so-called Ling Tian in front of him gave him the feeling of a dragon clan! ?

Although the dragon aura on his body is not obvious, he can sense even the slightest leak of the dragon aura for a dragon of his cultivation.

Then there is only one possibility, that is, this human race deliberately concealing the dragon breath in the body.

At this time, the smoke and dust storm outside Rocky City had dispersed, and the two figures within it began to manifest in front of everyone.

However, seeing the scene at the center of the storm, the warriors inside and outside the city took a breath again.

The two figures stand opposite each other.

The clothes were hunting in the strong wind.

However, Ling Tian of the human race seemed to be safe and sound!

Liu Tianxiao's horrible palm didn't cause any harm to Ling Tian.

Not only that, but looking at Liu Tianxiao, his temples were scattered, and he looked a little embarrassed.

His face is also full of surprise.

It can be seen that Ling Tian had the upper hand in the fight just now.

Suppressed Liu Tianxiao, Lord of Rocky City! ?

Tianhu patriarch and other strong men looked at each other.

This Liu Tianxiao, but now the Patriarch of Human Race's largest family, his combat power is within a radius of millions of miles, and he is only below some of the strong men of the Red Dragon Clan.

But now, there is no alternative to a junior immortal king.

This... This is really unexpected.

"Where did your supernatural powers come from!"

"And your cultivation base, you have reached the ninth level of the Immortal King!? How is this possible?"

Liu Tianxiao didn't believe it.

His son Liu Xiu's talent is already extremely high, and there is an extremely immortal source to help him, so what does Ling Tian rely on! ?

Could it be that there is a source of power blessing in the body that is stronger than that of the extremely immortal source! ?

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