Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2794: Can't break the city

When Zhou Dynasty wanted to come, that Zhou Di must have fallen into the trap of Qingyun City before he would be beheaded.

Now, in front of this Chaoyuan City,

These dozen or so immortals were enough to suppress these strong men in Qingyun City.

More than a dozen immortals joined forces, and the momentum was moving.

The expressions of Lin Feiyun and his son changed in shock. They had indeed never seen such a battle.

"Don't move, these dozen human races, let me take care of them!"

However, before Ling Tian could do anything, the Kwai Cai scales behind him had already turned into a golden glow and rushed out.

Before in Qingyun City, Ling Tian didn't give Kwai Cailin a chance to make a move, just to make Kwai Cailin unhappy.

This time, she definitely couldn't watch it.


Seeing that a woman appeared on the other side, who turned into golden light, the immortals of Chaoyuan City all sneered.

A female junior dared to stop them, really ignorant of the heights of the sky.

However, the speed of the Kui Cailin was extremely fast. When the golden sharp light appeared in front of the Immortal Venerable, their skin tightened, and they finally knew how terrifying this golden light was!

Puff puff!

However, it was too late.

The Immortal Venerables that the golden light swept down were all torn into blood mist.

In the end, only the existence of the seventh-order Xianzun was left, stunned in the void.

Suddenly, the immortal venerable felt a cold on the back of his neck. It turned out that Kui Cailin had already appeared behind the immortal venerable when he didn't know when.

The golden claw in his hand was caught on his neck.

As long as he exerts a little force, this seventh-order immortal is also a death!

It was just a face-to-face, but only a few breaths. The dozens of immortals in Chaoyuan City were beheaded by a woman. Now this seventh-order immortal also fell into her hands. This scene made Chaoyuan The warriors in the city took a deep breath.

No one would have thought that these warriors from Qingyun City could be so terrifying.

"Who are you guys!?"

At this time, Zhou Chao's expression changed drastically. He suddenly remembered that it was not the Lin family who had killed Zhou Di, but the mysterious powerhouse who suddenly appeared in Qingyun City.

But according to the person who fled back, that person was not a woman.

Moreover, just using voice to suppress them, it is not this woman.

"Hehe, who are we!? Of course the people who came to level your Chaoyuan City!"

"Boy, I think you are very upset, do you want to come and fight!?"

Kui Cailin grabbed the seventh-order Immortal Venerable and looked at Zhou Dynasty.

"You want to challenge me!?"

Zhou Dynasty hesitated for a moment.

But Kwai Cailin directly caught the Immortal Venerable in his hand.

"The answer is wrong, I won't keep this Immortal Venerable!"

"Now, it's your turn. If you don't make a move, it won't work!"


There was a roar of golden dragon in Kwai Cailin's body, golden light of ten thousand feet, breaking out of the body, boiling in the void, and then with extreme coercion, tearing the void with big hands, the next moment, it appeared in that Zhou Dynasty. Above the head.

The speed of Kwai Cailin is so fast that she is not under Ling Tian.

Moreover, as soon as the move is made, it is a close fight, which is the weakness of the human race warrior.

Sure enough, Zhou Chao was shocked when he saw the Kui Cai scales approaching, but the time was too late, he could only subconsciously raise the sword in his hand to protect his chest.


With a bang, Kwai Cailin's sharp claws caught on the long knife.

But perhaps because of the extremely high rank of the weapon blades in the hands of the Zhou Dynasty.

This time, Kwai Cailin had never killed the enemy with a single move.

However, that Zhou Dynasty was hit by a single blow and was directly shaken onto the city wall.

A mouthful of blood came out directly.

Zhou Chao himself was frightened and angry, looking at the best immortal weapon in his hand, but found that a crack had appeared on the blade!

This really frightened him.

You know, the rank of this weapon is extremely high. It was his father who paid a lot of money to collect it.

But it was almost broken by a sharp claw of this woman?

What a terrible supernatural power is this?

If it wasn't for his own weapon to block it, then even if his combat power was amazing, his body would be directly crushed!

"Where did you come from?!"

At this moment, Zhou Dynasty was really scared.

He had never heard of this kind of combat-powered junior, Tianjiao, in Qingchen Xianzhou.

"I said, you are not qualified to question the origin of my waiting i!"

"One hit you are not dead, then do it again!"

Kwai Cailin sneered, Jin Guang covered her body, and killed her again.


That Zhou Dynasty was ashamed, but he also knew that he couldn't be the second time at all, and he turned and sank directly into the formation of Chaoyuan City.


This time, the sharp claws of Kwai Cailin grabbed directly on the wall of Chaoyuan City.

But it just tore a hole in the formation, and while breathing, the formation healed again.

And in this way, that Zhou Dynasty also escaped.


Kui Cailin snorted coldly, turned around and killed all the Immortal Venerable Human Race that Zhou Dynasty brought out, and then returned to the high sky, overlooking the Chaoyuan City of Nuo Da.

"Why, haven't you guys been very arrogant before, now, don't you dare to come out?"

"I like to be a turtle!?"

Kwai Cailin's voice was cold, like a killing machine with no emotions.

Just that sound color changed all the warriors in Chaoyuan City.

This woman is simply a monster that kills without blinking!

"Huh, so what, my big formation in Chaoyuan City is solid and capable, come in!"

Zhou Chao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and laughed.

"When I dare not?"

The figure of Kwai Cailin appeared in front of the formation, with ten golden claws in his hand, crazily grasping on the barrier of that formation.

But although the ripples oscillated crazily above this formation barrier, they still couldn't be torn apart.

No way, Chaoyuan City, no matter what, is also a strong city with a strong background.

This formation enchantment is also from a famous formation, and there is a nearly infinite energy supply in it. Unless you can break through the tenacity of this formation in an instant, you will definitely not be able to get in.

Kwai Cailin frantically attacked for half of the tea time, but in the end, she had to retreat in shame.

With her own strength, she really couldn't shake the formation.

"Hahaha, do you know the gap now!? It's not that I underestimated you, even if you are with the martial artists of Qingyun City, I can't imagine how I am Chaoyuan City!"

When Zhou Dynasty saw this, he laughed again.

"Hehe, Zhou Dynasty, what can you be happy about, being blocked by our warriors in Qingyun City and afraid to come out, I am embarrassed to laugh!? Your heart is so big!"

Outside the city, Lin Yichen said.

"You, stop talking nonsense!"

"Don't think I'm afraid of Qingyun City!"

Zhou Chao's face changed.

Indeed, if today’s events were to be spread out, then his Zhou Family in Chaoyuan City would completely become the laughingstock of the Human Race of Qingchen Xianzhou.

However, that is better than death.

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