Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2781: Into the Dragon

"Ling, Brother Lingtian, is this really Heavenly Demon Grass?"

Jin Peng couldn't believe his eyes.

Is it possible that this Lingtian is a trick, and the sky demon grass is going out one by one?

"Hehe, why Jinpeng, now you can't even tell whether this Heavenly Demon Grass is true or not?"

Ling Tian chuckled and squeezed the Heavenly Demon Grass directly into Jin Peng's hand, "Take it, I know, you can't go to the imperial palace without this Heavenly Demon Grass, and you can't take my sister-in-law."

"Brother, then I'm not being polite to you!"

Jin Peng slowed down and put away the demon grass that day.

"Brother Ling, after leaving the Snake Clan, come back to the Juju Clan with me. I think, my father, I really want to see you too."

Jin Peng put away the sky demon grass.

"Don't go now. My schedule is very tight this time, and there is really no spare time now."

"However, bring a good one for your father for me. If I am free, I will take a heavy gift and go to the clan to visit."

Ling Tian shook his head.

"Well, all right, but you can say it, you have time, you must go."

Jin Peng felt helpless, thought for a while, and said, "You can rest assured, I know what Human Race needs now. I will let my father send the demon in the family to the big man to help you protect Human Race.’

"Brother, you have this heart, just fine!"

Two days later, after dealing with the affairs of the Sky Snake Clan, Ling Tian and Kui Cailin left the Sky Snake City directly and went straight to the Qingchen Xianzhou outside the Yao Clan.

Princess Sky Snake and Jin Peng have taken Sky Demon Grass.

The blood of the two people will be pure again. Whether they can truly awaken the blood of the ancient gods and beasts in their bodies depends on their own good fortune.

On the mountains and rivers of the monster race, two figures walked side by side.

Ling Tian looked at the Kui Cailin beside him, and suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at!?"

Kui Cai glared at Ling Tian.

"No, I just feel that since your father-in-law promised you and me, you have become much gentler than before."

"Cut, fart, I didn't, don't provoke me, otherwise, I will still show you good looks!"

Kwai Cailin said coldly.

"Well, I can't mess with you."

Ling Tian chuckled, and knew that Kwai Cailin had a thin face, so it's better not to get angry.

"Did we go to the Dragon Race before!? But where is Qingchen Xianzhou so big, where do we go!?"

Kwai Cailin frowned.

"Well, actually I haven't figured it out yet. If there is no accident, I should go find my brother first."

"Brother!? Isn't it the dragon clan's friend?" Kwai Cailin sneered.

"What kind of person do you think of me!?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

"Who are you, don't I know, how many women are you?" The fierce light on Kwai Cailin's face became more and more obvious.

"Obviously you **** me!" Ling Tian whispered.

"what are you saying?"

"No!? Look, the frontier should be the border between Qingchen Xianzhou and Yaozu!"

Ling Tian said suddenly.

In fact, the pattern of the Seven Great Immortals is very regular.

That is, the other six immortal prefectures are all around the Jiuli Xianzhou where the heavenly race is located.

In addition to being adjacent to the Human Race and the Celestial Race, the Demon Race’s Ten Thousand Demons Xianzhou, in another direction, is the Qingchen Celestial Prefecture.

Here is the world of dragons.

This is a vast expanse of land. On top of the earth, rugged mountains stretch like a creeping dragon, dense ancient forests stand, and ancient giant trees as large as a spire rise straight into the sky like a pinnacle, which spreads away. The branches and leaves covered an area of ​​nearly a thousand meters, a thick reckless air permeated between the sky and the earth.

Compared with the Ten Thousand Demon Xianzhou, although the two big Xianzhou are separated by a river, their auras are quite different.

On the land of Qingchen Xianzhou, from time to time, there will be all kinds of angry dragons echoing, and the roar is full of the domineering dragons of wild surname.

Perhaps, this Qingchen Xianzhou is the only place in the fairy world where you can see the dragon clan everywhere.

Ling Tian and Kui Cailin crossed the river between the two immortal states, and truly entered the dragon's immortal state.

Taking a deep breath of the vast aura between the heaven and the earth, Ling Tian couldn't help but feel refreshed in his heart.

It seemed that every pore on the whole body opened up at this time, absorbing the breath of heaven and earth crazy here.

By now, Ling Tian could be regarded as understanding why the dragon clan thrived on this land.

It is because everything here is too suitable for the survival of the dragons.

Start with breathing.

Next to Ling Tian, ​​the same is true for the Kwai Cailin. After stepping into the Qingchen Xianzhou, the dragon breath in Kwai Cailin's body seemed to be stimulated. The light from the golden dragon surged, as if about to burst out. .


Ling Tian stretched out the hand of Qinglong, grasping Kui Cailin's wrist, and this allowed the restless aura in his body to settle down.

"The golden dragon aura in your body is not trivial. Be careful. Don't show it now."

Ling Tian whispered.

"I know, don't worry about it."

Kwai Cailin nodded.

The golden light all over her body gradually disappeared, and she just lost her attitude, but it was because she was stimulated by the aura of heaven and earth here when she came to Qingchen Xianzhou for the first time.

"Haha, but I am here, smelling the scent of heaven and wealth!"

Ling Tian suddenly chuckled.

"You!? It's Yaoyao!"

Kwai Cailin doesn't believe it.

"The things she can smell are all divine things. No matter how you say it, I'm well-informed. I can still sense the breath of heaven and wealth."

Ling Tian sighed, "It's a pity, it seems that the dragons won't look for these treasures hidden in deep mountains and dense forests!?"

He was also puzzled. It stands to reason that there are so many treasures of heaven and wealth buried in the fairy state of this monster race, and they should have been excavated long ago.

It looks like it hasn't been developed.

"Hehe, the dragons have always been very nervous, let them lie down in the ravine looking for treasures, they can't pull down that face, and they don't have the patience."

Kwai Cailin sneered.

"Isn't it, it is cheaper for other warriors in Xianzhou."

"Do you dare to search for treasures in the area of ​​the Dragon Race!? Even if you are too impatient to live." Kui Cailin looked at Ling Tian, ​​as if looking at a two pen.

"Uh... so too."

Ling Tian rubbed his forehead and understood.

As one of the overlords of the immortal world today, the position of the dragon clan in the immortal world is obviously at the apex of the pyramid. Those who dare to make mistakes within their territory may not be able to find much in the entire immortal world.

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