Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2674: Big gain


The phantom was directly installed on Ling Tian’s aura of rune formation, and suddenly bursts of stone-like tearing sounds sounded, and Ling Tian was also surprised that with the swallowing ability of his rune formation aura, he could not instantly destroy it. This thing swallowed.

At this time, Ling Tian finally saw that the thing that rushed up was a monster beast somewhat similar to a big lobster, a pair of huge claws, like giant blades.

The whole body was icy blue gleaming with terrifying light, not only that, the talisman halo rubbed on the lobster's back shell, but it was slow to swallow it completely.

Sparks burst out one after another.

The shell of this thing is too hard.


Ling Tian let out a cold snort, lifted his other hand, and went straight to the lobster.

With a muffled sound, the long-length lobster was intact on the outside, but the flesh inside was directly shattered.

Ling Tian held this huge crystal lobster, his eyes were filled with surprise.

This lobster should be regarded as a kind of monster, but Ling Tian has never seen it.

The carapace of this monster beast is very hard, even surpassing the ordinary Tongtian Lingbao and the top Immortal King artifact.

And this pair of big claws are also very sharp and can be used to refine weapons.

Looking at the dragon scale pattern on the lobster carapace, although this thing is not a dragon, it has some dragon bloodlines. The things are good. They can be used to refine armor and weapons, and they are extremely valuable.

It would be better if you could kill more.

Ling Tian threw the lobster corpse into the storage ring, already thinking about using this thing to arm a human army.

But that requires a lot of lobster.


However, just when Ling Tian's thoughts just came up,

In the next moment, the calm lake surface was like boiling water, densely packed like a gust of wind and showers, endlessly, and huge ice-blue lobsters popped out from under the water surface, daring forward without fear of death. go with.

call out!

call out!

The piercing air instantly resounded through this space.

Ok! ?

Ling Tian's eyes lit up, the talisman formation guarded him, and he opened it directly, covering his entire body.

Those lobsters came with a crazy impact, and the flesh and blood under the carapace was suddenly shattered by the tyrannical force, and they died instantly, and their bodies "puffed" and "puffed" to the surface, but even so, the lobsters still flocked to Ling Tian frantically.

This kind of creature is unique to the outside world, and almost every species in the outside world is different.

The larger the realm outside the sky, the stronger the combat power of the species that exist in it.

Moreover, these things usually live in groups, and if one is killed, the lobsters in the entire nest will all come out of the nest.

Until the future, the enemy who committed the crime will be killed.

However, seeing so many lobsters suddenly appeared, it made Ling Tian's face a pleasant surprise.

What he really wanted to do, he was afraid that there were not enough things!

Of course, for the sake of complete carapace and sharp claws, Ling Tian didn't want to use tyrannical supernatural powers to destroy them. After thinking about it, he raised his big hand and slammed his punch down on the lake.

A punch fell into the water, and the powerful force turned into a shock wave, sweeping across a hundred miles.

The huge ripples rolled away like a tsunami.

Ling Tian's punch was already comparable to the battle strength of Immortal Venerable.

Under this shock wave, all the lobsters were shattered to pieces, leaving only the carapace and sharp blades floating on the surface of the water.

The wave of fists fell and swept across a hundred miles. When it dissipated, the world returned to a dead silence again.

The entire lobster nest here was wiped out by Ling Tian's punch.

Ling Tian slowly got up and looked at the corpses full of thousands of lobsters, secretly delighted.

The harvest this time is pretty good.

Of course, Ling Tian's spiritual thoughts also discovered that these lobsters are just settlements within a thousand miles of this place. There are countless things of this kind in the entire realm of heaven, and they can't be killed!

However, Ling Tian was not in a hurry, as long as this thing was still in the thunder, then it was what he had in his pocket.

Raising his hand slightly, the densely packed lobster corpses were immediately collected by Ling Tian. The carapace can be used to make armor, which is enough to arm a large army.

As the leader of a party, Ling Tian's actions now need to be considered from the overall situation. What he wants to pay attention to is not just himself.

When collecting the carapace of the lobster, Ling Tian's eyes flickered, and he felt a little strange aura in several of the stronger lobsters. He broke the carapace apart, but he found that there were three blue crystals that exude aura. .

Among these crystals, there is a light blue water cyclone circulating, surging with a powerful celestial energy.

This should be the crystal nucleus of the monster race, the essence of the whole body.

However, now this thing can be used as the treasure of the water system warrior, refining and blending into one's body, can make one's own immortal yuan more refined, improve the cultivation base, and even make the supernatural power soar!

It's just that although this thing was precious, it didn't have much effect on Ling Tian.

After all, the resources Ling Tian needs for cultivation today are massive, even if there are more of these crystals, it is useless.

However, this thing can be used in the water system clone that will be refined in the future, it is definitely a treasure.

Thinking of this, Ling Tian put the crystal away properly.

Divine Sense swept through to make sure that there was nothing missing, Ling Tian turned and turned into a stream of light, whistling, and heading towards the aura of the original power again.

By the way, kill these lobsters on the road.

And thousands of miles away, Shen Biyuan had already joined Na Lin Mo and others.

However, they waited in place for a long time, but after all, Ling Tian was not seen.

Shen Biyuan raised the beads in her hand, her face filled with doubts.

"It doesn't make sense. You can clearly see his light spots before. Why did you lose his track when you first entered this Lei Ze!?"

"Hehe, what else can there be, there is only one reason, that is, this guy died the moment he fell!" Lin Mo sneered.

"Impossible! Looking for Brother Qin's way of the rune formation, how can you die if you come in!"

Chang Meng and others finally couldn't bear it.

"Presumptuous, you guys, dare to yell at me!"

Then Lin Mo was frightened, these people still dare to defend? I really don't know how to live or die, and I will shoot immediately.

"Lin Mo, stop making trouble!"

Unexpectedly, Shen Biyuan shouted angrily and stopped Lin Mo.

"The way to find Qin's talisman formation is indeed powerful, and it will never die, but we don't have time to wait for him. There are so many terrifying creatures in this outer realm. I must hurry up to find opportunities."

Shen Biyuan looked at the endless ocean around her, and shook her head.

Now within Lei Ze, it is impossible to recognize the direction, and they have no way of knowing where it is the place of inheritance.

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