Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2662: You teach me piano skills

At this moment, Shen Biyuan's gaze stared at Ling Tian coldly.

He would never allow someone to slander her piano skills.

"Yes, Ms. Shen's piano sound is flawed, and the problem is getting bigger!"

Ling Tian stood in front of Chang Meng and the others, and said with his hands in his hands.

As for his face, there was no fearless look. Facing Shen Biyu, Ling Tian still stared faintly.

This kind of demeanor and demeanor made Shen Biyuan startled slightly.

Is this still a human race of the second-order fairy king! ?

"Look for brother Qin, pay attention to proportion!"

Chang Meng reminded him behind Ling Tian.

Now that they have fallen into the hands of Tianyi Auction House, life and death are really between Shen Biyuan's thoughts!

"Haha, well, let's talk about it, what is the flaw in my piano music technique!? If you can't tell or talk nonsense, you all will die!"

Shen Biyuan said with a gloomy expression.

"Say, I can't tell you!"

Unexpectedly, Ling Tian shrugged and looked proud.

"I can't tell, then you are playing tricks on me!?"

That Shen Biyuan was surprised, and a small second-order fairy king dared to play with her! ? But I'm so impatient!

Chang Meng and the others behind Ling Tian also sighed. You said that Ling Tian is very good, go play Shen Biyu, isn't this a court death! ?

However, instead of waiting for Jia Si and others outside the courtyard to come forward with anger, Ling Tian smiled faintly, "Not everyone can get my guidance. I said that your piano sound technique is flawed, so there is!"

"As for where there is, I can show you it again. If you can hear it, it is your good fortune!"

Before Ling Tian stepped forward, he was not afraid of Shen Biyuan's powerful aura comparable to the Immortal Venerable.

"You want to play the piano!? You will!?"

Shen Biyuan raised her eyebrows.

"Miss, isn't this nonsense? Me, if I don't know the piano, how can I say that your piano technique is flawed, please let me know, this piano is good, let me try it."

"Of course, the young lady can kill me directly, but in that case, the young lady is afraid that she will never know where the flaws in your music technique are!"

Ling Tian's face looked like you could do nothing.

He naturally wouldn't really be afraid of this Shen Biyuan, if he wanted to, he could directly destroy this entire human stronghold.

It's just that he is very interested in Na Reze.

Hearing what Shen Biyuan said, when Lei Ze was turned on, he would attract many powerful players from the Ascension Alliance, and Ling Tian had to pay attention to it.

His identity cannot be disclosed now. After all, he is now in the Monster Clan’s Ten Thousand Monsters Xianzhou. Within this Xianzhou, there is more than one Monster Clan Wudi, and many quasi emperors and high-level Immortals.

With his current combat power, he couldn't do it all.

Therefore, in front of Shen Biyuan, the play is still to be performed.


Shen Biyuan was still ashamed and angry, but she attached great importance to her technique of piano music, so she would rather believe it, and she would definitely not give up any of the possibilities that could improve her piano skills.

Therefore, although Shen Biyuan could not wait to kill Ling Tian immediately, she still gave up her position.

"If you can't play it out today, let's see how I can clean you up!"

Ling Tian smiled without saying a word, and took a seat in front of the guqin.

"The piano is not bad, Wan Laiqiusheng, in a hundred records of famous pianos, it is enough to rank in the top 24!"

"Today, there are only twenty-four famous pianos, and only about ten have been born. Yours can be ranked in the top ten."

Ling Tian stroked the Guqin.

"Hehe, you know the goods, but it's not a secret, hurry up and play the piano!"

Shen Biyuan said impatiently.

Ling Tian curled his lips.

This piano is good, but in terms of quality, it is still blown by the Bitianfeng in the hands of his apprentice Zuo Xianzhi.

Qin is good, but Shen Biyuan is not so good.

As for piano skills, Shen Biyuan barely rivals Zuo Xianzhi.

But in the middle, there is still a gap. After all, Zuo Xianzhi's piano skills were taught by him.

As for the piano music played by Shen Biyuan just now, in his opinion, it couldn't be easier.

Under the pavilion, Chang Meng and others looked at Ling Tian intently. Although they had been saved by Ling Tian just now, if Ling Tian could not perform the art of piano sound this time, Shen Biyu would be satisfied. , Then they will eventually die.

How can they not be nervous.


However, when Ling Tian's slender and graceful ten fingers landed on the guqin, a sound of the piano suddenly sounded.

Almost in an instant, the mysterious and exquisite sound of the piano made everyone present stunned!

Chang Meng, Jia Si and others outside the courtyard were all brought into it in an instant by the technique of piano sound. The sound of the piano drowned their sea of ​​mind and spirit. Almost as long as Ling Tian moved to kill them, he could take them. Life!

And Shen Biyuan sitting in the piano master, naturally able to withstand the influence of Ling Tian's music technique.

But because of this, she is now even more shocked!

The layman watched the excitement, and the expert watched the doorway. Almost at the moment Ling Tian made a move, Shen Biyu knew that this person's piano skills were better than her!

Moreover, she just played the first ten breaths of Lost Souls, so Ling Tian can perform all of the tunes!

If it's not for the superb piano skills, then it is Ling Tian, ​​who has practiced this piece of music.

But the latter is impossible!

Because, the Lost Soul Song, in the Ascension Alliance, is extremely famous. It is one of the Quartet Zun Qin Zun, a self-created song. Among all the piano masters, only her closed disciple has heard the whole song. People, how could it be! ?

But when the song fell, Shen Biyu could still find from it that this song was slightly different from his master's Lost Soul song.

But what makes Shen Biyuan even more unbelievable is that this person's song seems to be stronger and more subtle than her master's Lost Souls song!

This is really sensational.

Is it possible that this person's piano music skills are even higher than her master! ?

But her master, but among the human race, one of the few Qin Zun who is almost at the pinnacle of piano sound!

"Hehe, Miss Shen, I have finished the demonstration. As for the so-called flaws, if you think about it, you should be able to hear it yourself."

Ling Tian suddenly got up.

Let Shen Biyuan wake up from his contemplation.

Ling Tian got up and returned to Chang Meng and the others.

"Damn! Brother, you know how to play piano!?"

Chang Meng touched his head, looked at Ling Tian, ​​and felt more and more that he had picked up the treasure before teleporting the formation this time!

If Ling Tian messed up this time, their lives would be gone.

And that Shen Biyuan took a breath and turned to look at Chang Meng and the others, "You are safe, go down, although you can't enter Lei Ze, but I can spare your life until I come out of Lei Ze Let you go."

However, Chang Meng and others looked at each other, but they never left.

Just now, Shen Biyu said the same thing, but he still wanted to kill them.

"Hehe, don't worry, I'm not an unreasonable person, Shen Biyu, and this person's song is enough for you to exchange your fate."

The corners of Shen Biyuan's mouth curled up and she sneered with disdain.

"let's go!"

Chang Meng's eyes narrowed slightly. Although Shen Biyu's mouth was full of disdain for them, after all, the other party was Shen Biyu, who was humiliated in his heart, but she could only endure it.

"You stay."

"The piano skills are good, these days, before entering Lei Ze, you taught me piano skills."

But Shen Biyuan looked at Ling Tian again, which made Chang Meng and others startled.

Sure enough, this person is extraordinary, Shen Biyuan will not let go.

However, Ling Tian shook his head, "I'm sorry, I don't just give pointers on other people's piano skills."

Rejected, rejected again!

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