Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2611: See me in the future, call senior

"Battle Armor!?"

The victorious Wu Yao was startled, never expected that Ling Tian would suddenly appear in the hall.

Not only that, this Protoss Battle Armor was actually held by him!

This makes Wu Yao, how can he tolerate it! ?

Just now, he had already paid a great price to defeat Jin Peng.

As long as he obtains the battle armor of the Protoss, he will immediately return to the Dark Demon, so as to enjoy the supreme glory and obtain countless resources in the Dark Demon.

This is an opportunity that is enough to make him famous for the entire dark demons.

But now, it was stolen by this human race Ling Tian!

"Human Ling Tian, ​​you are looking for death!"

Wu Yao was frightened and didn't question too much. He immediately shot, and the pseudo-immortal weapon was suddenly cut down towards Ling Tian.

He wanted Ling Tian to die directly in front of his own eyes,

I dare to take my own Protoss battle armor, but I really don't want to live!

And in his eyes, Ling Tian couldn't survive half a breath under the Pseudo Immortal Venerable Device.

When the blade fell, it was Ling Tian's death period!


However, what shocked Wu Yao's face was that the moment his blade was cut, he was imprisoned in the air.

It's the formation!

At the same time, Wu Yao, who was standing on the altar, suddenly discovered that the formation light was already lit up around him at some unknown time.

He was besieged by the formation.

Even the divine pain can't be used!

"How is this going!?"

Wu Yao was frightened, and the fake immortal weapon could not be retrieved. He went crazy and used all kinds of magical powers to blast down on the surrounding formation restrictions.

However, this formation almost infused the formation energy of the entire dwarven underground palace, even if Wu Yao's combat power was almost half a step Xianzun, it still could not be shaken.

Not to mention, Ling Tian, ​​the one who controls the big formation now, says that the strength is far surpassed him!


"Don't struggle, you can't get out with me!"

Ling Tian landed on the altar, and in front of Wu Yao, he took the Protoss battle armor into his bag.

The angry Wuyao's Qiqiao made smoke, "Ling Tian, ​​if you have a seed, just let me out and fight me fairly!"

"I promise, let you die than life!"

"Hahaha, are you stupid or do you think I am stupid!? And, even if you let you out, you are not waiting for my opponent and imprisoning you with formations, just for you to see how I got the Protoss war First."

"You are not qualified to do it with me now."

Ling Tian sneered, but his eyes swept over the altar. Sure enough, in addition to the Protoss battle armor, there are many treasures, which are collected by the Lord of the Dwarves, and are much more precious than the treasures in the treasure house.

And Ling Tian, ​​naturally, would not be soft, and with a big wave of his hand, all these treasures were collected into Taoyuan.

Seeing this scene, the dwarf lord who was limp under the wall of the hall struggled to stand up, "Then, that is the treasure of my Dru clan!"

"Huh, it's just a **** from the dwarves!"

"Sparing your life is already a great gift to you!"

Ling Tianfei came over, pressed his palm on the head of the dwarf lord, and retrieved all his memories. Among them, there was the method of refining the ancient puppets, which made Ling Tian happy.

After searching for the soul, the Lord of the Dwarves looked stupid and had no value.

He was seriously injured and could not live long.

"Ling Tian, ​​this is not fair!"

But Jin Peng, who was lying on the ground, was pursing his lips.

Although he was defeated, the Protoss Battle Armor fell into Ling Tian's hands, and he was also unwilling.

Because, in his opinion, Ling Tian used tricks, not real strength.

"Why, you loser, don’t think it’s fair!? Isn’t that fair? If I kill you now, it’s fair!?"

Ling Tian walked to Jin Peng with a sneer on his face.

This golden pupil is really stupid.

"My Jinpeng lost, but it doesn't matter whether you live or die. If you want to kill me, kill me. Anyway, I'm not convinced!"

Jin Peng didn't have the slightest fear.

Ling Tian squinted his pupils, and then suddenly smiled coldly, "Okay, are you not convinced? Okay, I will let him out!"

"But remember, this time, I just let you see, I am Ling Tian, ​​better than you."

"See me in the future, scream, senior!"

The voice fell, Ling Tian raised his hand, and the formation on the altar was lifted.

At this time, Wu Yao, who had regained her freedom, was also slightly shocked.

Unexpectedly, Ling Tian really dared to let him out!

I don't know, this means that he will die! ?

Holding the Yuhundao, Wu Yao sneered and walked down the altar step by step.

"Ling Tian, ​​you really have a kind, but that's it. Without formation, you are nothing. Have you thought about your last words!?"

Ling Tian shook his head, "You are really a fool."

"The brain is not easy to use, how did you live to this day!?"

"Is it possible that your Wu clan is a close marriage!?"

"What kind of close relatives!?" Wu Yao didn't understand Ling Tian's meaning at all, but looking at the contemptuous smile on Ling Tian's face, he also knew that this was not a good thing.

"You don't need to understand, come on, let you come out, is to give you a chance to make a shot, defeat me, this Protoss battle armor is for you, otherwise, you die!"

"A rare opportunity, don't let me down."

Ling Tian held his hand and stood in front of Jin Peng, not even moving at all.

It looked like that, it turned out to be an attack from Wu Yao! ?

This undoubtedly changed the expressions of Wu Yao and Jin Peng.

So big! ?

I'm afraid that the Mingyue Immortal King, who is the number one in the human race, would not dare to bear the current Wu Yao's blow when he was in the realm of Immortal Monarch! ?

You know, Wu Yao's original combat power was Half Step Immortal Venerable, and now coupled with the pseudo-immortal Venerable, how terrifying it should be! ? ?

"good very good!"

"I like you who are so rampant, so you can be happy if you kill them like this!"

Wu Yao at this time was already filled with anger.

Now, he just wants to kill Ling Tian with his own hands!

"I don't know, what do you rely on!"

"But, Wu Yao is the royal family of the Dark Demon Race, and my limit is you, never guessed!"

"This knife has never been used since I made it. Today, I will let you see the gap between you, the Dark Demon clan royal family, and you ants!"

"Wu She Killing Soul Slash!"

"Die to me!"

At this moment, Wu Yao said that his combat power was fully deployed, and the black magic knife in his hand had turned into a sky full of light and shadow, almost flooding the entire hall.

Under this knife, the altar behind Wu Yao was completely shattered, and the formation in the entire sacrificial hall was roaring crazily.

If it were not for Ling Tian's blessing, this great formation would inevitably collapse under the coercion of this move, and all warriors in the underground palace would die.

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