Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2568: Yoon Rourou played [Three Thousand Dad

"Haha, crocodile!? I heard that you have the toughness of the race flesh, can you withstand my magical powers!?"

Seeing this person coming up, the Dark Demon Race didn't talk nonsense. There was a dark red flame rising up and down all over the body, and the Dark Demon bloodline opened, stimulating the breath to the extreme.

At this moment, he clapped his hands suddenly, and suddenly there was that surging fire wave morphing out, and the hot temperature broke out from it instantly, burning the void to produce ripples, whistling and rolling down.

The Demon King of the Sky Crocodile Clan sneered. The Dark Demon Clan is indeed very talented, but he is not afraid, because the Sky Crocodile Clan is not only powerful, but also the inherited talents of the water system.

"The celestial wave! Volume kill!"

In the middle of a low drink, this demon's supernatural power shot, transforming water vapor with its own demon energy, condensing the water waves, and rushing toward the sea of ​​fire without evasiveness. This water is the condensation of supernatural powers, to the yin to the cold, the supernatural powers that specialize in fighting fire, and the power is extremely strong.

When water and fire meet, they don't want to be compatible, and the collision erupts with great momentum.

The two powerhouses fought with all their strength, and the power of the Ninth-Tier Immortal King level was displayed to the fullest, but as the fight progressed, the monster race gradually gained the upper hand, and the water system supernatural powers compressed the dark demon race’s sea of ​​fire. When it is less than a thousand meters in size, it can be broken in just a few moments. When the time comes, the cold water vapor will break out, enough to instantly severely inflict the Dark Demon Race, and then conclude the battle for this.

"Die!" After a few breaths, when the sea of ​​fire was only a hundred meters away, looking at the hard-supporting Dark Demon Race, the Heavenly Crocodile Demon King let out a sharp sneer, and the corners of his mouth showed a ferocious sneer, and the figure burst into light. Out, a palm fell.

With this palm, this person is full of confidence, and he will die if he drops his opponent.

But at this moment, the abnormal change emerged.

The dark demon king who was struggling to support his eyes flashed through the eyes of the dark demon clan demon qi, suddenly raised his head, and the next moment, a pure demon qi burst out of his body in an instant.

His entire body shape also skyrocketed in an instant.

Amazingly, it is the magical power of the Dark Demon Race, demon transformation!

Demon transformation is related to bloodline. The stronger the bloodline of the Dark Demon Race, the more powerful the Demon Transformation displayed will be. This is something that every Dark Demon Race will do.

At this moment, the crocodile demon king's face changed drastically, and his eyes showed a look of anger. He screamed and wanted to retreat, but it was already too late at this moment.

"The waves of fire are overwhelming, burning the sky and the earth!"

In the low drink, the sea of ​​fire that was suppressed to death suddenly broke out, directly refining the sky full of water vapor, and the fire became even more intense. It directly involved the crocodile demon king that day. The flame burned and instantly turned it into ashes. God is all destroyed.

The Dark Demon Race Demon King raised his hand to collect his magical powers, and took away the storage of the Crocodile Demon King that day. With a glance of his spiritual consciousness, it was difficult to conceal the joy. Obviously this was a great harvest.




A group of dark demon warriors cheered suddenly.

"Damn it! The Dark Demon Race has the Demon Race Transformation, which is tantamount to cheating!"

The one-horned fairy king snorted, the challenge began, and his monster clan was defeated!

This has a huge impact on morale!

"And then on!"

He was unwilling to let the Demon King continue to appear on the stage, and then directly chose to challenge the human race.

Next, on the battlefield among the races, a battle broke out.

All the strong players participating in the exhibition are above the ninth-order immortal king.

However, the challenge is more than half.

The dark demons have won all battles.

The monster race has victories and losses, while the human race is defeated in five battles!

Moreover, the five Human Race Tianjiao were all beheaded by the Dark Demon Race and Monster Race powerhouses with terrifying magical powers.

Not only lost the challenge, but also lost his life!

For a time, the aura of the human race within the entire Non-Return Yuan fell to the bottom!

Li Futu's face was blue, but he couldn't help it. Now is not the time for him to take action.

However, he regretted listening to Na Jun Bufan's suggestion. Now the human race is in a low spirit. If a battle breaks out, it will be destroyed. It's better to just go all out and fight to the death.

But at this moment there was a sneer. A burly dark demon fell into the arena while the dark demon cloud was tumbling. He did not speak like others, but waved his sleeves and said coldly: "This demon king is a clan. The sixth in the middle school came out to challenge. I called for the battle against the human race. I heard that the daughter of the Lord of the Great Mansion is here in the abyss. I don’t know, dare to come out for a fight!"

Daughter of Chonglou! ?

Yin Rourou! ?

When the voice of the Demon King fell, Jun Bufan and Li Futu were both startled. They never thought that the Dark Demon Race would challenge them by name.

The Jimo Demon King and Hunya Demon King sneered again and again. They naturally got the news that the Lord of the Chonglou wanted to betroth Yin Rourou to Li Futu. Now this challenge was also designed by them. The purpose is to humiliate Li Futu and Jun. Extraordinary!

In the human community, Yin Rourou's face behind Jun Bufan clearly showed a bit of panic. She didn't seem to expect that she would encounter the situation like this, and someone would challenge her bluntly.

The next moment, Jun Bufan and the other disciples of the Chonglou changed their expressions, the former can still maintain their demeanor, and the eyes of the latter four cannot be imagined to flash through different shades of evil!

Ling Tian, ​​who was sitting cross-legged far above the stone wall, also narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the Demon King, his brows frowned slightly.

There seems to be something wrong with this matter.

Ling Tian could see this, and Yin Rourou had undoubtedly become a victim for humiliating the human race.

These dark demons are really damned!

Jun Bufan's complexion was slightly dignified. Although he was frightened in his heart, he would not show it to the surface. The expression in his eyes flickered slightly. Obviously, the thoughts in his heart were turning rapidly, and other people could see the sluggishness in it. Naturally, the wisdom of this person was clear at a glance.

But without waiting for him to speak at the moment, Du Feng already came out with a giant stick behind him, sneered in his mouth, "Dark demon clan, if you want to challenge my junior sister, come and fight me first. If you can't even beat me, don't be here. This is shameful and conspicuous." The murderous aura bursts as he speaks, the breath in his body bursts out, and the hunting and hunting power is amazing.

Rourou's identity is special, and she will not return to Yuan this time, but to broaden her horizons. No matter what, there can be no accidents in her safety.

At the moment the Mozu challenged, Yin Rourou couldn't take it anyway, otherwise, once they were on a business trip, none of them could afford it.

Jun Bufan was silent when he heard the words, and did not speak.

The corner of the Demon King’s mouth showed even more sneer, and he said indifferently, “This demon’s cultivation base is equivalent to this human girl. In this challenge, does she dare not take the battle and fail to succeed? Or, you have surrendered in this battle? !?"

Give up! ?

The strong of all races looked at each other and hesitated.

If you admit defeat, then the face of the human race will be completely lost, not as good as the dead human race.

At this time, their gazes showed a complex color to look at Li Futu and Jun Bufan, because at this moment, whether to fight or not to fight, the final decision is in their hands.

One is the leader of the Tianfeng City human race, and the other is the representative of Chonglou.

The demon clan watched from the sidelines, and the secret way of the dark demon clan's vigorous means instantly pushed Li Futu and Jun Bufan to the forefront and forced them to make a choice.

If this battle is won, everything is easy to say, otherwise it will inevitably lead to the dissatisfaction of the Terran warriors, severely harm their own prestige, and even cause the morale of the Terran to drop sharply, and then lose the prestige of the Terran leader.

Everyone can see this, Li Futu and Jun Bufan are irresistible!

Du Feng and the other disciples in the heavy building, their expressions were completely gloomy, and there was no way to hide the fright and anger in their eyes.

"Yin Rourou took this battle!"

However, suddenly, a soft voice with a firm fighting spirit suddenly sounded from behind Jun Bufan.

Let Li Futu, Jun Bufan, and even Ling Tian in the distance, all his expressions changed!

"Rourou, don't mess around!"

Jun Bufan frowned.

Yin Rourou stood up, pursed her lips, spoke softly, and said, "Brother, since this dark demon wants to challenge Rourou, then I have played with him. Someone told me before that although my human talent is The immortal world is not outstanding, and the number is not the largest. Today, it has lost its home for thousands of years. However, our human race is not lacking the kind of faith that is not afraid of hardships and moves mountains and fills the sea for thousands of miles. The journey will enable our human race to never be destroyed."

"As a person in the heavy building, as a human fairy king, I cannot shame the human race!"

Yin Rourou groaned, suddenly raised her head, and flew directly onto the battlefield.

"So, Yin Rourou took this battle, and I won't retreat!"

"Come on, I, Yin Rourou, will let you guys know, my human race, don't be humiliated!"

The voice fell, a mighty and mysterious general trend, rising from Yin Rourou's body, a faint mark slowly manifested from the center of her eyebrows!

Yin Rourou, who suddenly stood up, shocked the entire human race in an instant, sweeping away the haze of previous losing streaks!

Li Futu's pupils shrank sharply, looking at Yin Rourou, there was a lot of appreciation in his eyes.

According to rumors, Yin Rourou was spoiled by the lord of the heavy building and was a playful child, but when I saw it now, that was not the case!

And Ling Tian on the mountain wall in the distance, did not know when, had already stood up.

Because just now, Yin Rourou's utterly loud words were what he had said to Yin Rourou inadvertently on the road.

Unexpectedly, this girl actually wrote down all of it.

Moreover, at this time, these words were spoken from Yin Rourou's mouth, and Ling Tian's heart was surging, and an infinite fighting intent began to faintly agitated.

This Yin Rourou has grown up!

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