Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2564: Followed by [four more]

"Hey, didn't I be scared stupid by the supernatural powers of my senior!?"

Sure enough, in the next moment, Yin Rourou walked out from the dense forest with a smile.

Seeing that Yin Rourou was safe and sound, Du Feng and the four others breathed a sigh of relief.

Although their younger sister is not very sensible, their personality is simple, and they are still the jewel in the palm of their master. If something really happens, none of them should think about it.

In fact, if it wasn't for Jun Bufan that he wanted to wait, three days ago, the four of them would have thought about going out and looking for it.

However, they also suddenly saw Yin Rourou followed by Ling Tian, ​​and for a while, they couldn't hide the vigilance in their eyes.

Ling Tian looked calm, and slowly stopped, not too close, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings. Now that he has found someone, his promise has been fulfilled, and he will leave later.

"Poor mouth, if you secretly leave Tianfeng City and let the master know about it, he will definitely bring you back to the Chonglou himself!"

Jun Bufan shook his head.

Yin Rourou pleased her and smiled coquettishly, "Hey, Brother Bufan is the best, you love Yin Rourou the most. You will definitely not tell my father about me sneaking out, right? I know you won’t. How can Brother Bufan take it easy? Since Yin Rourou is being punished, Chonglou can suffocate people to death, and, this time, I can’t blame me. Who told my father he wanted me to see Li Futu, so I wouldn’t do it!"

Jun Wugui shook his head, sighed helplessly, and said, "This is Master's decision, and I can't stop it, but it's too dangerous for you to go out alone. Let's not take it as an example."

"Hehe! Rourou knows, the people outside are really bad, I almost can't come back!"

Yin Rourou nodded heavily.

"What, did you meet a gangster!? Who would dare to hit your idea and live impatiently!?"

In an instant, the expressions of the four people behind that Jun Bufan changed instantly, their eyes flashed sharply, and they went straight to Ling Tian.

Only Na Jun Bufan's complexion was calm, his aura was as gentle as before, and even the corners of his mouth still had a slight smile. He didn't reveal the slightest color, warm and moist as jade.

Ling Tian stood calmly, without the slightest fear due to the vague pressure of a few breaths, a pair of dark eyes shining like stars, although the divine light was restrained, but like an endless star field, it could contain thousands of unfathomable depths.

The atmosphere in the field became extremely solemn in an instant, and I was afraid that as long as Yin Rourou said the slightest bit of unpleasant words, it was obvious that the disciple of the heavy building would definitely not let Ling Tian go.

Yin Rourou's complexion also changed. Knowing that her brothers and sisters had misunderstood, she immediately stood in front of Ling Tian and said, "Oh, don't get me wrong. He is a good person. If he didn't save me, you wouldn't be able to see it. I'm so cute!"

"Hey, Ling Tian, ​​why are you standing so far away, come up and talk, are you scared now when you see my senior brother and sister?"

"This is my brother Jun Bufan, with a tyrannical cultivation base, and ranked third among the nine great Wei sons. You are now my friend, and you will follow us in the future. Don't you want points? Make sure you get soft!"

While speaking, Yin Rourou exuded triumphant expression.

Jun Bufan frowned slightly, and glanced at Ling Tian with no trace of his gaze. An inexplicable color flashed across it for an instant, and then he spoke gently, saying, "It turns out that this friend saved the junior sister, Jun Bufan is grateful."

"However, I heard from Junior Sister Fang Cai, what is your name!?"

Jun Bufan said suddenly.

"Ling Tian."

Ling Tian said lightly.


However, when Ling Tian's voice fell, the others burst into laughter, and when they looked at Ling Tian, ​​they all shook their heads.

"I said, you didn't just come to Tianfeng Battlefield, right? Didn't my junior sister tell you that here, those gangsters who murdered and overwhelmed themselves claimed to be Ling Tian, ​​don't you come from Chu to Ling Tian!? Whoops? He looks a little serious, and he also carries Jianqin on his back."

Na Du Feng laughed carrying a giant stick.

"I am Ling Tian from Chu Kingdom."

Ling Tian frowned, no longer willing to deal with these people in his heart. ,

"Just a few words, Chu Lingtian is just a guise used by those people to do evil, and the real Chu Lingtian dare not come to my Dawei's territory."

"This friend, it's just the same name, don't laugh."

Jun Bufan raised his hand to stop everyone from smiling.

"Since Junior Sister has spoken, she will naturally agree. You can wait and act with me. This time there will be a big battle in the abyss, which is extremely dangerous. If you follow us, it will be much safer. After the decisive battle, you will get it. A good result, the right is to give back to a friend and help Junior Sister Rourou."

This person spoke gently, but wanted to use this to wipe out Ling Tian's kindness to help Yin Rourou.

The little girl Yin Rourou didn't notice it, and she nodded happily after hearing the words, while the other four were secretly sighing that the big brother is really wise. Yin Rourou's experience in walking the world is too shallow, and if she is not careful, others will take advantage of her. Cut it off, Ling Tian couldn't speak even if he was ready to take the opportunity to open his mouth.

Ling Tian's eyes flickered. At this moment, he heard that there was no different color, and he said lightly: "Baofan Gongzi's kindness has been taken in Xiaxin, but he has become accustomed to being free and loose. I didn't even think about what kind of remuneration would I want.

"This time, my promise has been fulfilled, girl, in the future, your eyes will be brighter. Many good people in your eyes are not necessarily glorious. Goodbye!" Ling Tian glanced at Yin Rourou last and turned around with a flash. Disappeared in front of everyone, without a trace.

"Hey, Ling Tian!"

Yin Rourou was too late to stay, but she couldn't feel any breath of Ling Tian.

"Hey, let's not say, this guy has a good body shape, and his speed is so fast, Junior Sister Rourou, this guy, along the way, didn't have any idea to hit you!?’

Du Feng frowned suddenly.

"No, and, in fact, he is quite strong, he should be above the Ninth-order Immortal King. If he joins us, he is also a good helper!" Yin Rourou lowered her head, not knowing why, Ling Tian left, making her suddenly Very lost.

"The combat power is equal to the 9th-order immortal king!?" The four people looked at each other, and then the senior sister suddenly said: "No, just now I think he is only a fairy, and he can burst out the 9th-order immortal king's combat power. Is it the same as when Big Brother was in Xianjun!? His talent is so high?"

Everyone looked at Jun Bufan again.

"This person is face to face. I think it should be the first time to come here. There are some outsiders and there are heavens and heavens. Don't me, there are many, no surprises."

"By the way, Rourou, considering the weakening time of the big formation outside, you guys should have been down three days ago. Why are you looking for me now?"

Jun Bufan said suddenly.

"No, we just came down, it was Ling Tian who came in alone against the big formation outside."

Softly shook his head.

"What!? He alone, forcibly broke into the ancient ruined formation that did not return to Yuan!?"

At this time, Na Du Feng and others were completely shocked.

With such an ability, among the human races who have descended into the abyss this time, I am afraid that it will not exceed five people! ?

Could this guy really be that Ling Tian! ?

Jun Bufan's eyes flashed with evil spirits, and then he shook his head and said: "There is nothing fuss about, you can also break into the big formation with the secret treasure to protect your body, let's go, it's getting late, go to Li Futu."

After that, Jun Bufan raised his hand and sacrificed a flying shuttle. Standing on the flying shuttle, he left here.

Yin Rourou just wanted to explain that Ling Tian didn't come down with a secret treasure, but Jun Bufan had already left, so helpless, she could only follow.

After the six people left half a cup of tea, Ling Tian manifested in place.

His pupils were slightly narrowed. That Jun Bufan practiced the righteous qigong technique, which was very similar to the Xuantian Zhengzong. However, he was cultivating righteousness, but he might not be a gentleman.

Although Na Jun Bufan was enveloped in the aura of Zhengyang, the killing intent and evil aura that had just filled his eyes were still sensed by Ling Tian.

"It's better to follow."

Ling Tian thought about it, Yu Jian followed Na Jun Bufan and the others far away.

After all, only by following them can you find the large troop of human race.

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