Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2562: Break into the ancient formation

"Ling Tian is a male idol, and Mingyue Immortal King is a female. What, is there a problem?" Yin Rourou said impatiently.

"Okay, don't be poor, let's hurry down!"

Ling Tian couldn't wait any longer.

"Wait, now it is the time for the big formation to be tyrannical, we have to wait and continue." Yin Rourou refused.

"Wait!? I don't have the patience, let's go!"

Ling Tian shook his head, pulled Yin Rourou's arm, and rushed into the mist of No Return.

"Hey, you fellow, you are not afraid of death!"

However, Yin Rourou couldn't break free of Ling Tian's big hand, and the two of them were plunged into the mist.

At the moment when the two figures flashed, the countless warriors of various races who were waiting outside the Yuan suddenly raised their heads, the expression of surprise on their faces was difficult to conceal.

"Hehe, now the fog above the abyss has not weakened. The big formation is fierce. Within this day, any warrior who enters the formation will be attacked and strangled by the formation. These two people dare to rush into it, seriously. act recklessly."

"Perhaps it is the lonely and ignorant person who doesn't know the power of the Ancient Remnant Formation of Nonguiyuan. In the early years, I saw several 9th-order immortal kings join forces to break in, but they were all buried in it.

"The two descendants of the human race are afraid that they will suffer."

"Look, the big formation is starting to move, and the pitiful human beauty is about to be killed."

In the sneer and whispers of these warriors, the thick fog that had been slowly rolling suddenly rolled violently like boiling water.

Ling Tian looked cautious, and his cold eyes were constantly sweeping around. As early as the moment he entered the mist, a faint intention of killing was already born in his heart. Although it seemed calm here, his instinct told him that this remnant formation did attack. The power cannot be underestimated.


The voice was extremely low. If it hadn't been for Ling Tian to listen intently, he could not even notice, his body was suddenly tense, his complexion instantly gloomy, he actually reached out and hugged Yin Rourou behind him in his arms.

"Ah!" Yin Rourou suddenly exclaimed, her complexion rose to flushed with a "huh", is this guy looking at this place hidden and no one, wanting to do something wrong with her! ?

Yin Rourou was about to resist to death when she heard Ling Tian suddenly snorting.

From the depths of the dense fog, there were a few white mist arrows shot out silently. The speed was extremely fast, and they had already swept through before Ling Tian had even given a little time to dodge. The arrows were sharp and harder than a national weapon. Changing the ordinary martial artist, I am afraid that five or six holes will be pierced out of the body by a sneak attack, and most of his life will be lost. However, with the strength of Ling Tian's physical body, these mist arrows made him faintly pained at most, but they could not break through the defense.

"Don't move, or you will lose your life. Don't blame me for not reminding you."

Ling Tian shouted in a low voice, and then the blue light from his body exploded, constantly repairing the small scars caused by the arrow, and rushing forward with howling. It was at the moment he acted that the originally calm fog wave violently fluctuated in an instant, like a tide, tossing up and down endlessly.

call out!

call out!

A short, ear-piercing sound suddenly rang out, mixed with aura, and countless arrays were condensed into misty arrows, which roared like a rain of arrows. Like a series of poisonous snakes hiding in the mist, the speed is as fast as lightning, straight to Ling Tian and strangling away.

"Huh!" Facing the siege of the fog arrows, Ling Tian's expression became even more ugly. At this moment, he let out a cold snort, and an endless blue wood aura suddenly burst out of his body, with sharp blades sweeping across all directions.



The sword light and the fog arrow met, and there was a crisp sound between the two. Although the arrow formed by the formation was extremely tough, the clone's sword intent was also tyrannical, enough to easily cut it off.

Although the number of arrows is extremely large, Ling Tian’s release of the blade light does not fall under the wind at all, condensing into a round circle of harvesting, but any arrows that dare to enter within a thousand meters of his surroundings will be instantly shredded. "Pattern" fell below the mist.

Ling Tian's eyes flickered slightly, and he didn't hesitate at this moment. He kept walking under his feet, whistling forward.

As for the formation method, it seemed to be half angered by Ling Tian, ​​and the gust of wind and rain swept in!


In No Return Abyss, I had already entered the abyss before, ready to take in the warriors of their respective races. At this time, his complexion changed suddenly, and he suddenly raised his head to look at the fog that was already like the raging waves of the sea. .

"What's the matter, there is clearly one day before the formation weakens. Someone rushes into the big formation!?!"

"I don't know which family of warriors are so big, hehe, this time I am afraid that I will have to pay for my stupidity."

"The ancient remnant formation is terrifying. Once the flesh and blood creatures enter it, they will never die. Warriors below the top fairy king will undoubtedly die if they enter it, but I don't know how long this person can persist."

"Five breaths! At most five breaths, those who break in will be swallowed by arrow rain!"

"Yes, in the face of the ancient formation, few people can hold on to more than five breaths."

A group of alien warriors opened their mouths one after another, but their faces were all lightly mocking. They wouldn't care about the death of others, and Quan had just watched a good show.

But at this moment, a shock of weather suddenly burst out from the fog, even if the fog is obstructed, it can already be vaguely sensed. At the moment when the killing was sensed, the expressions of more than a hundred alien warriors here changed drastically.

"What a strong breath!"

"Who is the intruder, who can possess such a tyrannical aura? Is it the top arrogant of the race!? Shouldn't it, the top powerhouses of the major races, have they all entered the abyss of no return?"

"Could it be that other strongholds are here!?"

"No matter who it is, we can't provoke this guy, hide your breath, go!"

Soon, the warriors of all races around here left one after another, feeling from a distance.

Just after these warriors escaped, the ear-piercing sound instantly spread down the abyss, and then under the tyrannical aura, two figures rushed directly out of the thick fog, bringing a large amount of fragmented fog and arrows crackling. Smashed to the ground.

call out!

call out!

Arrows chasing after them rushed out of the mist and fell into the abyss, shooting all the rocks and ancient trees around this place to pieces,

A group of alien warriors who had fled before couldn't help but swallowed and spit, looking at the direction where the arrow above disappeared, and there was a sense of awe in their eyes. The Remnant Array is still too terrifying, but these two figures can actually break in directly, which is even more powerful.

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