Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2528: Celestial Appearance

"Hey, how can you not bring sister princess, sister princess herself is extremely powerful, this time, maybe we can find the imperial weapon!"

Bai Mengyi smiled.

"Don't, I don't want to be a prince, don't die here this time, I still want to go out and enjoy my love!"

The three princesses were impatient.

"Well, since the princess wants to follow us, I'll say it in advance, listen to my command, and don't act rashly!"

Seeing that the three princesses didn't want to leave, and now the team only had them left, they couldn't let the three princesses go in to bury the Dragon Yin Ruins alone, so they had to take them.

"Don't worry, I won't hold your hind legs!"

The three princesses held their shoulders.

"Okay, let's go!"

Ling Tian nodded and immediately turned into a ray of light, rushing into the darkness ahead.

Later, Yun Fei, Yan Lao and others followed closely.

Buried in Longyin Ruins.

It is indeed a land of ruins that has been destroyed by magical powers.

The deeper this forbidden place is, the more fear in Ling Tian's heart.

Because there are almost endless plains here, without a high mountain.

Because the high mountains have been smoothed, there are pitch-black gravel everywhere, and even the terrifying magical breath still remains on it.

It is no longer known how many tens of thousands of years have passed, and it is not even the era when Yuxu Wudi was in charge of the human race, but to this day, this breath still exists, which shows how terrifying the terrifying battle that happened here.

However, what made Ling Tian and the others even more puzzled was that they had traveled through the Yin Ruins for three full days without encountering any danger.

Nor did they see anything that could threaten their existence.

This is the forbidden area! ?

Don't talk about baby, there aren't even monsters.


Finally, Ling Tian, ​​who was moving forward, stopped to escape.

Moreover, a dragon roar resounded throughout the world. At this moment, Ling Tian directly activated the beaulieu transformation. Behind him, the fairy king's dragon wings bloomed, and the beaulieu aura rolled, making Ling Tian's coercion soar to its extreme in an instant. .

Everyone was astonished. At this moment, they looked at Ling Tian, ​​who was surrounded by the little Holy Spirit's fire and carried the Meteorite Sword in his hand, at a loss. ’

Now they realized that this might be Ling Tian's ultimate state! ?

Sure enough, at the Zong Sect promotion ceremony a month ago, Ling Tian didn't make any effort at all!

Otherwise, even if the Five Great Immortals joined forces, they might not be Ling Tian's opponent alone.

This is terrible!

At this time, the three princesses were also full of Ling Tian's stalwart figure, and their hearts moved secretly.

Being able to write such beautiful poems and possessing such combat power, I am afraid that it is only five fingers among the descendants of the entire human ancestors. If you can fly with this class of people, all women are willing! ?

"Ling Tian, ​​what's the matter!?"

Old Yan stepped forward and asked with a frown.

The others also shrank their formations, watching the dead space around them vigilantly.

"Hehe, I'm really careless. In fact, we have already met our opponents, but this opponent is good at the method of illusion, so it trapped us for a whole day!"

Ling Tian sneered again and again, and he laughed at himself even more. He was really late for a lifetime, and finally got his eyes cut.

In fact, if Tao Yaoyao hadn't fallen asleep and haven't woken up yet, how could he be trapped by this phantom formation! ?

Just now, the hundred thousand sword shadows he released, felt the feet of the guy leaking out, and then reacted, otherwise, he might be trapped here for how long.

"What, you said this is a phantom formation!? When will we be in the formation!?"

Bai Mengyi frowned, the lingering eyes above her eyebrows opened, and with the blessing of the source, she could see through the illusion.

But at this time, no abnormalities were found,

"Since we first came in, we have been recruited, haha, you guy who pretends to be a fool, do you think I'm waiting to be bullied!"

Ling Tian sneered, and a hundred thousand sword shadows appeared around, surrounded and merged into the Meteorite Sword.

"Not showing up yet!?"

The loud shout of Ling Tian resounded between the heaven and the earth.

"Okay, then I want to see if you can block my sword!"

"The sword of light, cleanse all evils!"

In Ling Tian's angry shout, Ling Tian's Meteorite Sword was lifted high, piercing the sky with sword light, as if the big sun had been cut in half, directly tearing through the sky.

Lao Yan and others were terrified. Now Ling Tian's sword was enough to kill their top-level fairy kings!


Sure enough, under Ling Tian's extremely terrifying swordsmanship, the sky was directly torn apart.

A wave of terrifying and evil black silence burst out, accompanied by a sharp roar, everyone was shocked.

"Be careful! There are evil things!"

Yun Feijiao yelled and rolled up the white silk in her hands. Suddenly, it was a sky-reaching spirit treasure, protecting everyone in the center.

Boom boom boom!

And the next moment, the defensive barrier under the white silk fabric began to tremble violently. Ling Tian and the others were okay, but Bai Mengyi, the third princess, and Ye Gucheng and others turned pale suddenly, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Although he was protected by the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure, he was directly injured because of the terrifying external impact.


Mr. Yan was shocked, the coercion of the top fairy king spread, his big hand raised, and the black smoke outside the white silk was torn apart.


There were screams and screams, the black smoke dissipated, and everyone discovered that besides Bai Ling, a piece of Senbai's skeleton had fallen.

"It's the ancient dragon clan!"

Yan Lao exclaimed, and everyone discovered at this time that those who had impacted the Tongtian Lingbao were actually some resurrected ancient dragons!

These dragons were originally from the Shenlong clan, but I don't know why, the bones were resurrected, the limbs were degenerated, and only two legs were left, but bone wings were born behind them.

Above the head, he was still savage, with a pair of dark eyes exuding a violent gloom.

Just now, Yan Lao slashed more than a dozen skull dragons with a single knife, but these bone dragons did not die, and while roaring, they climbed up from the ground and surrounded the crowd.

"Damn it, can't kill!?"

Old Yan was furious.

At this time, everyone realized that these bone dragons had no physical bodies, and the keels were extremely tough and fearless to die.

Each end has a combat power comparable to Yan Lao!

"Hmph, it's kind of interesting to be able to break my Heavenly Dragon Magic Array, you human race!"

But at this moment, above the sky, a voice suddenly remembered.

Everyone just looked over, but suddenly discovered that in the sky, at some point, a black dragon appeared.

There is no difference in form between this dragon and the real dragon.

And above the black dragon, a figure stood proudly holding his shoulders, with white hair and the dark cloak, moving in the wind, hunting.

"God, heaven!"

Yan Lao and Yun Fei exclaimed, their expressions suddenly changed.

On the dragon, there is a strong heavenly clan!

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