Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2516: Funeral Dragon Yinxu Searching for the Emperor [four more]

"Hmph, in the White House, no one has ever dared to talk to me like this. Besides, you are still a foreigner!"

The old man sneered, his whole body gradually rising.

Awesomely reached the level of the top fairy king.

This Patriarch is one of the thirteen immortal kings of Dajin.


However, how could Ling Tian be afraid! ?

If this Patriarch wants to do something, then he will accompany him.

"The third child! Don't be presumptuous, this Ling Tian is the fifth child, the guest I invited!"

However, a coercive voice, with a rolling terrifying coercion, descended on everyone's heads.

Almost instantly, the aura of the two of them was directly shaken away.

Ling Tian's footsteps were shocking, and he took two steps back.

My heart is also awe-inspiring.

The strength of this breath was the most terrifying thing he encountered after he came to Dajin.

Even if it is less than the Immortal Venerable, that is definitely not an ordinary Immortal King Record powerhouse, and can contend.

Want to come, this person is the ancestor Bai Mengyi said.

"Brother, you said this junior is the guest you invited!? How could this be possible, he is just a junior!"

The old man was furious.

"Presumptuous, I invite guests, do I still need to ask you to explain!?"

"Junior, you can see that the combat power is not weaker than your junior!?"

"I'm talking about, what kind of lively is that Baifan in your house, you know better, tell Nan Wang, don't enter the White Mansion, I have no time to talk to him!?"


The voice shouted angrily.

Make all the disciples of the Bai family shudder, full of fear.

And the old man and Bai Mengying also lost their voices.

After a while, he left the inner house dingy.

Before the ancestors, they could only listen.

"Let's go!"

Bai Mengyi took a deep breath, and there was no light on her face.

It turned out that Ling Tian was invited by the ancestors.

In the depths of the White House, it was a yard that looked all old, as if no one had cleaned it all the year round, and it was surrounded by dust.

"Ling Tian, ​​this is the ancestor's courtyard, you can go in, I will take Ye Xichan and the others around, don't worry."

Bai Mengyi said.


Ling Tian nodded, sorted out his clothes, and then pushed in.


The moment Ling Tian entered the old house, a sharp sword pierced towards his face.

This sword shadow looked plain and invincible, without the slightest amount of national coercion.

However, Ling Tian was shocked.

Because this sword shadow is a sword intent!

A terrifying original sword intent that is just like the essence!

With the time when there was no thinking, one hundred thousand sword shadows in Ling Tian's body suddenly poured out, and also appeared as a sword shadow, blocking him.


With a blast, the two sword shadows fought against each other, fought each other, and broke apart.

However, Ling Tian was hit by a huge force and took a step backwards.

"Haha, yes, it can block my sword, but only takes a step back. It is indeed already a record of the immortal king!"

Jianying disappeared, and a laugh came out.

Ling Tian took a deep breath, dispelled the sword intent, and then the day after tomorrow he saw it.

Found that in the old house at this time, two figures were standing under a banyan tree.

Both are old men with white beards and eyebrows, the cultivation base of the eighth-order immortal king, but the coercion of combat power is unfathomable.

Special equipment is the person who speaks, dressed in a simple robe and carrying a simple long sword.

At this moment, he was looking at Ling Tian with a smile.

"Junior Ling Tian, ​​met the ancestors, met the five masters!"

Ling Tian put away his sword intent and arched his hands.

"Hehe, you don't need to call yourself a junior. We really haven't seen a junior with combat power like you. Perhaps, only among the world-famous nine sons of Wei, can there be someone who can stand shoulder to shoulder with you."

"sit down!"

The old man smiled and let Ling Tian sit down.

The three of them sat down, and Ling Tian gave a light cough.

Because the eyes of these two old guys were fiery, as if they were looking at the big girl, it made Ling Tian very unhappy.

"I don't know, the two seniors called me over, what are the orders!?"

Ling Tian asked.

"Command!? How do we have the qualifications to command you, just curious, how do you do it, in the realm of the immortal monarch, you can have such a terrifying force, but we two have watched for so long, or I couldn't tell."

The ancestor of the Bai family shook his head.

Ling Tian touched his nose, "Hehe, it's just a chance, it's just a fluke."

"Hahaha, we know, this is your secret, we naturally won't ask more."

The old ancestor laughed, and then looked at the five-room Patriarch beside him and said, "Fifth, what do you think, is this Ling Tian qualified to act with us?"

Ling Tian frowned.

What, it looks like, these two old guys are looking for him, really something! ?

"Hehe, it is naturally qualified to be able to block the ancestor's sword."

"The ancestor is determined, I don't have any opinion."

The master nodded.


The ancestor took a deep look at Ling Tian, ​​and then said: "I heard that Mengyi came back and said last time that you found the holy original stone!?"

Ling Tian's heart moved.

It turned out that Bai Mengyi did not conceal anything, nor did she take all the credit to herself.

By the way: "Exactly."

"Yes, that girl Mengyi's technique of stone enlightenment has already aspired all the younger generations of my Bai family, but it's not as good as you."

The old man pondered for a moment, and finally seemed to finally make up his mind, saying: "Ling Tian, ​​have you ever heard of the buried Dragon Yin Ruins?"

"Buried Dragon Yin Ruins!?"

Ling Tian frowned and shook his head.

"Never heard of it."

The ancestor and the Patriarch looked at each other, then took out a pair of jade slips and threw them to Ling Tian.

"Among the four immortal dynasties, there are legends of the four forbidden lands in ancient times."

"Da Yan's Zixia Poison Valley, Da Song's Slaughter Ancient Mountain, Da Wei's Ghost Town of the Buddha."

"Every place is not only a forbidden place, but also a secret realm that no one knows."

"These forbidden lands, among the warriors of the four immortal dynasties, no one knows, but few people know the location of these forbidden lands."

"Because everyone who knew them was basically dead."

The ancestor said solemnly.

Ling Tian put down the jade slip in his hand, a little pondered.

Among the jade slips, there are only simple information about the forbidden area.

Only then did Ling Tian know that among the four great immortal dynasties, there is actually a strange place in this.

These forbidden celestial secrets are unpredictable. Every time they appear, they are extremely short, and they move in position, making them harder to find.

However, Ling Tian was very interested.

Because, what is hidden in this great Jin is the Ruins of Burying Dragon Yin, and this forbidden land, in legend, is the place where an ancient dragon clan died.

This made Ling Tian had to pay attention.

He will not miss all the news about the dragon clan.

After all, the true dragon nowadays has changed, and it is the method he relies on most.

As for the blue dragon in the five-color dragon clan, Ling Tian hasn't had any clues yet.

"So, what the senior meant is that you want me to bury the Longyin Ruins with you?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, we, as seniors, will not lie to you. We are going to bury the Longyin Ruins here to find the imperial artifacts and unlock the five sacred original stones hidden in my Dajin!"

The ancestor nodded.

Ling Tian was shocked in his heart.

Emperor weapon! ?

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