Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2514: White House Invitation

Ignoring Bai Li's gradually chilling expression, Ling Tian's figure flashed before he appeared in front of Song Xiao and the prince of the Southern Palace.

Two big hands were raised, clenched tightly on the necks of the two, and lifted them up.

"No, no, you dare to move me!?"

"What is Wushuang Immortal Sect, I am the Bai family nobleman, this Pingyang City is ours!"

The prince of the Southern Palace was still threatening Ling Tian.

"shut up!"

"It really makes me sick to be such a scum from the Bai family!"

However, at this moment, a cold drink sound directly interrupted the prince's screaming.

The crowd dispersed, and the soldiers from Wanbaofang knelt down after seeing this person.

"Meet the Fourth Prince!"

Almost everyone fell to their knees.

The arrival of the four princes of the imperial court, this is the real Bai family nobleman.

It is the Dragon of the Great Jin Dynasty.

Ling Tian never left.

The four princes, haven't you seen them in Zuihuayin before?

"Four princes, are you here to intercede too!?"

Ling Tian never turned around, nor bowed down.

However, there was no anger on the faces of the four princes.

"Yes, nor is it!"

"These two people really deserve to die, but, after all, this is Pingyang City. These two people have special identities. You give me a face, and how you punish them is up to you, but don't kill them."

‘May it! ? "

However, what surprised everyone was.

The fourth prince was actually asking Ling Tian! ?

Looks like he doesn't dare to provoke Ling Tian! ?

In fact, the four princes are just paying back the favor, because of which poem on the drunk flower shade.

Moreover, in today's matter, the region is the fault of these two dudes.

After a while, Ling Tian nodded.

"Okay, since the four princes spoke in person, then I will let them die."

"However, capital crimes are unavoidable, and living crimes cannot escape. This kind of waste, there is no need to discredit Dajin in the future."


Ling Tian threw the two directly out.

However, after landing, Song Xiao and the little prince had become dead dogs and passed out.

Bai Li stepped forward to check, his face changed, "The cultivation base is abolished!"

The words fell, and there was an uproar around.

The prince of the Southern Palace, the first disciple of the Cold Wind Immortal Sect.

Originally, they all had the cultivation base of the second-order fairy king, and their combat power was amazing.

Now, it was directly abolished by this person! ?

The cultivation of Nanwangfu and Cold Wind Immortal Sect over the past few decades was in vain in an instant.

It's all gone.

I have to say that Ling Tian of Wushuang Xianzong is really ruthless.

This is more cruel than killing them.

The face of the four princes has never changed.

"Haha, Immortal Ling Tian, ​​if you have time in the future, come to the imperial court to find me, I will discuss wine and poems later!"

The fourth prince smiled.

At this time, Ling Tian gave his hand, "Definitely."

In any case, the behavior of these four princes is still pretty plausible.

Then, the four princes turned around and glanced at Bai Mengyi who was disguised as a woman.

"You can also mess around, go to Baixiangfang City to do anything, if you are found at home, you will inevitably have to punish you."

"Four brother, you can see it." Bai Mengyi stuck out her tongue and restored her makeup to its original state.

"Forget it, now I can't control you!"

The four princes shook away and took the people away.

Bai Li asked people to clean up the place, and then they hurriedly left with the little prince and Song Xiao whose cultivation bases had been abolished.

Regardless of this matter, he is required to make it clear.

In short, it is absolutely endless.

"You guys, why did you run out by yourself, don't you know how dangerous it is outside!?"

Ling Tian checked Leng Linfeng's injury and found that there was nothing serious, so he was relieved, but his face suddenly became serious.

The three disciples were shocked.

Ye Xichan whispered: "We also came to see Master, but when we passed this Wanbaofang, and found a lot of treasures in it, I was curious to take a look, but I didn't expect to meet these people."

"It's me who is not good, we will go back now."

"Fine, I will send you back."

Ling Tian shook his head. After this turmoil, the Southern Prince's Mansion and Cold Wind Immortal Sect will never give up, and he is not relieved when the three of them return to Furongfang.

"Sister Mengyi, you are really here!"

At this time, among the crowd, a group of women in white also swarmed in. Seeing Bai Mengyi, they smiled and surrounded them.


Bai Mengyi's face changed.

"It's our master, telling you to go back, saying that there is something important to say!"

Those humane.

"All right, I will go back now."

Bai Mengyi sighed and looked at Ling Tian, ​​"Sorry, I wanted to take you around, but I didn't expect it to be a smooth day."

Shaking her head, Bai Mengyi turned around and was about to leave.

"Sister Mengyi, this is Xianjun Lingtian!? The master said, if you see Xianjun Lingtian with you, let Xianjun pass too."

The Bai family disciple said.

"What!? Grandpa asked Ling Tian to go too?"

Bai Mengyi frowned, and Ling Tian's expression changed.

Bai family invites! ?

"Yes, the master said, since Ling Tian Xianjun is a friend of the young lady, then since he has arrived in Pingyang City, he is our guest. He must do his friendship with the landlord. Please also Ling Tian Xianjun, don't refuse!"

The white woman looked at Ling Tian and smiled.

"In this case, then Ling Tian, ​​you can come back to the family with me, how about!?"

Bai Mengyi looked at Ling Tian with soliciting expressions on her face.

She knew that coming out this time had caused Ling Tian a lot of trouble.

"Don't worry, let Ye Xichan and others follow. It's the safest in my Bai family, okay?"

Bai Mengyi said again.

Ling Tian shook his head helplessly.

He also knew that the master in Bai Mengyi's mouth was definitely one of the Patriarchs of the Bai family, and his status in Dajin was unmatched by the four great palaces.

If he didn't go, he would be too incapable of being a human being.

Therefore, Ling Tian had no choice but to nod, "If this is the case, then Ling Tian can only interrupt."


Bai Mengyi smiled and took Ling Tian and the three apprentices, leaving Wanbaofang City with a group of Bai family disciples.

But today, people died in Wanbaofang City, and the cultivation bases of the two Tianjiao were abolished. These storms are spreading at a terrifying speed. Everyone knows that as Ling Tian came to Pingyang City, this beach The lake is beginning to make waves!


Bai family.

"Our White House stands north and south of the Imperial Palace, the Imperial Palace is in the south, and our White House is in the north of Pingyang."

"The one in the imperial palace is the upper clan of our Bai family, which surpasses everyone in the white mansion.

"In the current White House, there are a total of five Bai family members, and each room has a Patriarch, and the ancestor of Dafang has the highest cultivation level, so he is a true Bai family person."

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