Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2366: Master Luo is here

Eat your own vegetables, not even the soup!

Feng Jixing came out of the secret realm, and when he learned of this, he was even more furious.

Ling Tian took away his sister, and now, even his goddess is not let go! ?

And Ling Tian was finally called out of the Four Elephant Pagoda by Zhao Min one month before the start of the Holy Land.

"Oh, it's a holy land gathering, I almost forgot."

Ling Tian came out of the Four Elephant Pagoda and smiled.

In five months, he has spent three hundred months in the Four Elephant Pagoda.

"Well, you fairy fire, I heard Yaoyao say that Di Jiuge brought it to you!?"

Zhao Min raised her eyebrows suddenly.

"Uh, it's not really, it's an exchange."

Ling Tian scratched his head, "Is Yaoyao talking nonsense?"

"No, I believe you, and that Emperor Jiuge I've seen him is indeed a very extraordinary woman in the world, she can be worthy of you."

Zhao Min smiled sweetly.

But Ling Tian still felt a hint of inferiority in Zhao Min's eyes.

Although Zhao Min is really strong now, it took her and Luo Yan a month to pass many tests before breaking into the main hall from the side hall.

Even today's cultivation base is no different from those few great holy land immortals six months ago.

Such a talent and cultivation realm, in the Holy Land, is also a superb existence.

However, in the face of Di Jiuge, both Zhao Min and Luo Yan would involuntarily feel ashamed.

There is no way, Di Jiuge is such a superior existence, perhaps in terms of talent, there is only the woman of heaven, who can be compared with it! ?

"Fool, what nonsense, in my eyes, you are the best."

Ling Tian reached out and hugged Zhao Min in his arms.

Since Ling Tian ascended to the immortal realm, Zhao Min has been by his side, this kind of friendship is not comparable to Di Jiuge.

"I know, let's go, let's go out."

Zhao Min nodded in Ling Tian's arms.

With Zhao Min's character, he never procrastinates.

The two appeared in the secret realm of the Water Department, and sure enough, the breath of Di Jiuge could not be sensed here.

Because it was gone long ago.

Outside the temple, Feng Qixi, Luo Yan and others were also waiting for Ling Tian.

Even Liu Zhaoer and Zijin were there.

Although the two of them are not holy land immortal monarchs and do not have a temple order in hand, it takes less time to break into the main hall from the side hall than Zhao Min and Luo Yan, in fact, the gap between them and holy land immortal monarchs, The small ones can be ignored.

"Hehe, after nearly half a year of retreat, it seems that your strength has skyrocketed a lot!

Liu Zhaoer noticed that Ling Tian's temperament was very different from before.

Originally, Ling Tian's cultivation base was nothing but a high-level immortal monarch realm.

At this time, everyone else also looked at Ling Tian, ​​and suddenly discovered that, in just six months, Ling Tian's realm had skyrocketed to the pinnacle of a high-level fairy!

Although there is still a distance from the peak fairy monarch, this speed is really a bit scary.

If Ling Tian entered the Holy Land three years ago, then I am afraid that he could compete with Di Jiuge! ?

"Really fast enough."

Zijin also pursed his lips.

As for Liu Yifeng, Su Mei and others behind Liu Zhaoer, they were even more surprised.

Although Ling Tian's arrogance is well known in the Holy Land, he does have the arrogant capital.

"so far so good!"

Ling Tian chuckled.

The fire lotus is indeed powerful, making his cultivation level almost break through the peak of the high-level immortal monarch.

In this way, Ling Tian became a fairy king from the distance, and there was only a pinnacle fairy in the middle.

However, Ling Tian wasn't in a hurry anymore.

After all, a month later, Saint Bi, and Saint Bi will be held in the suspicion mound of Emperor Qingxiao. At that time, it was the time for him to hit the peak of the immortal monarch.

"Let's go, the ambassador of Saint Peter sent by my father has arrived, and should be waiting for us."

Liu Zhaoer greeted everyone to get up.

Flying towards the back mountain.

Chaoge Mountain’s back mountain scenery is particularly beautiful. It is the place where the water department is located. The holy places to entertain VIPs are also held in the back mountain.

"Sure enough, the envoy has arrived, I don't know, who is it!?"

Ling Tian asked by Liu Zhaoer's side.

"Uh, before, I didn't think about..."

Liu Zhaoer suddenly glanced at Luo Yan behind him, and said, "I am the imperial master of the dynasty, the Immortal King Luo Ji!"

"That's... Miss Luo Yan's grandfather."



Ling Tian also turned his head abruptly, looking at Luo Yan.

The latter bowed his head, and it seemed that he was not very happy either.

I'm afraid that even Luo Yan himself didn't expect that her grandfather would come to the Holy Land suddenly.

"Well, the father has already made an order that the Taishi and General Qu Wentong jointly preside over this Saint Bibi, but the general is now busy with military affairs and can't come today."

"But, Ling Tian, ​​I have to remind you that Taishi's personality is extremely strange, and it is rumored that Luo Yanyan has broken with Taishi. Many people have guessed that the reason is because of you. After all, Luo Yanyan met in Dao Palace. It changed after I lost you."

"Now, she is on the same team with you again."

"This time, the Supreme Master came to the Holy Land, it was probably because of Luo Yan, you have to be prepared!"

Liu Zhaoer told Ling Tian.

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot, what happened to you and Di Jiuge before!? I also heard that Di Jiuge helped you **** Du Can’s fairy fire and trampled Yang Tai’s wood spirit toad to death. ."

"Now, you are offended as a holy land fairy."

She smiled again.

"No way, maybe, because of the beauty!"

Ling Tian sighed.

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps coming!

What can he do! ?


Liu Zhaoer frowned, she didn't understand Ling Tian's vocabulary.

"Just look handsome!"

Liu Zhaoer: "..."

"By the way, I also heard that this time Yuan Qing, the holy land of your criminal ministry, sent people back to the holy land first, and said that he brought a gift to Di Jiuge!"

Zi Jin suddenly smiled on the side.

"Oh! Our Xianjun, Holy Land of the Criminal Ministry, haven't returned yet!?"

Zhao Min frowned.

"No, but it is said that it is coming soon, Yuan Qing asked people to come back first."

Zijin shook his head.

"Then, what's the matter with Yuan Qing and Di Jiuge, why should I bring her a gift!?"

Feng Qixi suddenly smelled gossip.

"Uh, do you still need to talk about it!? Yuan Qing and Di Jiuge entered the Holy Land in one session."

"Yuan Qing had to be earlier. He defeated all Tianjiao on the mountain trail and was the first to stand on the summit of the Holy Land. At that time, no one was his opponent."

"After that, Di Jiuge came with the piano and entered the Holy Land directly."

"Both of them are in the posture of the sky. After coming out of the Tianxing Cave, Yuan Qing challenged Di Jiuge, but lost to Di Jiuge at the time and fell in love with them."

Liu Zhaoer shrugged.

"It's really bullshit!"

Feng Qixi smacking lips.

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