Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2339: Offend the three princes [three thousand big

"What!? Use Tongtian Lingbao for refining?"

The third prince frowned. He was on the road and learned that Ling Tian defeated the demon army before the Dao Palace. The tyrannical combat power is rare in Chu, and he is now in the Jubao Trading Company, refining national artifacts, so he hurried here. Chaoge City.

But he didn't know the details of Ling Tian's use of the Tongtian Lingbao Refining Device.

Now, hearing this is also startled.

"Third prince, Ling Tian thank you for your kindness. The so-called no merit is not rewarded. I don't want this spiritual treasure."

"If the prince has something, you can speak up."

Ling Tian also declined.

"So... that's all right."

The third prince was a little embarrassed, and raised his hand to let the fairy king put away the Tongtian Lingbao.

"So, then I'll just say it."

This time, the third prince was speaking in front of Ling Tian.

"Ling Tian, ​​I know you are extremely talented, but along the way, you have offended many people."

"Don't talk about others, it's my second brother. You didn't give him a trace of face when he was in Yulei Dao Palace. With his character that will repay you, he will never let you go."

"Although he is the prince, he will not secretly attack you, but this time Saint Bi, he will definitely not make you feel better."

"Even you and your friends will have life concerns."

"I also know that you and my fourth sister are friends, but I just said that with the fourth sister's ability, there is no way to protect you. My second brother's power is far beyond your imagination."

"So, you and I can join hands. You are not my subordinates, you are just friends. I will use my strength and resources to support you. I can't guarantee anything else. This time, I can let you all Promote and enter the final battle!"

The three princes said proudly.

"Haha, is there any more?"

Ling Tian faintly listened, and then asked.

"More? Isn't that enough?"

The third prince raised his eyebrows.

"His Royal Highness can guarantee that I will step out of the Immortal King Hall and become the Immortal King?"

The third prince was startled, "I can't guarantee this, but I will also participate in the palace fight. At that time, when you and I join forces, you can naturally walk out of the Immortal King Palace."

"Since your Highness can't guarantee, then Ling Tian can't do anything. I have my own team, and now I don't need any backing. As for the second prince, hehe, if he wants to move me, let his people come, I Will make them regret it."

Ling Tian shrugged, after saying that, if he passed the three princes, he would take people away.

"and many more!"

The third prince suddenly spoke, calling Ling Tian to stop.

"Are you really going to reject me?"

The third prince had no expression on his face, but his eyes were cold.


Ling Tian nodded.

"You will regret this."

The third prince suddenly smiled.

It's just that smile, it looks very weird.

"Oh, isn't it, it seems that I have offended a big man again?"

"However, in the Yulei Dao Palace a few years ago, you were indifferent when the Lord of the Thunder and the Second Prince suppressed me for no reason. Did you ever think about today?"

Ling Tian shrugged.

"I know you have the right to be arrogant, but don't forget, there are people outside the world, there are people outside the world, you have to know that you are not invincible now, you will suffer a lot after all, I can keep you on balance, or ruin you."

The third prince smiled.

"Okay, then I, waiting for you!"

Ling Tian's expression also suddenly became cold.

Immediately he turned around and left without looking back.

"Brother Sanhuang, Ling Tian is different from the others. This time, you have misunderstood the person."

Liu Zhaoer took a deep look at the third prince, and then led away.

As for Zijin, Lan Zhan and others afterwards, they walked away with a smile.


The third prince stood in front of the Jubao Firm in a daze.

I tried my best to suppress the anger in my heart,

Ling Tian, ​​really don't give him face!

"Hehe, Your Highness, the Third Prince, this is how he doesn't know good or bad, why don't we come to my business, how do we make wine and talk?"

In front of the firm, Shen Yin suddenly smiled.

"No need!"

The three princes walked away.

In the crowd, Chi Yan looked at the Tongtian Lingbao in the hands of the Immortal King, his heart was fiery, and quietly followed.


Everyone in Ling Tian checked into the inn arranged by Liu Zhaoer.

Now, the relationship between him and Liu Zhaoer is well known, and there is no need to hide it.

Feng Qixi was very excited because he just got the national weapon, so he hid in the room and stopped coming out.

Ling Tian and Zhao Min were also in their room, sorting out their cultivation bases.

Chunjun Sword successfully crossed the Tribulation and became a national weapon, Ling Tian also found him a famous scene.

Holding the pure Jun sword in his hand, Ling Tian was also very satisfied.

Although it is not as good as the meteor sword, it can at least overwhelm ordinary national weapons.

"I know that you haven't recovered the glory of your heyday, but I promise that one day, I will restore all of you, and even let you reach a state that you have never passed before."

In the pure Jun sword, the silver falcon appeared on the sword body.


With only two words, the silver falcon fell silent again.

The arrogance remains.

"Ling Tian, ​​is this Gengjin enough?"

Zhao Min took out that Gengjin.

It's the size of a fist.

"Enough, Gengjin is precious, and I don't need much for the advancement of my clone. The main thing is a large amount of Skyfire Essence Iron, which is not easy to handle."

Ling Tian played with Geng Jin in his hand.

Now, without immortal fire, his cultivation can no longer be diligent, and the techniques he has cultivated have reached the extreme that the realm of high-level immortal monarchs can reach.

He has nothing to do, only this clone is left.

The combat power of the clone, even if it explodes with full force, is just comparable to the Tier 4 Immortal King, and it is not enough to see it now.

If you advance again, you can match the fifth-order fairy king.

In this way, Saint Bi's confidence will be much higher.

However, Skyfire Iron is very precious, and the amount required is even greater.

It is not easy to get together in a short time.

It's just luck.

"By the way, you don't have any military exploits, maybe you can go to the Yamen to have a look."

Zhao Min said.

"Hehe, I almost forgot."

"Take a break, don't worry."

Ling Tian smiled, and began to warm up his mind.

There are still seven days to climb the holy mountain, which is quite sufficient.

Three days later, Ling Tian went out in exchange for exploits.

He also learned at this time that because the Holy Land Xianjun Fengjixing was the first accomplishment in this battle, he received a national weapon-level battle armor, which was the highest rank among all the rewards.

Although Ling Tian's military exploits are second only to Feng Jixing, there is nothing particularly tempting to reward, and among them, there is no Tianhuo Jingjie.

This disappointed Ling Tianduo.

After exchanging a large amount of materials and resources with military exploits, Ling Tian returned to the inn.

Mo Yu has been collecting information outside these days.

The so-called knowing oneself and the enemy, Ling Tian also knows that this time the Saint Biography is different from the past, and many unimaginable Tianjiao have arrived at Chaoge Mountain.

"Master, these days, Chaoge City is really lively."

Mo Yu rushed forward: "You used to be famous for refining Chaoge City before. Later, Lan Zhan, the first arrogant of the Zhao Kingdom's magic path, used the Heaven-defying Pill Alchemy technique at the Jubao Merchant, and he became a top Immortal King God Pill. !"

"Top God Pill?"

Ling Tian frowned.

He has this sword shadow and can be opened. It may not be difficult to refine this kind of pill, but this Lan Zhan can also. This kind of alchemy technique is really powerful.

The first arrogant of the magic way, really a little capable!

"Well, that's right, therefore, the three princes also found Lan Zhan."

Mo Yu nodded.

"Mo Yu was recruited?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

These three princes are really good dancers with long sleeves!

"I don't know, it seems not."

Mo Yu shook his head.

"But...but Lan Zhan also let out a word, he won't let you climb the holy mountain."

Ling Tian smiled and said, "But because of Luo Yan?"

"Well, just hate the master anyway."

"He had better be like this, Zhao Kingdom's Demon Dao Tianjiao, I am killed now, and I will have less trouble in the future!" Ling Tian snorted coldly.

"In the past few days, can other Tianjiao come to Chaoge City?" Ling Tian asked again.

"Almost every day, I heard that this time there are five times more warriors who want to climb the sacred mountain and enter the holy land to practice, but the number of places has not changed, so it is conceivable that this competition, I want to be intense."

Mo Yu took a deep breath, "Not only that, but the Tianjiao who came this time also has many powerful roles. As far as I know, there is the royal family of Chu, second only to the three princes, Liu Xian, he is recognized by this generation. The first person of the royal family Tianjiao, of course, is not counted as the three princes and princesses."

"There is also the Beihai Tiandao Sect, which has not been born for a long time, and it has also sent its first disciple to come."

"And Su Mei, who is said to be the number one dancer in the capital, is also here."

"I don't know which team these Tianjiao are from, but they are all extremely powerful."

"It's interesting!" Ling Tian nodded.

But it’s okay, it’s too boring to climb the sacred mountain without any challenge.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, that Qu Shenyou also arrived."

Mo Yu suddenly said again.

"He? What, is it different from before?"

Ling Tian was also surprised.

"I don't know, after they arrived in Chaoge City, they entered the inn and never came out, but they wanted to come, there should be other means, otherwise this time they want to make a difference in the comparison, I am afraid it will be difficult."

Mo Yu shook his head.

"Well, you did a good job. Let's practice. There are four days left. After four days, we will go to the Holy Land together."

Ling Tian patted Mo Yu on the shoulder.


Watching Mo Yu leave, Ling Tian stood in front of the window, feeling the powerful aura surging everywhere in Chaoge City, his face gradually became excited.

It seems that it is getting more and more interesting!

Four days later.

In Chaoge City, thousands of arrogances poured out and went straight to Chaoge Mountain.

Today is the day to climb the holy mountain.

If you want to see Saint Bi, you have to fight for the first 100 places to climb the holy mountain.

Ling Tian and his party also flew out of Chaoge City.

Outside the city, Liu Zhaoer had already waited early with six people.

Now, on the day of climbing the sacred mountain, Liu Zhaoer's hidden team members have finally arrived.

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