Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2327: Yuan Tiangang's apprentice

"What!? Is there a problem? We are all disciples of the Fourth Dao Palace and members of Team Ling Tian."

Luo Yan nodded, with no expression on his face.

In the past, wherever she went, the storm would go, but she didn't expect that now she would become Ling Tian's background board.

"But you are the daughter of the Luo family's Tianjiao, so you can bring your own team."

Shen Yin was puzzled.

"It won't be troublesome for Son Shen to worry about it."

Luo Yan didn't want to explain too much.

Luo Yan, a Tianjiao like Shen Yin, once didn't care about it.

At this time, Ling Tian’s team gathered together. Although not everyone is extremely outstanding, it is enough to shock everyone that Feng Qixi and Luo Yan can join in. Moreover, the cultivation bases of several people in this team, except for Ling Tian , There is no low, this lineup, want to climb the holy mountain, there is no big problem.

"Don't pay attention to these unsightly things, have you chosen something?"

Ling Tian looked at the girls.

"Well, it's selected!"

The Qixi Festival chicken nodded like a peck of rice. At this time, several women were holding large and small brocade boxes in their hands.

"I have selected a few good materials. When that time comes, you have to forge a top-quality long whip for me. A Bao keeps saying that his house is too small."

Zuo Xianzhi whispered: "Master, I chose that fairy clock."

Zhao Min pursed his lips, "I found a piece of Geng Gold."

Gengjin is one of the materials for the advanced Ling Tian clone. Ling Tian once said to Zhao Min, but unexpectedly, he found it in this firm now.

What Ling Tian didn't expect was that Luo Yan actually had something in his hands.

"I want to upgrade my weapon. I chose some materials. I didn't cheat you. My money is yours."

Luo Yan said lightly.

But these words fell in the ears of others, and people couldn't help but feel imaginative.

Under what circumstances, what is the relationship between Ling Tian and Luo Yan, and why the money is still in Ling Tian's hands.

"It's okay."

Ling Tian nodded and didn't care.

But seeing the treasure in the hands of the four women, the martial artist onlookers, was shocked again and again.

This is a bit too ruthless.

Is there a mine at home! ?

You know, even with wealth like the princess and prince of the fairy country, it is impossible to buy so many things in one go, how much money it costs.

Apart from other things, the magic treasure of the fairy clock in this hall is absolutely valuable, and it is a fine product produced by the treasure-gathering firm these days.

Unexpectedly, it would be bought so soon.

"how much is it!?"

Shen Yin looked at the deacon of a firm behind the four women.

The deacon has been following the four women.

At this time, he hurried forward, "My son, the young ladies chose top grade, and a total of 15 billion top grade immortal stones."

15 billion!

As soon as this number came out, many people took a breath.

That's a lot.

The smile on Ling Tian's face also disappeared instantly.

So expensive! ?

It seems that the immortal stones in his hand are not enough!

Everyone looked at Ling Tian, ​​waiting for him to pay.

Seeing the look on Ling Tian's face, Liu Zhaoer said in a voice transmission: "I have it here."

"No need to."

Ling Tian stepped forward and handed the ring in his hand to the deacon, "This is a 10 billion high-grade immortal stone."

Ten billion! ?

Everyone whispered secretly, this tens of billions are not a lot.

The master of the Taoist Palace is really rich in his hands.

However, it seems that there is a difference of 5 billion.

"My son, what do you mean, the rest!?"

The deacon glanced at the fairy stone in the ring.

"that is all."

Ling Tian hugged his shoulders.

"Is it possible, you want to force buy!?"

The deacon's face was bitter.

The expressions of everyone in the Shen family also changed suddenly.

What do you mean! ?

Ling Tian has no money, so he still wants to buy so many things! ?

Bully Jubao Firm! ?

Such a courage, even the master of the Taoist Palace, would never allow it.

"Haha, it's nothing more than five billion immortal stones. Since today is the first time that Palace Master Ling Tian and I have met, and it also depends on the face of Miss Luo Yan, these five billion are spared."

But Shen Yin waved his hand, boldly.

This scene made all the warriors present exclaimed again.

Take a look, what is rich and powerful! ?


Five billion immortal stones can be avoided if you say they are free.

Compared with Shen Yin's financial resources, there are really few people in Chaoge City who can do it.

"That can't work, I have no friendship with Shen Gongzi, Luo Yan's face is not worth five billion."

But Ling Tian did not buy it.

He naturally wouldn't give Shen Yin the opportunity to pretend to be such a force.

Luo Yan gave Ling Tian a stare. If it weren't for the crowds now, she would definitely give Ling Tian a kick.

"Hehe, what does Palace Master Lingtian mean!?"

"If you have a treasure in your hand, it's okay."

Shen Yin raised his eyebrows.

But Ling Tian was behind his finger, "Isn't your firm holding a refining conference now!? The first prize in the conference is 10 billion immortal stones, right?"

"Haha, does the palace master still refine tools?"

Shen Yin and the others looked at each other, then smiled: "Yes, if the palace owner is interested, then I will take you to see it."

"It just so happens, Prince Zhang, also to participate."

He looked at a Tianjiao behind him.

The so-called prince Zhang was wearing a fiery red armor, and his whole body was filled with fire, obviously there was a powerful immortal fire on his body.

He hugged his shoulders and looked very burly.

"Zhang Xiong, the prince of Nanzhao Kingdom, is very powerful in refining tools. I heard that he can refine the best Immortal King tools. Some of the things outside are made by him."

Liu Zhaoer introduced.

"Hehe, no wonder it's so rubbish."

Ling Tian nodded slightly.

He didn't pay attention to any refining genius here.

I'm kidding, he's on the hook, he's even better than the krypton gold boss, how can these people compare! ?

Seeing Ling Tian's disapproval look, the prince suddenly narrowed his eyes, turned and walked towards the back of the palace.

"In that case, everyone, please!"

Shen Yin led the way, and Ling Tian and Liu Zhaoer, with everyone, also followed.

Then, there are the mighty warriors. In Chaoge City, it has been silent for a while. Today, it is rare to see the excitement at Jubao Commercial Bank. They naturally want to watch.

After entering the temple, there is a very wide square,

On the square, there are large and small forging platforms, and now on the forging platforms, there are already many refiners who are refining weapons.

Moreover, it seems that the refining conference has been going on for a long time, and the eliminated refining masters are all standing around the square. Seeing Shen Yin and others arrived, the refining masters have come over to salute.

After all, this is the site of the Shen family.

However, it was not all. There were a few of the refiners on the square, seeing Shen Yin's arrival, as if they hadn't seen them, all focused on their cauldrons.

Ling Tian's eyes swept over these people one by one, because Ling Tian was very sensitive to immortal fire, so he could know the fire level of these refiners by just looking at it.

Among them, there are really a few people, the immortal fire exceeds two hundred floors, which is absolutely extraordinary.


However, Ling Tian's gaze suddenly fell on a person, and his expression immediately changed.

He actually met an acquaintance.

Mo Minghai!

At the beginning, when Ling Tianchu arrived in this world, he met Yuan Tiangang of the Thousand Star Sect in Lingnan of the Southern Tang Dynasty, and also discovered the spacecraft similar to the Millennium Falcon, and Yuan Tiangang's apprentice was this Mo Minghai!

However, later Yuan Tiangang and Mo Minghai disappeared in the Southern Tang Realm. The old beggar in the Tianyu Realm said that Yuan Tiangang had already soared.

Unexpectedly, he would meet Yuan Tiangang's apprentice in this Chaoge City today!

He seemed to feel Ling Tian's gaze, and Mo Minghai also turned his face, looked at Ling Tian, ​​and smiled.

Sure enough, it was him!

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