Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2323: Holy Land Pilgrimage

"No, my master is not that kind of person."

Zuo Xianzhi frowned.

"That's right, how could my master want to take advantage of Luo Yan's advantage, it's too re-opening."

Mo Yu also shook his head.

"Huh, what can't he do!?"

"Just wait and see!"

Feng Qixi did make a cut.

Luo Yan's room.

Luo Yan was already weakened at this time.

No way, Ling Tian still used that sword shadow, causing Luo Yan to lose his combat effectiveness in an instant.

"Now you can talk hard!"

Ling Tian let out a sigh of relief.

Luo Yan was panting, and did not respond.

"I'll make a long story short, I'm here for the suspicion of Emperor Qingxiao, let alone you don't know, this is your Luo family's secret, isn't it?"

"Emperor Qingxiao's suspicion mound is very important to me, you'd better tell me."

With that, Ling Tian’s voice gradually became colder

"Haha, the emperor's suspicion, it doesn't matter to whom!?" Luo Yan sneered.

"I saved you back then. If it weren't for me, you would have died long ago. Tell me the secret of Emperor Qingxiao's suspicious mound. It is your mount, and promised me." Ling Tian squatted in front of Luo Yan.

The two looked at each other like this for a long time. Finally, Luo Yan suddenly sneered, "The emperor doubts the importance of the mound. As for you to me?"

Ling Tian didn't speak.

"Fine, do you want to know?"

"Then I'll tell you, the secret of Emperor Qingxiao's suspected grave, apart from my Luo family knows, the master also knows!"

"My grandfather never told me about the location of the suspicion. Even if you killed me, I have nothing to say. However, my grandfather has given me news before. He said that the Master is very likely to want this time. The location is chosen above Emperor Qingxiao’s Suspicious Tomb!"

Luo Yan smiled.

"What, the position of Saint-Bird!?"

This news made Ling Tian exclaim in surprise.

They just talked about Saint Bi's address, but they didn't expect that the news about Rayan was better than the princess.

"Well, my grandfather said that this time the Master went out of the customs is extraordinary, and the Emperor Qingxiao's suspicious mound has changed now, so he was suspicious."

"Don't you want to go to Emperor Qingxiao's Suspicious Mound? That's right, we just have to participate in Saint Bi's together."

Luo Yan took a deep breath.

"So, it's a lot more convenient."

Ling Tian stood up.

Originally, he was going to participate in the Saint-Birds, which happened to be two birds with one stone.

"Haha, Ling Tian, ​​Shengbi is not that easy to go, and you have offended too many people. I am afraid that you will encounter trouble when you arrive at Chaoge City. Jixia Holy Land is on Chaoge Mountain and climbed to the Holy Mountain. It's truly a holy place."

"There is only one road to the holy mountain. Do you think this road is easy to walk?"

Luo Yan looked at Ling Tian who had already walked to the door.

"Hehe, why, you still doubt my ability until now?"

Ling Tian turned around.

"No one can stop me from going to the Holy Land."

"Even the holy land fairy king, it won't work!"

Ling Tian thought for a while, and then said: "Since you have said that, the sword shadow in your body, I will take it back!"

Thousands of sword shadows were in Luo Yan's body, making it impossible for the 100,000 sword shadows in Ling Tianhai's sea to gather together. Even the ten thousand swords that he used to return to the sect were affected.

"No, if you want to get back your sword shadow, I have to agree. If I don't let you take it, you can't take it!"

Luo Yan did not agree.

"Are you sick!? This sword shadow is in your body, but it can let me control you."

Ling Tian frowned.

"Hehe, but not only that, but I can also control it and remove the toxins produced in my body due to the practice of magic power."

"So, if you want to take it back, it's not that simple. If you feel wrong, you swear, don't use this sword shadow to control me in the future!"

Luo Yan said.

"That's it, whatever you want, but I won't swear."

Ling Tian shook his head, then opened the door and went out.

But as soon as he turned around, he saw the three of Feng Qixi who were running away.

Ling Tian shook his head, this Qixi Festival is enough.

Back in the room, Ling Tian returned to Taoyuan.

Zhao Min was already cultivating. Ling Tian pulled out such a Chunjun sword from the Qin. He once remembered that when he was in the lower realm, he had a sword soul, Chunjun. Unexpectedly, the true body of this sword, he Encountered now.

However, because time is too long, the spirituality of this sword has disappeared.

Even the soul of the sword inside was faint, and Ling Tian couldn't tell what kind of soul it was.

But even so, this sword can still reach the top level of the fairy king weapon, which shows the potential of this sword.

Ling Tian concluded that this sword was at least a top national weapon before it.

"This time I beheaded the Demon King and obtained a lot of weapons. The Demon Clan's refining weapons are not refined, but they can be used to repair.

Ling Tian raised his hand, and several weapon blades appeared in depth. These blades were all in the hands of the Tier 4 Demon King that he had killed before, and there was even the weapon in Yuli's hand.

Without thinking about it, Ling Tian sacrificed the Void Cangyan and incinerated those weapons directly.

The essence of the material and the power of the soul were all fed by Ling Tian and slowly fed to Chun Jun Sword.

Chaoge City.

Located in the center of Chu State, it is not under the jurisdiction of any state, and it is only 100,000 miles away from the capital of Chu State.

It can be said that Chaoge City is at the feet of the emperor.

When Ling Tian and the others arrived at Chaoge City on the princess' cloud boat, it had been half a year since they left Dao Palace.

No way, Chaoge City is too far away from the Taoist Palace on the border of Chu State.

Within half a year, except for Ling Tian, ​​the cultivation level of everyone else had increased.

Because Ling Tian gave the magic crystal to Zhao Min, within half a year, his cultivation was just as good as going from the pinnacle of an intermediate fairy to the realm of an advanced fairy, it was better than nothing.

However, within half a year, Ling Tian was in the Four Elephant Pagoda, all the time, he was comprehending the magical powers of the exercises.

The Regret Heaven Fist had been cultivated to the highest realm by Ling Tian, ​​and when it reached the bottleneck, its power was particularly terrifying.

When the Prajna palm reaches the second level, it can even incorporate Shouyuan into it, which is in the same line as the pure yang finger.

The power of other exercises has also skyrocketed by as much as 50%.

It can be said that Ling Tian became even more terrifying after half a year.


"Is this Chaoge City? Why is it different from what you imagined!"

On the plywood of the cloud boat, everyone looked at the scenery under the clouds, with some doubts.

Ling Tian leaned over and looked at Chaoge City in the distance, frowning.

Not because of how magnificent Chaoge City is, but because it is too small.

Before, Ling Tian had imagined that Chaoge City, where the legendary Jixia Holy Land was located, would have to be a huge city with thousands of li in a radius, with celestial pavilions, and a super giant city like a mountain!

But now, this Chaoge City looks, but it looks like a thousand miles, and there is no wall protection around it.

The so-called city is nothing more than the buildings are all located together.

"It's Chaoge Mountain, it's really spectacular."

In front of Ling Tian, ​​Zhao Min exclaimed. ‘

Ling Tian's gaze also moved from the shivering Chaoge City to the city, on the strange mountain that almost couldn't see the peak.

This Chaogeshan is indeed very strange.

Because the power of a radius of a million miles is full of plains.

There is only one mountain standing.

But although this mountain looks like a lonely mountain, its radius is nearly ten thousand miles, towering into the clouds, as if it has been inserted into the sky.

Such a huge mountain, like a giant between the heavens and the earth, let people take a look, and they can't help but take a breath.

And at the foot of the mountain, Chaoge City, from a distance, looks like a small village under the Chaoge Sacred Mountain, small and pitiful.

"Is Jixia Holy Land? It's finally here."

On the splint, the corner of Ling Tian's mouth suddenly raised.

He is one step closer to becoming a fairy king.

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