Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2316: The Great Demon King [three shifts]

Constantly rising in height.

Finally, in the high altitude hundreds of miles away from the ground, Ling Tian saw the Great Demon King and Zhao Ji who were fighting each other.

Under the visor, Ling Tian's mouth raised slightly.


The fight between You Yan and Zhao Ji had already come to an end.

The demon shadow covered the sky, and You Yan's attack was terrifying, and a battle axe chopped down, that is, Zhao Ji smashed into the sky.

Blood rushed out wildly.

Zhao Ji has been able to hold on till now, already desperately.

"Hehe, Zhao Ji has passed so many years, you still don't have much entry, waste!"

You Yan sneered.

"So what!? I, Zhao Ji, will never die with you!"

Zhao Ji forcibly lifted Xianyuan to prevent the fall.

"Hehe, never dying!? You deserve it too!?"

You Yan sneered, "This axe will send you to the west!"

"You are not alone, there are millions of human races, I will be buried with you!"


The Great Demon King raised the battle axe in his hand and was about to fall.

But suddenly, he saw the aura of a dragon power approaching.

The gaze fell, and he saw a fourth-order immortal king-level dragon clan powerhouse bursting out, followed by Jian Feng! ?


You Wei frowned, but Axe Slash turned mad in an instant, and slashed towards the sword's edge.


Jian Feng and Shao Ying collapsed together.

Block it! ?

You Wei was surprised. He didn't expect that before this palace, in addition to Zhao Ji, there were some magical powers that could block him.

Fourth-order fairy king! "

Then Zhao Ji also looked over, and at this time the figure had already flown to the same height as them.

High above the sky, the gang wind is fierce, like a wind blade, even the fourth-order fairy king cannot be the mainstream for a long time.

But around the figure, there were tens of thousands of sword shadows, surrounded by the light of the blue dragon, resisting the wind.

"who are you!?"

Na Youyan looked at the dragon clan figure.

But Zhao Ji's pupils shrank suddenly, exclaiming: "You are, Ling Tian!?"

The aura on Ling Tian's body was still too special.

Moreover, Ling Tian once used the Canglong Transformation.

How could he not see it! ?


"Lord of the Fourth Dao Palace, Ling Tian, ​​please fight!"'

The fairy sword in Ling Tian's hand was held high.

"The Lord of the Fourth Dao Palace!?"

"Your dragon breath is fake, and the fairy king's dragon wings are also transformed into it. A junior who uses secret methods to come up, dare to yell at me!?"

"Are the other demon kings a rice bucket!?"

You Yan was frightened, but suddenly his face changed.

The demon king's bone wings flapped behind him, blasting away the demon cloud under his feet.

But it was discovered that the demon army on the battlefield before Dao Palace had been defeated like a mountain.

And the fourth-order demon king, there is no one.

There are very few remaining demon kings left.

It's all dead! ?

"what on earth is it!?"

"You did it!?"

You Yan suddenly looked at Ling Tian.

Then, his face changed abruptly, "You are the guy who broke my army's turbulent formation!"

"Yuli was hurt by you too!?"

Ling Tian nodded, "Yes, it's me!"

"You don't need to be surprised about these, your demons have been defeated, and all the demons have died. Now it's your turn!"

At this moment, Ling Tian was full of domineering.

"Haha, hahahaha!"

Unexpectedly, the Great Demon King You Yan suddenly sneered.

"You want to touch me too!?"

"I, You Yan, is one of the Twelve Great Demon Kings, what are you guys!?"

You Yan was already angry.

He could not accept the defeat of the Demon Army.

He came here to make a military order.

If not only did not destroy the Dao Palace, but ruined the army of millions of demons, then he could only apologize with death.

Even if he is dead, he has to bury all the human races!


Without any hesitation, without any hesitation, the battle axe in the book of the Great Demon King You Yan suddenly turned down and swept towards Ling Tian!

"Watch out!"

Zhao Ji exclaimed. Although he had looked down upon Ling Tian before, at this time, he still didn't hesitate to take action.


However, Zhao Ji is already at the end of the battle.

How can you resist You Yan! ?

When even was cut down by an axe Gao Tian.

"Get out, don't die!"

Ling Tian took that Zhao Ji and dropped Gao Tian.

Then raised his hand, Prajna palm, dragged the sky up.


The battle axe fell on Ling Tian's dragon claws.

The dragon's claw, who had never been disadvantaged before, was blocked by the battle ax this time.

Two magical powers stalemate in the air.

None of them fell apart.

Ok! ?

But all this fell in You Yan's eyes, but it was extremely shocked.

What a magical power this is! ?

His axe, even if Zhao Ji was in his heyday, it was nothing more than that! ?


Finally, after a stalemate for three breaths, Ling Tian's Prajna palm suddenly shattered.

The battle axe fell, splitting a gap in the sky.

And Ling Tian was also swallowed by the axe.

"Ling, Ling Tian!"

"Ling Tian is strong, but how can he be the opponent of the Great Demon King You Yan!"

On the battlefield, even though the human race had already taken advantage of it, at this moment they looked towards the sky and they didn't have any confidence in Ling Tian.

In any case, Ling Tian is just a descendant of the realm of Immortal Monarch.

The top Tier 4 Demon King, that was the limit of Ling Tian's combat power.

"Hmph, this guy is really rampant, dare to challenge You Yan!?"

At this time, above the mountains in the distance, Qu Shenyou rushed in with an army of fifty thousand.

But after they rushed into the battlefield, they discovered that the demon king's generals had already been slaughtered.

The combat exploits they can **** are already pitiful!

It's Ling Tian, ​​it's Ling Tian again!

Qu Shenyou cursed in his heart, it was Ling Tian, ​​who had snatched everything that should belong to him!

Now, seeing that Ling Tian was so arrogant that he dared to challenge the Great Demon King You Yan, and was swallowed by an axe, Qu Shenyou and other Qu family members were all cursing in their hearts!

Ling Tian, ​​just die!

"Ahem! Tier 5 Devil, really tyrannical."

However, a figure walked out of the gap in space.

Although, on this figure today, the blue dragon phantom trembles, the silver armor is cracked, and blood is covered all over.

However, the momentum is still vigorous.


You Yan looked at the figure, and his pupils shrank.

The younger generation of Xianjun, who withstood his axe, was only injured! ?

Isn't it dead? ?

What a tyrannical body this guy is.

"Hehe, Great Devil, do you think I Ling Tian can't even take you with a single axe!?"

"No, no, I haven't done my best yet!"

Ling Tian's pupils shrank, and more than 90,000 sword shadows in his body broke out!

"Ten thousand swords return to the clan!"

Ling Tian snorted coldly, and the silver sword in his hand shook wildly. After refining the divine sword grass, Ling Tian's sword intent had reached the limit of the immortal monarch realm.

When the tens of thousands of sword shadows burst out of Ling Tian's body, on the entire battlefield, hundreds of thousands of swordsmen in the hands of swordsman immortals directly dropped out of their hands.

Even they couldn't control the sword intent in their bodies, and were absorbed by the figure on the sky!

"It's surrender!"

The same is true for Liu Mubai.

Their swordsmanship has advanced by leaps and bounds in the past two years, and it has also reached the level of high-level sword intent.

But facing the current Ling Tian, ​​the sword intent in his body was only surrender.

In the sky, the sword in Ling Tian's hand was held high, and within a radius of hundreds of miles, everything was enveloped by his sword intent.

In this area, he is the **** of swords!

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