Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2202: Quasi-di

"Ling Tian, ​​in it, I sensed a powerful demonic energy, very strange!"

At this time, Tao Yaoyao said in front of Ling Tian.


"Could it be that there is an Ancient Demon King hidden in it?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

The magical powers of the demons are weird, maybe it's just a resurrection trick they played.

"The breath is powerful, it is indeed like the ancient demon king, but this breath is very fresh, in other words, very immature, oh, I don't understand, you should be careful!"

Tao Yaoyao knocked on his forehead.

"Said it means not saying it."

"Be careful yourself."

Ling Tian shook his head and stepped forward directly.

Raising his hand, tens of thousands of sword shadows penetrated into the formation restriction in front of the hall.

The formation structure is extremely complicated, and even makes Ling Tian feel like he is deciphering the suspicion of Emperor Qingxiao.

It took a full hour before the ban in front of the palace was broken.

"Huh, it's hard enough!"

Ling Tian took a long breath and lifted all the Xian Yuan, and the long sword in the piano behind him was also ready to be cut down at any time.

Then he stretched out his hand and pushed open the door of the temple.


In an instant, from the gap between the gates of the temple, there was an ancient devilish qi gushing out.

This breath is not the same as the demonic energy along the way.

Moreover, there are no monsters in the hall.

This makes Ling Tian very strange.

He was ready for a thunder strike.

Didn't Tao Yaoyao say that there is a powerful demonic energy in it! ?

Ling Tian walked directly into the Demon Temple of Tibet.

It was discovered that within this hall, there were several faint light sources gleaming above the dome.

With that faint light source, Ling Tian actually saw that there was a thousand-foot black shadow standing in the hall.

The figure was huge, but it was surrounded by magic fog, and the light source was not enough, so Ling Tian could not see clearly.

"Is it really the ancient demon king!?"

Ling Tian unloaded Qingxiao Crane's tears and waited for it.

"This thing is not the ancient demon king. The devilish energy I sensed is not on him."

However, Tao Yaoyao gave no.

"Then shake away the devilish energy!"

Ling Tian hummed coldly, and immediately the guqin in his hand was fluctuated, and a sound wave of trembling sound frightened, rushing towards the huge black shadow with majestic energy.


A huge shock, the sound wave, smoothly dispersed the magic mist on the huge shadow, revealing the scene in it.

"This is... a statue!?"

After seeing the dark shadow clearly, Ling Tian couldn't help taking a breath.

Because, under the dim light of the dome, what stood there was an ancient general phantom carved from blue and black rocks.

This general has a hideous face, huge magic wings blooming behind his back, and he is holding a shuddering boring in his hands. He sits on top of a group of pitch-black unicorns. Although it is just a simple statue, it still makes Ling Tian seem to see this The general's once-shattering mighty domineering!

"Could it be that this is the ancient demon king!?"

Ling Tian frowned. Although this statue was hideous, Ling Tian always felt that this guy was not like a demons.

In short, it's strange.

"Ling Tian, ​​the place where demonic energy surges, at the feet of that statue!"

In Tao Yaoyao's hand, Tao Jing pointed to the front.

"Let's take a look!"

Ling Tian's figure shook, and then flickered under the statue.

Under the statue is a golden base.

The material turned out to be a whole piece of ancient gold and iron. This is a group of very old materials. Although it cannot be used to refine things, it is also quite rare. It is used to build palaces. In general, immortal kingdoms are not used. From.

But now, it can only be the base of the statue.

It's really luxurious.

However, what surprised Ling Tian most was that there was a coffin before the base!


Immediately, Ling Tian felt awe-inspiring.

Meow, isn't this the main burial chamber? ?


But Tao Yaoyao, who flew over and squatted on the coffin, screamed.

"Ling Tian, ​​come here, look at this coffin, there is actually a person!"

Someone! ?

how can that be! ?

Ling Tian frowned and flew away, protecting Tao Yaoyao behind him.

He looked towards the coffin but found that the coffin was somewhat similar to the ice coffin used by the princess in the Southern Tang Dynasty, all of which were transparent.

However, this coffin must be more noble and bigger, with a length of more than ten feet.

And Ling Tian looked through the coffin, but found that there was a white-faced human warrior lying inside!

But unlike ordinary human races, this person appears to be extremely tall, with a full length of one foot, a burly figure, and muscles.

Wearing a battle armor, his whole body was covered with scars of horror.

"This is really Human Race!?"

"Who is it, how could he be in this ancient demon king's tomb!?"

Ling Tian couldn't believe it.

Moreover, although the human aura in this coffin is also extremely devilish, it is completely different from the demon aura in the ancient tomb.

Ling Tian has determined that this person is definitely not the owner of the tomb!

"I thought about it a long time ago."

But at this time, Qing Xu suddenly manifested on Ling Tian's side.

He shook his head and sighed.

"Qing Xu, this person, is it possible that you still know this!?"

Ling Tian looked at Qing Xu.

My heart is even more puzzled.

Qing Xu knows the human race in this coffin, that is to say, the origin of this person must be extraordinary.

Things seem to be getting more and more interesting.

"Of course I do."

Qing Xu pursed his lips, as if recalling, "This was a controversial powerhouse at the time."

"Even, for him, there was a big battle in the human race, and dozens of immortal kingdoms were annihilated. In the end, the imperial palace took the action and put the matter down."

"What the **** is it!? What kind of person is he, you can just say it straight, don't make any detours, is it possible that he and me are also related!?"

Ling Tian frowned.

"Don't you really remember it!?"

Qing Xu looked at Ling Tian and seemed to smile wryly.

In short, that wry smile is weird.

"I know!?"

Ling Tian pointed at himself, then looked at the scarred corpse in the coffin.

"The breath is a bit familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere, but I really can't remember it."

Ling Tian scratched his head.


"He is a human-devil twin, a human race, and a demon race. Back then, he was expelled by the dark demons because of impure blood. He was a strong human race and took him in."

"From then on, this person and the strong man fought together in the north and south, and the number of dark demons who died in his hands was tens of millions, and the human race was also very large!"

"Although he looks heroic, he is the supreme killer **** in the eyes of the immortal warriors. In the end, his name makes all the immortal venerables discouraged, fighting strength, and chasing the Zhun emperor!"

Qing Xu tensed his face and said with a serious face.

It seems that it is the awe of this person.

"What!? Quasi-Emperor's combat power, let Xianzun be afraid!? What is his name?"

Ling Tian was shocked.

Such a character, he really wants to know.

"Daqin Immortal Country, the first God of War in Weiyang Palace, Bai Qi!"

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