Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2199: Fighting for prestige

"Completely wiped out!?"

Seeing Ling Tian's firm and confident expression, Qin Li's expression suddenly changed.

He seemed to see from Ling Tian's face the heroic temperament that a general in charge of the army had.

He has never seen this kind of temperament among the younger generation.

Ling Tian now looks like a veteran who has experienced many battles!

At this time, the noise of the warriors in the cave gradually fell silent.

They suddenly felt, as if, this battle is feasible? "

"Palace Master Lingtian, how sure are you?"

Immortal King Qin Li was a little excited.

"Ten percent."

Ling Tian turned around and looked at the warriors in the cave, "Except for the warriors of the crossbow system, the defensive warriors of the gold earth system, step on the position I drew and array in front!"

"There are arrays around the hole with long-range magical powers, the control system is in front, and the fire system is behind!

"Finally, the pill doctor and Qin Yinxian are at the end of the cave, so you can protect yourself!"

As he said, a ray of light fell from his hand, branding around the cave.

That is impressively the array positions of the battle formations.

This scene fell in Qin Li's eyes, shocked even more than before.

At this moment, he really couldn't believe that this was a younger generation who had never experienced war before?

Even if it is a general on the battlefield, it is nothing more than that! ?

At the very least, from the position of the battle formation arranged by Ling Tian, ​​it is definitely not random. Almost every position is arranged ingeniously, and it is impossible to deviate one position!

"What are you doing in a daze!? The demon army is coming soon, do you want to die, or do you want military exploits!?"

Looking at those martial artists who were stunned in place, Ling Tian shouted.

After a brief astonishment, all the warriors in the cavern realized that the golden immortals and immortal monarchs of various sects arranged their formations in accordance with Ling Tian's array position.

More than a hundred array wizards also began to nervously sneak into the formation method for the rock spirits in the cave.

The remaining warriors of the bow and crossbow system are the most, 10,000 people.

And watching the battle formation in less than half a cup of tea, Qin Li's eyes widened, astonished.

At this moment, he suddenly reacted. In the Dao Palace army camp, Ling Tian had selected 30,000 martial artists. Although he was not the elite of the army, it seemed to be out of order.

At that time, it also caused a burst of laughter from the generals and the Qu family's Tianjiao.

But now, he finally knows that the 30,000 warriors selected by Ling Tian at the time were not for them at will, but he had already thought about what kind of warriors he wanted!

Although these people are not advanced in the army, they can find a position above the battlefield.

In other words, Ling Tian had already thought about everything before his debut palace!

The meticulous thoughts are really shocking.

"Qin Li Immortal King, you should go to your place."

Ling Tian looked at Qin Li, still smiling.

Qin Li took a deep look at Ling Tian, ​​and then left with 10,000 warriors of the bow and crossbow system.

"Huh, come on, I have tried countless battle formations in the mountain and river map, and finally I can actually fight."

Ling Tian muttered.

Among the 30,000 people he brought out this time, half were Jinxian and Xianjun from the long-range supernatural power system, and the crossbow system was even more than 10,000.

In order to be able to use the distance advantage as much as possible to defeat the dark demons that have been strengthened by 50%.

"Senior Brother Ling Tian, ​​what is the name of this battle formation, can it really help us withstand the impact of the demon army!?"

Lu Wuxian and Ling Tian stood together at the entrance of the cave.

"It's called Pocket Array."

"Pocket array!? This name is too random, right?"

Lu Wuxian said.

"Hehe, maybe it's more magnificent if you change the name. It's also called the Four-door Doudi Formation. The battle formation consists of four parts. How many enemies come and how many will be destroyed!"

Ling Tian chuckled.

"That's awesome."

Lu Wuxian marveled. Now, he is Ling Tian's little brother.

"Well, great is great, but there are many prerequisites. The most important thing is that we have found this excellent position."

Ling Tian was holding Euphorbia, his face suddenly changed, "They're here!"

"What else do I need to do!?"

Lu Wuxian became excited because Ling Tian didn't arrange a place for him.

Among the army, only he and Ling Tian were like this.

"Your role is very important!"

Ling Tian patted Lu Wuxian on the shoulder, "Go out and scold the Demon Race until they are furious, scold them, and want to break your body into pieces!"


Lu Wuxian was silly after listening, "Brother, why is that? I, Lu Wuxian, have always been open and upright. I can kill the enemy, but why should I scold them!?"

"Stupid boy, soldiers are not tired of deceit, how can you win if you are far weaker than the opponent, if you don't make bad decisions!"

Ling Tian shook his head, "Go, go and scold!"

"and then!"

"Of course I ran back, and just led them into the cave."

Lu Wuxian raised his brows, and finally understood, immediately turned around, and walked away with his sword, towards the outside of the canyon.

At this time, Ten Thousand Demon Lords actually smashed above the canyon.

"General, the terrain here is strange, beware of fraud!"

Among the demon army, the demon king reminded.

"Hmph, there is a scam? What can there be a scam? This is after the Great Demon King's middle army, even if it has a human atmosphere, it is just a small team!"

"What's more, we now have the blessing of the ancient magic formation, even if the other race legion arrives, Lao Tzu is not afraid!"

Before that demon army, a third-order demon king with three black gold patterns on the bone wings coldly said.

"That's right, the subordinates are worrying too much!"

The devil nodded.


"You black... black donkeys, but here are you who are chasing me, grandpa!?"

But at this time, within the canyon, Lu Wuxian stepped on the fairy sword and flew out.

He thought for a long time before he scolded.

"Black donkey!? He actually called us black donkeys!"

"court death!"

The demon king suddenly became angry.

"Hey, I'm angry!" Tell you, grandpa, I'm not afraid of your tens of thousands of black donkeys, dare you come to kill grandpa!"

"Grandpa promises to let you die without a burial place!"

Lu Wuxian scolded more and more vigorously.

"Damn it, I have lived for thousands of years, and I have never been insulted by a human fairy like this!"

"Erlangs, follow me and kill them, even if it is the army of human races below, it shouldn't be a worry!"

The ten thousand demon army roared together, enveloped in the demon energy blessed by the ancient battle formation, and rushed towards Lu Wuxian.


"Grandpa is just a little human race fairy king, as for you!"

Lu Wuxian screamed, turned around and ran, fell into the canyon, and disappeared after drilling into the cave.

"Pioneer, go in!"

The Ten Thousand Demon Army hadn't checked the surrounding terrain before pouring directly into the canyon.

The demon king stepped forward as the pioneer and rushed into the cave.

However, when a group of demons looked at the cave up and down, the human martial artist who sneered at them, suddenly stunned.

But what awaited them was the magical powers of the various ice-type thunder-type and wood-type control immortal arts.

And, various fire-type gold-type attack magic techniques.

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