Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2181: The Past of the Great Qin Fairy Kingdom

Victory in all battles! ?

Ling Tian took a deep breath. If this mountain and river map is really an imitation of the mountain and river community map, then it is simply too powerful.

The significance of this to Ling Tian will be extremely far-reaching.

Victory in all battles, this is simply a weapon of war.

"Senior, Ling Tian, ​​thanks here!"

Ling Tian stepped back, arching his hands deeply.

"It's okay, if you can truly comprehend the Shanhe Soldiers Book, you are grateful to me the most."

Xu Ji smiled.

"Now, you can control the mountain and river map with the smoking bill in your hand. In this mountain and river map, you can use your spirit to reach where you want to go, and you can see any terrain and city gates you want to see, and even In the mountains and rivers map, there are corresponding city defenders. Here, you can exercise an unlimited number of battles."

"Here is the Shanhe Soldier Book, a total of thirty-six, and eighty-one battlefields!"

As he said, between raising his hand, he struck the formations into Ling Tian's mind.

Thirty-six military books, recording the laws of war, and 81 battle formations available for large and small battles. At the same time, there are also records of all the wars that Xu Ji has experienced in his life, just like a movie, which is stored In Ling Tian's sea of ​​mind.

It can be said that if Ling Tian could one day digest all these things, then it would be equivalent to having all the war experience Xu Ji had for thousands of years, as well as the war formations written by his predecessors for thousands of years.

Then Ling Tian will be the next one, the Human Race God of War!

"Thirty-six books of war, with my ability, I have only comprehended 18 of them, and 41 formations. I will try my best to help you understand, based on my understanding of the enemy, Come to control the army in the mountains and rivers, and fight against you!"

"Now, you can digest it slowly, and we still have plenty of time."

Xu Jidao.


Ling Tian nodded and immediately withdrew from the mountain and river map.

"Shanhe Sheji map, I didn't expect that I can still see its imitations today."

Liuyao and Qingxu were both standing in front of the mountain and river map at this time, and the two spirits were equally surprised.

"Senior, is the Shanhe Sheji map very strong?"

Ling Tian was very interested in this fairy treasure in Chinese legend.

At the very least, just an imitation can cover all the mountains and landforms of the three immortal kingdoms with a radius of tens of millions of miles. How terrible the real landscape of mountains, rivers and shrines will be! ?

"Of course it's very strong, at least much better than my demon's Zhenyao Tower. My master Yuxu Wudi had also coveted the pictures of mountains and rivers. There is only one in hand!"

"But at that time, the mountain and river shrine map was in the hands of the Great Qin Immortal Kingdom. Although the Great Qin Immortal Kingdom did not have Emperor Wu, there were so many immortal statues and immortal kings in it. Even the imperial palace couldn't help them!"

After Qing Xu finished speaking, Liu Yao immediately said: "There is another reason, because that person, he and those people, are too strong, so powerful that the imperial palace doesn't dare to provoke him, right?"

"Uh, it's true."

Qing Xu nodded, and immediately looked at Ling Tian with Liu Yao.

"Ahem, who is that person, what do you see me doing?"

Ling Tian spread his hands.

"Furthermore, if the Great Qin Immortal Kingdom is really as terrible as you say, and there are mountains and rivers, and a powerful man sitting in town, how can it disappear into the immortal realm and be destroyed by the dark army?"

"It's because that person died." Liu Yao sighed, "Since then, the Great Qin Immortal Kingdom has collapsed, and the mountains, rivers, and villages have disappeared."

"Oh, by the way, if you can find the pictures of mountains and rivers, it may be a great help for you in the future. At least, that thing is much stronger than Qingxu."

Qing Xu heard the words stubbornly, "I can't say this to others, it's not that I don't make progress, I can also become the treasure of the sky!"

"Ling Tian, ​​if you want to build an immortal country by yourself in the future, you can use the name of Da Qin, this immortal country title, among the human races today, no one dares to use it."

Liu Yao looked at Ling Tian again.

"Da Qin?"

Ling Tian groaned, then shook his head, "Let's talk about it, it's too early."

Qin, this country was of great significance in ancient China. Today's human race, the immortal kingdom, really needs a strong existence like the Qin country, sweeping the powers, and unifying the human race.

To get rid of the outside, you must first settle the inside.

This sentence is also the first sentence in the Shanhe Bingshu.

Sure enough, I'm not deceiving!

After coming out of Lingyan Pavilion, Ling Tian stood in front of the main hall and looked out.

Wolongdao Palace is not too big compared to Yulei and other Three Avenue Palaces, with a radius of only a few thousand miles.

But now, the fairy aura in the Taoist Palace is full of vitality, but there are only a few of them, nothing else.

It was too deserted.

"It's a little too deserted."

At this moment, a voice rang behind him, Ling Tian's expression changed, and then he turned around, "Miss Luo Yan, came out so soon?"

"Otherwise, it's nothing more than a heritage. A simple test will not help me."

Luo Yan's mouth raised slightly.

"Hehe, congratulations to Miss Luo Yan, oh yes, I would like to thank Miss Luo Yan for saving her life that day!"

Ling Tian bowed his hands.

"You don't have to be polite with me here, because you saved you that time because you can't die in the hands of others!"

"I said, your life is my Luo Yan, and I can only kill you!"

Luo Yan said coldly.

"You!" Ling Tian frowned, "This Liangzi can't get through, right?"

"No solution!"

Ling Tian shrugged, "Well, if Miss Luo still wants to take my life, just come!"

"Do you think I dare not!?"

Luo Yan's pupils shrank.

"Hehe, you just don't dare, unless you have the ability to force the sword shadow out of your body!"

Ling Tian sneered.

"You, you mean!"

Luo Yan was taken aback, and suddenly remembered that there are still thousands of mysterious sword shadows in her body. As long as this sword shadow is still there, she can't be Ling Tian's opponent at all.

"Yeah, Ling Tian, ​​look at you, and when Sister Min is away, your hue will be revealed, and you dare to tease Miss Luo's family!?"

At this time, Feng Qixi, Zuo Xianzhi and others also walked out of Lingyan Pavilion.

"Don't talk nonsense, I didn't do anything."

Ling Tian hugged his shoulders with a look of innocence.

Luo Yan's face was blue and red, and he turned to look at Feng Qixi and the others, "The three of you, killed the fourth of my Luo family's four monsters. This blood debt, today, should be counted!"

Immediately, there was a condensed scarlet blood arrow in her hand, and the spirit of the Qixi Festival locked the three of them.

How powerful is Luo Yan! ?

With the combat power of the three of Fengqixi's trio, they couldn't contend at all, and their expressions changed immediately and they acted defensively.


However, at the moment when Luo Yanyan condensed blood and arrows, Ling Tian urged the sword shadow in Luo Yanyan's body and instantly used his supernatural power Vagabond.

Luo Yan was trembling all over, and he slumped down directly. It is still difficult to stand up, let alone deal with the three of Feng Qixi.

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