Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2168: Bloody Battle with Ramaine

"Well, don't worry, I will never intervene before this, and after that, I will give you time to recover your breath!"

After Qu Shen persuaded, he retreated to the side of the ring.

Luo Yan walked to the center of the battle platform, plain white palms shook off his sleeves, unexpectedly sharp like eagle claws, stretched out from the tips of his fingers, this is a claw-like weapon of the fairy king!

"Now, don't you admit it!?"

Luo Yan did not act immediately, but looked at Ling Tian with a cold expression on his face.

"Miss Luo Yan, do you still doubt me now!?"

Ling Tian spread his hands.

He had never used the breath technique on the clone, could it be that Luo Yan relied on his own intuition.

"Doubt! Then the sword shadow in your body is a thousand less!?"

Luo Yan sneered.

"Sword Shadow!?"

Ling Tian's heart sank, wishing to slap himself.

He really forgot the thousand sword shadows in Luo Yan's body.

Just now, he used the shadow of ten thousand swords to urge the Dragon Yuan sword to smash Baiju's supernatural powers, and it must have caused the shadow of the sword left in Luo Yan's body.

Suddenly, Ling Tian sweated a little on his forehead, and he was arrested in a dominant manner.

This is a bit embarrassing!

"Hehe, that, Miss Luo Yan, are... all misunderstandings, I, I didn't look at anything!"

"At that time, you, you were in the water, the water, it was... quite muddy."

Ling Tian touched his nose.


However, Luo Yan's face has become extremely hideous, I saw that Luo Yanyan seemed to be crazy, and between raising his hand, there were countless lines of blood forming silk threads on the palms of his hands, and the silk threads were condensed into blood-red arrows. !

When the arrow of the arrow aimed at Ling Tian, ​​Ling Tian clearly felt that he was locked by an invisible mental force. The **** arrow in Luo Yan's hand burst out with dazzling brilliance, and the arrow was terrifying. The meaning of sharpness.

The moment Luo Yan let go and shot the arrow, a stream of light shuttled over the void, causing a long rainbow to appear in the void, and a sharp and piercing sound burst out. The next moment, the bow and arrow came directly, and it was killed instantly.

The blood arrow formed by the blood line was much more terrifying than the Luo Youxue Shao he had seen before!

"It's the Blood Fiend Soul Destroying Sword!"

"Luo Yan, this girl, come up and kill you!?

"How did Ling Tian offend Luo Yan!?"

At the moment when the blood arrow burst out, Yuan Dan and Zang Feng exclaimed.

Under this **** arrow, Ling Tian is likely to be seriously injured, or even if he misses, his life will be lost!

Sure enough, when the arrow exploded and shot in front of Ling Tian, ​​the latter's rock-solid blue dragon aura was instantly torn apart.

Ling Tian raised his hand and greeted him with a punch. Under the Shaking God's fist, that sharp edge shook on Ling Tian's dragon scales, and the dragon scales burst into sparks!

The blood arrow was shattered.

Although he hadn't broken in yet, the terrifying power still made Ling Tian's heart tremble.

Luo Yan raised his hand again. At this moment, on the palm of his hand, nine arrows were condensed and shot out at the same time. In an instant, many people only felt that the shot arrows were a bit dazzling, and the dazzling light penetrated the void. The instant kill came again.


Ling Tian couldn't help cursing secretly.

This Luo Yan is really crazy.

Didn’t it just look at her body! ?

Her life was saved by herself!

It's too ruthless to start!

"Hehe, I really want to be favored by the princess!? But your life and fate are my Luo Yan's!"

Luo Yan offered nine arrows and sneered with his hands.

"Huh, don't be too happy!"

Ling Tian snorted coldly.

Immediately there were thousands of sword shadows around the body, condensed into a storm, but when the arrow came, it and the storm began to rub against the storm, and a series of astonishing blood-colored sparks burst out, bursting and bursting like an explosion. Thunder!

However, Luo Yan's nine blood arrows were quite terrifying. With the formation of ten thousand swords now Ling Tian, ​​they didn't even directly destroy them!


Bang bang!

However, compared with endurance, Ling Tian's 90,000 sword shadows still did not lose. After a few breaths, although the sword shadow storm had also been wiped out for the most part, the nine blood arrows were still annihilated one by one.

The Nine Arrows of Blood Destroying Soul is being resolved by Ling Tian's ten thousand sword formation!

"Hey, this person's kendo is strong, far above my expectations!"

Cang Feng raised his eyebrows!

Teacher Liuhua also frowned, "Senior Brother Qianlong, this son has amazing kendo talents, so, do you want the palace lord to go out!?"

The palace lord in his mouth is the master of the Taoist palace who is in charge of the inheritance of kendo in the Yulei Taoist Temple. In the Third Avenue Palace, no one can match his kendo skills.

"Haha, it's a mere junior who has just entered the realm of the immortal monarch. It is not worth disturbing the palace lord. Besides, the palace lord is still in retreat. If you are not afraid to blame, go by yourself."

Ling Tian was so strong that Qianlong's expression was not very good, and he immediately said coldly.

"Forget it."

Liuhua sighed, he just wanted to keep the genius in the Imperial Palace.

The storm was raging, Ling Tian retreated, and the sound of pouching sounded, the sword formation continued to appear cracks, and then shattered, the power of the **** arrow still continued to shoot at him, Ling Tian's palm slammed forward, golden His fist blasted towards the arrow but was directly penetrated, but the power of the arrow could not hurt him even after it was continuously weakened.

"What a powerful arrow." Ling Tian's body has retreated to the edge of the battlefield. If Luo Yan's opponent is not him but an ordinary person in the same realm as Luo Yan, now Luo Yan is only using a magical power!

At this moment, Luo Yan drew the bow again. This time, the twelve arrows swallowed and vomited the light of evil spirits, all locked in Ling Tian's body.

Luo Yan's body also disappeared suddenly, turned into a **** afterimage, and killed Ling Tian.

Twelve blood arrows blocked all Ling Tian's retreat.

And under the situation that Ling Tian had no time to clone himself, Luo Yan was hiding in the void, if he made a sudden move, who could stop it! ?

The sword shadow storm around Ling Tian's body was still there, the dragon blood rushing in his body, there was a thunderous sound, the body resonated with the sky and the earth, and the powerful bloodline power turned into a galaxy vortex.

Let Ten Thousand Sword Formation, in an instant, resume as usual.

Solve the twelve arrows first!

Ling Tian's pupils suddenly shrank, and immediately lifted the scabbard in his hand. Under the sway of the sword intent, the storm suddenly swirled, sweeping the entire battle platform, and it was huge!


The storm collided with the blood arrow, and the two collapsed almost at the same time! ?

And among the scattered sword shadows and blood glow in the sky, Ling Tian turned into a dragon and walked, and the long sword in his hand was slashed towards the void.

There, is the location of Luo Yan.

"The four elephants of Tianji, the light of the sky."

The scabbard in Ling Tian's hand was condensed into a sword of dazzling light, and headed towards Luo Yanyan. In an instant, the sky's sword light shone on the sky, and he wanted to annihilate the entire void, killing all towards Luo Yanyan's body.

Luo Yan was shocked when he was caught by Ling Tian.

Her twelve blood evil spirit extinguishing arrows were so easily broken by Ling Tian, ​​which still surprised her a bit.

However, the figure appeared from the void, and in an instant, Luo Yan's aura became even more terrifying, descending into the world like a blood emperor, an astonishing will of terror erupted from her, and at this moment, the world seemed to appear. The sea of ​​blood, the qi of the blood evil spirit turned into a huge wave, condensed into an endless fierce demon, like an army, oscillating on the golden dome.

This is the will of the Immortal Venerable that belongs to Luo Yan.

The tyrannical will is unprecedented!

"The will of the Xianzun Xueluo! This will is unique to the Luo family, and the will of the natural immortal is too tyrannical."

The people around Jinding stared at the scene in front of Luo Yan, their hearts trembled.

Xianzun's will has strengths and weaknesses, and there are many Xianzun's wills in the martial arts, which are acquired, and are weaker than the will handed down by the family like Luo Yan.

Under this aura, Luo Yan's aura burst out of nowhere.

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