Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2160: One pick three


As soon as they stepped on the ground, the holy light bloomed, and everyone saw Zhao Min's body turned into an afterimage, almost to the point of horror.

"So fast."

Ye Tianlin's eyes flashed, and there was a flash of wood-based blue light on his body. In an instant, his body turned into afterimages, flashing in various directions.

However, he found that Zhao Min's figure trembled, and his body turned to chase his real body, which made Ye Tianlin show a strange color. Zhao Min's body style was too weird!


Ye Tianlin let out a cold cry, and a series of avatars slashed towards Zhao Min. One of the shadows slammed out with a wood-colored bone spur, and countless vines spread on the battle platform, strangling towards Zhao Min.

The inheritance of the Ye family is the magical powers of the wood system, which firmly controls and kills.

However, Zhao Min's body was like a phantom, passing through an incomparably gorgeous arc, passing through the air of the vines.

"It's too fast, how can it be so fast, what kind of body is this?" The people stared at Zhao Min's figure.

Thousands of vines turned into a wood to assassinate Xiang Zhao Min, but they saw the incomparable shadow of the holy light walking with the wind, constantly folding the direction forward, and only her shadow could be seen in the battlefield, unable to capture it. The real body was like a divine bird shuttled through the forest, blooming at its limit speed.

"How does this body style look familiar!?"

"I also seem to have seen it somewhere, but I just can't remember, it seems I have only seen it once!"

The instructor of the Three Avenue Palace frowned.

But Liu Zhaoer's pupils suddenly shrank in the sky.

"Zhao Min, Zhao family!?"

"Haha, it turns out it's you!"

On the battle stage, Ye Tianlin's face changed, and his body retreated, and then the horrible wood magical powers came together, and his five fingers came out, and suddenly a series of dazzling vines burst out like a snake.

However, at the moment when the tribulation light bloomed, he saw Zhao Min's afterimage flying by before a tribulation light, and Ye Tianlin felt an extremely dangerous feeling the next moment.

"There." Many people looked behind Ye Tianlin in shock, and an afterimage condensed and appeared above Ye Tianlin's head.

Many people's hearts are beating, how can they be so fast? This Zhao Min's body speed seems to be only a bit slower than the Luo Family's blood hiding technique!

Although Ye Tianlin's magical powers had a controlling effect, they couldn't touch Zhao Min's body at all.

Now, Zhao Min is floating behind Ye Tianlin, and the Qixing Moon Chasing Crossbow in his hand is already raised.

Ye Tianlin’s descendants were lost, he could only subconsciously hold them up with his hands, turning into vines, intertwined behind them, and condensed into wooden shields,

Bang bang bang!

But the next moment, the sound of the wooden shield being penetrated, resounded through the battle arena.

And a figure was lifted out.

Rolling down with that river stream.


Not only that, one after another screams, one after another, everyone looked at it, but found that the wind Qixi raised the thunder whip in his hand, rolled all the warriors of the two teams, and fell there.

Before the battle was over, the Jiang family of the East County Houfu, and the Ye family, one of the four great families, had a total of ten players, and they were all defeated by Ling Tian's Qinghong team.

With such a strength, it is no wonder that Ling Tian flatly refused the invitation to join forces.

Now it seems that they may not, it is impossible, to fight against the Qu family and the Luo family!

Even the two warriors who were fighting between Luo and Qu stopped the fight, retreated and separated, with surprise and dread, looking at the five figures slowly flying from the sky.

This West County team is really not weak...

At this time, there were only fifteen people left on the battlefield.

As long as five people are eliminated, the round is over.

But which five people were eliminated, today's scene is too confusing.

Now, the two families of Qu Luo, and the Ling Tian team in West County, are in a three-legged battle.

For a time, I don't know who will shoot.

"Hehe, I am really lucky to be so valued by the Qu family and Luo family."

But suddenly, Ling Tian raised his hand, and Zuo Xianzhi and Mo Yu stepped out of the battlefield.

What is he going to do! ?

Everyone looked at each other, including Qu Shenzhu Wang Chen and others, all puzzled.

The five members of Team Ling Tian, ​​each with their own strengths, work together, and their combat power should not be underestimated.

But now, the two of them retreated straight away?

Do you want to surrender! ?

Even the instructor of the Three Great Dao Palace on the golden roof and the princess Liu Zhaoer frowned and couldn't guess what Ling Tian would do next.

"Ling Tian! What tricks do you want to play!?"

Wang Chen said coldly.

"Hehe, nothing!"

"In this round, there are only ten people left, and I have no ambitions. Although Mo Yu and Xianzhi are good at fighting, they can't make it to the top ten even if they ask themselves."

"So, there is no need to fight."

Ling Tian said lightly.

In fact, Mo Yu is proficient in concealed weapons and formations. This fight does not have the advantage. Zuo Xianzhi is even more so. If he is broken through, he will easily be seriously injured.

Asking them to retreat is actually protecting them.

"Oh!? Hehe, then do you think that there are only three people left in your team, do you still have a chance to be in the top ten!?"

Qu Shenyi sneered.

"However, I don't care what you want to do! Now, you should also hand over the stolen inheritance to me!?"

Ling Tian hugged his shoulders, "Hehe, why, Miss Luo Yan just admitted to the wrong person, and now, you admit it too!? By the way, who are you!?"


"Ling Tian, ​​presumptuous!"

Qu Shenzhen was anxious, and Wang Chen shouted loudly: "Keep your dog eyes wide open, this is the second son of the Qu family, Qu Shenxin!"

"Besides, you still want to deceive us!? In the place of blood palace inheritance, you pretended to **** the jade slip and hand it over! Otherwise, I will wait for you to die!"

Ling Tian curled his lips and shook his head: "Then I really have no choice, I don't know at all, what else are you talking about!?"

"But now, it's a ceremony for new students. The three of me want the top ten places."

"You two will discuss, kick out three of you!"

Ling Tian seemed very impatient.

He just doesn't admit it.

Moreover, the exit is to let the Qu family and Luo family kick out three people! ?

Why! ?

This guy is crazy! ?

The warriors present all smiled bitterly.

Secretly, this Lingtian is powerful enough, but it seems that his brain is not working well.

"Bold, what are you talking nonsense!?"

Luo Family Warrior also said angrily.

"Hehe, if you don't agree, then so!"

"I will shoot alone and fight the three of your two teams alone. If I lose, the three of us will withdraw. Ten of you will be the top ten."

"But if I win, the three are eliminated, and we are in the top ten!"

"Dare you!?"

Ling Tian's pupils shrank, and at this moment, he openly challenged the two largest clan forces in Chu Kingdom!

Moreover, it's still one pick three!

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