Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2028: Asking the Unicorn

Tao Yaoyao's memory has recovered a lot today, but she doesn't want to know what she can know, but needs hints or sees to remember it slowly.

Fortunately, although the effect of the Zixia Refining God Pill is very strong, its rank is not as good as the Thousand Star Bone Refining Pill.

Because the effect of the latter is indistinguishable, all Taoist martial artists can directly possess God-level physique.

And Zixia Refining God Pill requires a martial artist to cultivate Zixia Immortal Clan from an early age.

It can be said that this medicine is specially prepared for the disciples of Zixia Immortal Clan.

"The medicinal materials are ready. The way to start this furnace completely is to refine Zixia Bone Refining Pill."

"I've told you this secret, head, do you want to try it?"

Ling Tian looked at the head of Zixia.

The latter hesitated, Zixia Refining God Pill is a quasi-divine pill. With his ability, it can barely be refined, but there is no pill!

"Then I have to try."

Ling Tian shook that Zixia head and left the cauldron.

"Ling Tian, ​​can you do it? If you really have a prescription, let this lady try it!"

Feng Qixi stretched his neck and said.

She still wants to find an opportunity to show off.

"Pills are available, but the herbs in this stove are only enough to try once, do you want to come?"

Ling Tian turned around and asked with a smile.

"Huh, you can only play once? Then forget it."

Feng Qixi shook her head, she persuaded.

This pill grade is not low, and there is only one chance, which is too difficult.

"Ling Tian, ​​do you still practice alchemy?"

Liu Zhaoer frowned.

"I heard that it will, but I don't know if Sister Min is so perverted." Feng Qixi shrugged.

At this time, Ling Tian was also ready, suddenly raised his hand, and the 180-layer immortal fire exploded from his palm and poured it directly into the cauldron.

The fairy fire is surging.

This class of fairy fire, even in the Zixia fairy gate, is the highest.

I just don't know what Ling Tian's alchemy attainments are.

Zixia Immortal Gate's alchemy attainments are well-known in West County, as long as Ling Tian takes a shot, one can see how high it is.

Inside the formation above the cauldron, there are already medicinal materials

Ling Tian controlled the fire with his spiritual thoughts, and threw the medicinal materials into the cauldron.

But in a moment, a strange fragrance wafted out of the cauldron.

Ling Tian's ability to control the immortal fire was superb, and the method of refining the pill was even more beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

Just at the beginning, a group of alchemists sighed.

The refining time was not long, almost half the time of incense, under the acceleration of the formation of the cauldron, soon the pill was about to take shape.

The purple Danyun slowly condensed on the cauldron.

Turned into a figure.

"Dan Yun concentrating on the magical shadow, this is not only the omen of the pill, it is unique to the quasi-divine pill!"

"What kind of evil is this guy!"

On the square, there were exclamations.

The figure formed by Dan Yun gradually became clear.

Ling Tian stared at him, only to find that the figure was a woman. Although Ling Tian could not see the person's face, he seemed to feel that the woman's gaze was looking at him.

It's just a pill cloud transforming into form, perhaps with the blessing of the formation, it has a little will to stay.


Dan Yun collapsed in a sudden.

The last formation on the furnace was broken, and a purple crystal pill also flew into the sky from the cauldron.

Ling Tian stretched out his big hand and grabbed the pill directly in his hand.

And this process also affected the eyes of all Zixia Immortal Clan disciples.

They know what this pill means.

"Hehe, the stove is good."

Ling Tian casually rolled the pill into the big sleeve, then stepped forward and took the cauldron in his hand.

At this time, the head of Zixia felt that she was going to pass out distressedly.

This is the fairy king artifact and the quasi-shen pill!

Each one is a treasure for Zixia Immortal Gate!

Ling Tian opened the lid of the cauldron, his eyes lit up, and sure enough, there was something inside.

It is an exquisite box.

The material is the same as the stove, so it is not melted under the fairy fire.

Ling Tian opened the small box and couldn't help taking a breath.


Behind him, Zhao Min was also shocked.

Alchemist is one of the three main medicines of Qianxing Bone Refining Pill!

Among them, the dragon ball fruit plant, Ling Tian already has it, this is the second main medicine.

Then, as long as you find the Yin Yang Flower, you can refine the Thousand Star Bone Refining Pill!

By then, Zhao Min's physique will no longer be a hindrance.

Ling Tian didn't even expect that he would get this medicinal material at Zixia Immortal Gate.

Although it was not a supernatural power, for Ling Tian, ​​he hoped that Zhao Min would grow up.

Apart from the calcite, there is nothing else in the furnace.

In other words, there are no more than three things guarded by the Zixia Immortal Gate.

The only things inherited from Wentian are the Immortal King Artifacts and Quasi-shen Pills.

But these two things didn't have any value to Ling Tian.

But Ling Tian still put everything away, turned around and left.

Liu Zhaoer and others did not hesitate.

"Ling Tian!"

The head of Zixia suddenly spoke.


Ling Tian stopped.

"Didn't you say that if I cooperate, you can keep the inheritance. At least, the Zixia Refining Pill is of no use to you. Can you keep it?"

The voice of the head of Zixia was almost pleading.

"Is this."

Ling Tian pretended to hesitate.

The head of Zixia, with a puff, knelt down, "If you keep the inheritance, I am willing to be a guard in front of you!"

"Hehe, no need, you are too old."

Ling Tian shook his head, he wouldn't look for an old guy to be some kind of guard.

"You come forward."

Ling Tian looked at Han Jingshuang.

The latter was startled, and immediately blushed, and flew over.

"You go up and down from the Zixia Immortal Gate, I also think you are still acceptable. I hope that you can achieve something in the Taoist Palace in the future."

After Ling Tian said, he handed over a storage ring.

Soon, he took people away.

"Thank you, Lord Ling Tian, ​​for his pill!"

Zixia Fairy Gate is overjoyed!

However, when Han Jingshuang's spiritual thought penetrated into the ring, he found that the side of the Zixia Pill Refining Pill, and the Fang Pill Furnace, was floating.

Ling Tian actually left all the Immortal King's artifacts.

Leaving the Zixia Immortal Gate, Ling Tian and others went straight to the Yanyang Immortal Gate.

"Qin Master, Alchemist, Ling Tian, ​​you are really getting me more and more admired. If I were my older brothers, I would definitely do anything to get rid of you!"

Inside the car, Liu Zhaoer said suddenly.

"Oh why?"

Ling Tian was noncommittal.

"Because, you are so much like a prince, I can't think of anyone other than the Chu imperial family who can have such heaven-defying luck and talent."

"Moreover, I guess, in the ring you gave to that Zixia Immortal Clan disciple, not just the quasi-shen pill, but also the treasure of the immortal king!"

"The temptation of such a baby is still quite big for Xijun. Putting it in the Zixia Immortal Gate may not be able to protect it, and it may cause unnecessary trouble."

"And if the outside world would think that the treasure of the Immortal King is in your hands, thus protecting the Zixia Immortal Gate."

"Such careful thought, I think about it, I think you are really scary."

"If you grow up, I don't know, it will be a blessing or a curse to my Chu country."

"Haha, isn't it? Don't try and get rid of me?" Ling Tian smiled.

"Fine, I'm not my brothers."

After that, Liu Zhaoer stopped talking.

Before the Yanyang Immortal Gate, Ling Tian finally encountered an interception.

Ling Tian robbed the Feibai Immortal Gate and my Zixia Immortal Gate one after another, and this news had already reached the Yanyang Immortal Gate in the north of West County.

For this reason, the strong of the Yanyang Immortal Gate, under the leadership of the Immortal King within, lined up outside the Immortal Gate, waiting for Ling Tian to come.

But in the end, of course, it was unavoidable to be repaired by Ling Tian, ​​and in the end it directly smashed the mountain protection formation of the Yanyang Immortal Gate and descended into the Immortal Gate.

The Wentian inheritance guarded by the sun is within a mountain.

Puff through.

The immortal king who was thrown on the ground by Ling Tian was covered in blood, pointing to the mountain in front of him, and said: "This, here, is the thing we guard, but we don’t know how to take it out, and we can’t enter into it. ."

Ling Tian looked up and saw that the mountain in front of him was huge, but extremely steep. Looking at it from a distance, it looked like a halberd, standing among the clouds.

When Ling Tian raised his hand, the endless immortal yuan condensed into a big hand, smoothing all the rocks and vegetation on the mountain peak.

At this time, on the mountain peak, an ancient unicorn-like totem appeared in the mountain wall.

"Wen Tian Qilin Halberd!"

Ling Tian's pupils shrank. This may be the weapon Liu Zhaoer said before.

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