Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2101: Feng Qi Lei

"This, this woman's physique is so strong, it's no wonder that three months ago, she was able to defeat Zhong Bufan with a single stroke!"

"The head disciples of the four great immortals have no god-level physique, so they definitely can't be compared with this Qixi Festival."

Powerful people from all major forces talked a lot, and even the little princess and others at the highest level of the Guantian Tower were shocked.

Because among the warriors present, they possessed a god-level physique, except for the West Jun Houye who was already in the fairy king realm, that was the three of them.

Wang Zi and Wang Chen are after the immortal kings, they are born in the system, and they are divine bodies.

Not to mention Liu Zhaoer, the daughter of the fairy country, born with a divine body, and even a physique, is far more tyrannical than Wang Zi and Wang Chen.

"Hehe, you deserve to be Feng Jixing's younger sister, this kind of physique is definitely enough in Dao Palace."

Liu Zhaoer nodded secretly.

For the Qixi Festival, she has not been disappointed.

"This crazy girl is still a divine body, so lucky!"

Wang Zi snorted, something uncomfortable in his heart.

She herself is a little princess, and the daughter of a merchant, she is on an equal footing with her in martial arts talent?

"Divine body? It's useless, she can't stand up at all in the face of absolute cultivation suppression."

Wang Chen sneered.


Liu Zhaoer shook his head, if Feng Qixi had no more cards...

"Divine Body..."

The immortal monarch Liu Tong's pupils shrank, although he was surprised, but there was not much mood fluctuation. The slash he slashed, on the contrary, added a lot of strength.

The wind and thunder were on the square, whistling and rolling.

The tens of thousands of thunder swords that had been condensed had already descended on Feng Qixi's head.


Feng Qixi, holding a long whip, screamed, and Zuo Xianzhi behind him had already been holding the guqin and dragon Xiaoyue. The sound of the piano suddenly rose, blessing the energy in the fairy light of the Qixi Festival.

Suddenly, the coercion of Feng Qixi's breath skyrocketed by as much as 50% out of thin air.

The long whip in his hand was lifted and turned into a flood of thunder and light, and it flew towards the thunder light in the sky and fought away.

Zi La Zi La!

Fenglei vs. Fenglei, these two elements that are particularly fierce in the world, the supernatural powers sacrificed are naturally quite shocking.

Three months ago, Feng Qixi was seriously injured by this knife.

However, this time, when the terrifying storm on the square dissipated, everyone was surprised to find that Feng Qixi and Zuo Xianzhi were standing in place safe and sound, with the pale thunder whip in their hands still rolling in wind and thunder, and the fairy light above their heads was still bright.

On the other hand, Liu Tong was shocked and retreated.

Although it was not injured.

But it is proof that the Qixi Festival of Wind, blocked this Liu Tong's strongest knife!

The entire square fell silent in an instant.

For a long time, everyone was immersed in shock.

Is this still the Qixi Festival?


After a long while, that dyed Qinghong opened his mouth and whispered.

"Well, in the past three months of Qixi Festival, the combat power has improved a lot, and the amplification intensity of Xianzhi's piano music technique is far better than before. With such blessings, it will naturally be able to break out a combat power that rivals Liu Tong.

Now, the combat power of the two of them is comparable to the fairy king.

"How can it be!?"

Liu Tong, who was shaken back, couldn't believe his eyes.

It's just three months, he actually, just like that, why not wind up Qixi Festival?

"Hehe, what's impossible? This young lady is the sweet girl of the sky, how can you be such a rough guy who can suppress it at will?"

"Come on!"

"If you don't agree, let's make another cut!"

"You can't handle even a little girl. What big tail wolf are you still pretending to be here?"

Feng Qixi successively used his mouth to escape the magical powers, and Liu Tong, who was angry, was almost full of smoke.

"I am so angry!"

"Today, I don't believe it, I can't cure you!"

Immediately, Liu Tong urged Xianyuan all over his body, the wind and thunder crackled and exploded, the blade spun on the sky, the thunder giant crocodile condensed again, and then he even slashed three times in succession!

"Thunderstorm, three cuts!"

"Feng Qixi, this is my Liu Tong's mortal skill, you, life and death are up to you!"

Three wind and thunder blades, from three directions, behead Xiangfeng Qixi.

Liu Tong killed countless people, and this supernatural power did not know how many powerful enemies were killed for him.

Under the magical powers, all the escape routes of Fengqixi Festival were blocked.

"Wow, this magical power is quite powerful!"

"If that's the case, that crazy girl, I'm afraid I won't be able to be anymore!"

The little princess Wang Zi raised his eyebrows.

She would rather see Feng Qixi defeated.

"Not necessarily, this girl must have a hole card in her hand."

Just after Liu Zhaoer's voice fell, the corners of Feng Qixi's mouth rose above the square.

She really didn't think about dodge.

"Could it be that you have unique supernatural powers!?"

Under Zuo Xianzhi's piano sound, the Qixi Festival whip danced, disturbing the wind and thunder on the entire square, forming a terrifying wind and thunderstorm above his head.

Among them, the thunder dragon was circling and whistling, and a series of buckets thick and thin thunder slashed down in succession.

"Wind, seven thunder!"

At this moment, under the storm and thunder, Feng Qixi’s long hair is flying, looking from a distance, it looks like a **** of wind and thunder.

She pulled her whip suddenly, and the storm burst out immediately, sweeping towards Liu Tong.



Seven thunders in the wind.

It is the secret magic power of the Feng Family.

Cultivating to the limit state can induce seven powerful and unparalleled thunder rewards.

Power, comparable to the catastrophe.

Few people can resist.

Nowadays, although Feng Qixi still can't use Feng Qi Lei to its extreme, it can still cause three thunders to fall.

"Feng Qi Lei, sure enough..."

Liu Zhaoer took a deep breath, this secret magical power, now in the Holy Land, is letting the wind continue, and it is rampant.

But the talent to follow the wind can only cause the six thunders to fall.

Now his sister's level of cultivation has been able to provoke three thunderbolts.

Boom boom boom!

The three thunders are intertwined, directly oscillating on Liu Tong's three thunders.

The continuous explosion sounded like a nine-day thunder falling, and everyone's eardrums hummed.

After a long while, everyone heard a muffled groan, only to find that a figure was swept out in the wind, thunder and storm.

It's that Liu Tong!

In the case of sacrificing supernatural powers, Liu Tong was still invincible!

Three months ago, Feng Qixi was like this, and it was shaken by two swords.

Unexpectedly, now only three months have passed, the ending will be reversed like this,


A mouthful of blood spurted, and Liu Tong fell to the ground.

This scene made Xianju of the four immortal gates unable to believe their own eyes.

Maybe it's just as the wind Qixi said just now.

The immortal monarchs of the four immortal gates joined forces, fearing that it was really not the opponent of Qixi Festival.

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