Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2096: Coming to the dark space again


It was from here that Ling Tian smashed the monument and entered Shengxian Road.

Two years later, Ling Tian brought all the powerful players in the chaotic battlefield, urging a hundred giant cities, and once again arrived at Tianfei.

In this city of the wrong sky, the giant gate is still there.

But the time has not reached three years, and it has not been opened yet.

However, Dugu City surrounded the giant gate with more than thirty 800-mile giant cities.

A series of earth-shaking rays of light flew from above the city, the holy light was thousands of feet, the battle spirit surged, and it was extremely dazzling.

These are all Jinxian realm combat power.

Among them, Xuan Ji, the youngest Golden Fairy Fish, was holding an ice blue long sword and was impressively listed.

"Everyone, today, will be the day when I will fight for the Shengxian Road with one heart in the chaotic battlefield."

"This king knows that you are from different races and have different cultivation inheritances, but from today to the day when you walk out of the road to Shengxian, we are brothers and sisters in the same boat."

"I hope that we can fight against each other, work together, and kill!"

"Now, start from the door of this day!"

Dugu Hanshan is like an ancient king, shouting in front of the gate of Tianfei.

Immediately, he drew out the king's golden sword, and the extremely brilliant sword aura burst out, with the will of the fairy king, directly slashed towards Tianfei.

Today, they are going to forcibly cut open the door to the road to ascend to immortality.

At the same time, more than 30 golden immortals all shot together. The seven-color fairy light surged, shattering countless spaces along the way. The light of swords, spears, swords and halberds roared, converging on the sword light of Duguhan Mountain, shaking in the sky. Among.


With a shocking explosion, more than 30 golden immortals made a full blow, so terrifying, even the immortal monarch could not resist safely.

What's more, there is also Dugu Hanshan that once ranked among the immortal kings! ?

Juli shocked above the sky, even if the formation was extremely fierce, but no matter how hard it was, it was just a gate to a road, how could one resist such an attack.

A crack was directly torn open.

Not so bad.

At this moment, everyone looked at the giant tower in Solitary City.

There, there is a voice ups and downs.

He holds the piano in his hands like a god.

The sound of the piano suddenly rises, and there is Wanzhang You Long Ning in front of Tianfeimen.

You Long roared, and when Ling Tianqin sound resisted the peak, he slammed into it.

It's like a mountain of heaven.

Tian Fei crashed into pieces at the moment when the dragon hit.

Above the sky, it splits completely.


Ling Tianqin's tone stopped abruptly, and the voice sounded.

Jinxian opened the way, and hundreds of cities roared in one after another.

Lonely City stays at the end.

Ling Tian carried the piano on his back and landed on the huge tower.

King Hangu brought the human Jinxian and other top powerhouses.

"Why not directly cross the catastrophe to become a golden immortal?"

Dugu Hanshan spoke.

Others are also puzzled.

When he was in Tiansheng City, Ling Tianxi had clearly reached the top of the heavenly immortal, and he could overcome the calamity at any time and become a golden immortal.

But in the end, it was still dispersed by Ling Tianzhen.

Without crossing the catastrophe, Ling Tian would never be considered a true golden immortal.

And if Ling Tian becomes a golden immortal, his physical body, sea of ​​qi, and even his spiritual thoughts will be reborn and better than before.

By then, Ling Tian's combat power will be even more terrifying.

"Haha, no hurry, now, it's not the time for me to cross the catastrophe."

Ling Tian shook his head and looked at the shattered Tian Fei in front of him.

"If you don't break through the immortal road, you will not become a golden immortal!"

"Everyone, let's take a look at Shengxian Road!"

After Ling Tian said that, he jumped down from Solitary City, and walked into Tianfei.

And Dugu City also roared, hiding in it.

At the moment when Dugu City was completely submerged into the sky.

The chaotic battlefield, which was almost emptied of all resources, began to collapse...

Periphery of Shengxian Road.

Hundreds of cities, walking through the desert, never stop.

Once, the tide of insects here caused heavy casualties for the warriors of the tribe.

But this time, it made Ling Tian a little surprised.

It's not that the worm tide is ferocious.

But there is no more insects along the way.

Even a decent beast has never been seen.

This is really strange.

"All the way is calm."

Dugu Hanshan stood behind Ling Tian.

"Before the storm."

Ling Tian's expression remained unchanged, "The Zerg originally lived in deep space. The purpose of their existence is to block all the tianjiaos who walked out of the chaotic battlefield. Now they are no longer here, perhaps because time is not yet available."

"Or maybe, at the end, waiting for us."

Dugu Hanshan sneered, "You said, that monk Fanjing has many tricks."

"I think he should have prepared everything and is just waiting for you to come back."

"It's possible." Ling Tian smiled suddenly, then turned around and looked at dozens of golden immortals from various races.

"But I believe that he will be surprised when I appear again under the gate of ascending immortals."


The corner of Ling Tian's mouth was raised, and in his hand, a crimson dragon-head hideous visor was covering his face.

At this time, Ling Tian's silver hair was flying.

Not like a handsome luthier, but a warrior whose hands are about to be stained with blood.

To the dark deep space.

The endless darkness still shrouded this space.

And in this world, the cities without any light are floating in the void silently.

Nothing exists, it can be found.

At this time, in the formation of these cities, it was another scene.

Tens of thousands of martial artists, even if they don't have any slack, are practicing endlessly.

From time to time, there are warriors flying into the formation from the outside world, throwing down pieces of high-quality Jinxian Jindan, which is injected into the city to fill the energy.

Above the city wall, at this time stood a young warrior with a strong breath.

Li Wuyou, Zuo Xiao, Zhao Min and others are impressively listed.

"A year and a half..."

Zuo Xiao held the Sky Thunder Warhammer, and suddenly sighed.

"Yes, the energy of the giant tower is almost exhausted. Almost all the Zerg races have been transferred away. If this continues, we will not be able to hold on for long." Li Wuyou also said.

"I really don't want to insist. It's been a year and a half outside, but we have been cultivating in the giant tower for decades. We are all six heavenly immortals. Ling Tian, ​​it's time to come back!"

Yuan Mengweng said.

At this time, the cultivation base of these Tianjiao was already extremely high.

Although the huge tower cannot operate every day, the resources are not unlimited.

But in the past year and a half, their cultivation base has skyrocketed.

The highest increase came from Murong Ziyan, who snatched the Celestial Warriors back a year ago.

This once-degraded owner of the Heavenly Immortal Soldier not only picked up the Heavenly Sin War Halberd, but also received the inheritance of the Immortal Monarch. He was carrying a top-level Dao bone, and his cultivation was even more rapid. Half a year ago, he finally reached the top of the Heavenly Immortal.

Today is still in retreat.

In addition to this, Li Wuyou, Huangfu Changle, Zuo Xiao, Zhao Min, Canglan Mountain, and Murong Zining all reached the six-fold pinnacle realm of Earth Immortal.

Later Lu Zhiyao, Yuan Meng, Chi Sanqi and others were slightly worse, but they were also in the Sixth Heaven.

This kind of crazy skyrocket is already called horror.

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