Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2090: Ling Tian invites all those who come to the battle to be cut

And this spar was exactly what Ling Tian was looking for, the last spar that the Seven-Star Dragon Abyss Sword needed!

With him, Long Yuanjian will be perfect.

By then, the Seven-Star Dragon Abyss Sword will completely surpass the Heavenly Immortal Soldiers, and even the Golden Immortal Tools will not be able to match it!

As for the star-refining stone and the position of the Qingqiong armor worn by Ling Tian, ​​it was also the star sword spirit, who had informed Liu Yao in advance.

When he returned to the chaotic battlefield, Ling Tian already knew that the human race was in danger.

Therefore, let the elite phantom sting bees in Taoyuan take the repaired city to rush to help.

Fortunately, the formation from the fallen abyss can choose to teleport anywhere.

Otherwise, even if it is the Lingtian means to reach the sky, it will be useless.

Now, alone, he first returned to the ridiculous blood mine near the Holy City, took the battle armor and the star-refining stone, and then let the remaining phantom sting bee swarm empty the entire mine.

After that, I am preparing to go to Tiansheng City.

If it weren't for the fact that there are millions of human warriors in the holy city today, Ling Tian really doesn't want to rescue those guys.


The figure flashed, Ling Tian came to the warriors of the three forces.

Those warriors trembled and sweated like rain,

Ling Tian was just a look, his aura was enough to scare them.

"How is the battle in Tiansheng City now?"

An icy voice sounded, and a warrior tremblingly said: "The Holy City of Heaven has been besieged. There are about five million foreign elites and a dozen golden immortals. The situation is extremely dangerous. It may be destroyed at any time!"

"I know."

Ling Tian nodded, and immediately rose into the sky.

Under its feet, a fierce azure beast that was as big as a thousand feet suddenly manifested between the heaven and the earth, and Ling Tian fell on it, and shot away in the direction of the Holy City of Heaven.

"He, what is he going to do!?"

"I don't know, we have already told him that the Heavenly Sacred City is in crisis, and he wants to go!?"

"Does he want to save people?"

"Crazy, he is just a junior!"

"But where have you seen Ling Tian's aura just now!?"

A group of warriors looked at each other, and finally the five-tiered Heavenly Immortal Powerhouse in Tiansheng City swallowed, "It looks like, more powerful than our Heavenly Holy City Lord!"

"Difficult, is it possible, Jinxian?"

Ling Tian, ​​surpassed Jinxian!

Heavenly Holy City.

When Ling Tian rode Xiaoqing and flew to the Holy City of Heaven, he was also shocked by the scene in front of him.

As the most powerful city of the human race, Tiansheng City, although it occupies not the largest area, is just a majestic city with a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

At this time, above the city, the light surged, and the light of the formation rushed into the sky, but at this time the formation enchantment was also suffering from dense supernatural powers. Although the formation was strong, it had already reached the end of the force.

And above the city, there are two thousand-zhang immortal treasures floating, a bell and a bell, moving in the wind, absorbing a lot of attacks.

As for the surroundings of Tiansheng City, there are a total of more than a dozen camps, each with hundreds of thousands of alien troops, each guarded by a golden immortal.

It seems to be very well organized.

If it continues, Tiansheng City may not last for a long time, and it will be breached.

By then, the human race will be extinct in the chaotic battlefield.

"Haha, fortunately, it's too late!"

"Xiaoqing, work!"

Ling Tian stood on top of Xiaoqing's head, in his hands, Guxian Qin Long Xiaoyue appeared in his hands.


Being shaken by Ling Tian's feet, Xiao Qing immediately yelled to the sky.

It roared like a dragon screaming to the sky, and the sound shook thousands of miles.

The sound waves swept across the heavens.

In an instant, the alien army in front was alarmed.

However, when the army closest to Ling Tian looked towards Ling Tian, ​​he couldn't help but stare.

A giant beast, and above the giant beast, it looks like a human figure.

What do you mean! ?

Provocative, impatient to live! ?

"It's the human race, dare to humiliate the alien coalition forces and kill!"

After the army's rear battle group saw Ling Tian clearly, they roared and charged.

Now that the allied forces of foreign races have won all battles, and their momentum is like a rainbow, how can they be provoked by a giant beast and human race.

There were more than 10,000 foreign races that rushed up, among them 80% of the earth immortal warriors, and all the rest were celestial beings, and even the existence of celestial celestial beings.

A battle group of this scale, even at the top of the heavens, is irresistible.

However, what they have to face is Ling Tian.

I saw Ling Tian sitting on top of Xiaoqing's head, stroking the piano with both hands, and suddenly, the sound of the piano suddenly started.

The power of the three-character famous piano, coupled with Ling Tian’s current piano skills, in a moment, it is the sound of the piano that provokes the general trend of the world and transforms it into boundless energy. In front of him, it forms a dragon with a length of thousands of feet. Body.

Swimming dragon, thunder as body, fire as scale teeth, roaring in the sky, rushed down.

Wherever the dragon traveled, all the alien army was swept away.

However, in just a dozen breaths, the army of nearly ten thousand foreign races was all wiped out by Youlong.

Even the top celestial being is no exception.

"Damn it! I want to see, the human golden immortal who doesn't have eyes, came to challenge my camp!"

In the front camp, a thunderous roar sounded.

Immediately there was an array of hundreds of thousands of troops, and a chariot galloped out of it.

The chariot is hauled by four-headed one-horned thunder rhinos, which is as big as a hundred meters.

On the chariot, a thunder-clad warlord carried the halberd and shouted angrily.

"Not Jinxian!?"

However, when the Thunder Jia approached and looked at the figure riding on the giant beast in front of him, he couldn't help being stunned.

He originally thought that it would be a hidden human race gold immortal who would destroy his more than ten thousand battle group with Thunder Dragon.

But at this moment, this human race looks like a golden fairy! ?

It looks like a descendant of the human race!

But how can a mere descendant of the human race sweep one of his warbands! ?

"I am the leader of the Lei Xi clan, Jin Xian Lei Lie!"

"Who are you?"

The Thunder Jia general held the halberd in his hand and pointed directly at Ling Tian.

Above the giant beast, Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, his blue armor and white hair, his fingers, still stroking the piano.

"Human Race, Ling Tian."

"Ling Tian!?" The Thunder Jia general was shocked when he heard this.

No one among the alien race didn't know the name Ling Tian.

Because of this alien coalition, the leader is the Hidden Demons of Jiji City.

The reason was that Ling Tian destroyed all the arrogances of Chiji City at Jiuzhongshan Pass.

However, Ling Tian had already entered Shengxian Road.

Ten thousand steps back, even if Ling Tian didn't go in or come out, it was absolutely impossible to have such a combat power.

In the front camp, hundreds of thousands of aliens are also full of discussions.

No one would believe that the human race in front of him was a descendant Ling Tian.

"I, please fight, all those who come are cut."

"Who died?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows again.

But the tone became more sarcasm.

Extremely contempt.

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