Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2088: Star Excalibur God Level Sword Intent [Large

Thinking of this, Ling Tian shouted angrily. Above the Qi Sea Dao foundation, the imaginary shadow burned, and a hundred thousand sword shadows roared. The power of the sword world was urged by Ling Tian to its extreme state. He strode and rushed over.

Jianyi, don't want to stop me!

Ling Tian was shouting.

Vent the pain in his body.

Two hundred feet, five hundred feet, one thousand feet!

When Ling Tian walked out of the impact of the sword intent, his whole body was trembling crazily, his knees softened, and he almost fell to his knees.

"No, you can't kneel."

Ling Tian squeezed his hands on the ground, slowly raised his head and looked forward.

It was discovered that at the end of the space, a purple heart was suspended.

At the moment Ling Tian raised his eyes, his heart burst suddenly, turning into a hundred thousand sword shadows, and spinning away.

And the center of its spiral is a dark broken sword!

One hundred thousand sword shadows!

See Broken Sword again! ?

At this moment, Ling Tian's heart sea shook wildly.

Whether it is this hundred thousand sword shadows or that broken sword.

All made his heart suddenly locked.

Almost suffocated in the past.

He clearly hadn't seen these things, but he didn't know how, he always felt that these hundred thousand sword shadows and broken swords were very familiar to him, familiar to him, as if they belonged to him once!


At this moment, the hundred thousand bathing fire sword shadow in Ling Tian's body was finally out of Ling Tian's control, broke out, and greeted the past.

Zheng Zheng Zheng!

Ten thousand swords and shadows intersect, and the sound of swords continues.

Ling Tian stared at some in front of him blankly, only to see the sword shadows of the two colors converge, and finally gradually merged into one.

Today's one hundred thousand sword shadows seem to be more condensed, Shenguang Yiyi, and every sword shadow is filled with tyrannical kendo will.

Compared to before, it has risen several times more than before!


One hundred thousand sword shadows suddenly returned to Ling Tian's body.


The sword intent was like this, and the heart-piercing pain made Ling Tian hissing.

But after this hissing, Ling Tian clearly felt his kendo will be madly skyrocketing.

Thousand swords roared, and the star sea trembled.

In Ling Tian's roar, a sword light pierced through the sky, rising from his body, as if piercing through the space and manifesting between the sky and the earth.

Within Ling Tianhai, the figure holding the sword cross-legged suddenly stood up, guided by the golden sword light in his hand, and one hundred thousand sword shadows evolved into a divine sword, which he held in his hand.

His face gradually became clear.

If Ling Tian could see it, he would be shocked.

Because that was himself.

However, at this time, in Ling Tian's mind, the intermittent fragments flickered one after another, but every scene was full of pain like a sea of ​​desire to tear, causing Ling Tian to nearly collapse several times.

This kind of pain is even more terrifying than just having to bear the test of the kendo will.

But the fragmentary fragments flickered, but it made the four characters more clear and engraved into Ling Tian's mind.

Too great.

Ling Tian.

Too Lingtian!

Ling Tian opened his eyes abruptly, the heaven and earth mark Shenghui on the center of his eyebrows circulated, and there was a supreme divine light in his eyes, flashing past.

Although he didn't know what the word Taishang meant, he didn't know what the word had to do with Ling Tian.

But he remembered.

To the dark deep space.

Under the gate of ascending immortality, Fanjing suddenly turned around and looked at the abyss of degeneration.

"Master, what's the matter?"

Yin rushed up to ask.

"Are you sure, that Ling Tian fell into the abyss?"

Fanjing frowned.

"It's true, I saw it with my own eyes."

Yin Chong nodded.

Fanjing closed his eyes, and there was a Buddhist imprint on his shiny head. He clasped his hands together and muttered a word, but the next moment, he spewed a mouthful of blood.

"No, Ling Tian's secret is completely locked, unpredictable!"

Yin Chong's face was cold, and after thinking about it, he still said anxiously: "Master, are you worrying too much? Now that Ling Tian has fallen into the forbidden ground, even if he does not die, he will never return."

"When he was destroyed by Cinder, did you think the same way?" Fan Jing asked back, "I don't worry about seeing the corpse after all."

"Now, you continue to chase Yutian City with the Zerg, and you must take back those five Celestial Immortal Soldiers, and I will contact all the Zergs in the dark deep sky."

"If we leave Shengxian Road before Ling Tian returns, otherwise, under the Shengxian Gate, there will be a **** battle after all!"

Fanjing looked at the gate of ascending immortals in front of him, "Ling Tian, ​​I, Fanjing, are here, waiting for you!"

Seven immortals.

Jiuli Xianzhou, Xiling Imperial Palace.

Emperor Wutian Wu, who was meditating in the Linglong Tower of the Tiandian, suddenly opened his eyes.

Those eyes are like stars fighting around, looking at the past and the present.

Shenghui surging inside, together with the heavenly path, are shaking.

Ok! ?

However, after a while, the light in Wudi Wudi's eyes disappeared, but his face was full of doubts.

"Where is the Celestial King!?"

Emperor Wu drank low, and under the Linglong Pagoda, a dozen immortal kings flew over.

"Where is the goddess?"

"Your Majesty, the goddess is still supervising the battle in the border between China and our race today. She has never returned, and no change has occurred."

A fairy king kneeled and said.

"I see, you will immediately go to other six states to survey the sky. If there is a strange celestial event, you will immediately report it."


The celestial kings retreated.

Haotian Wudi had a golden crown on his head, standing on the Linglong Pagoda, looking in the direction of Huaxia Xianzhou.

"Is it time to come, or is it coming? You won't be defeated in ten thousand battles. In the last battle, you lost everything..."

However, Ling Tian didn't know what kind of ripples he had caused after merging these hundred thousand sword shadows.

But now, he only feels that his kendo will has been completely sublimated.

Even when he raised his hand, he could condense various sword weapons at will with the will of kendo, and its sharpness was enough to match the top heavenly weapons.

What a terrifying kendo will is this?

"Through God's sword intent!"

Ling Tian said to himself.

I can't believe it.

Today, his kendo will has surpassed the category of the power of the top sword world.

Sublimation became Tongshen Jianyi.

The so-called psychic manifestation, Ling Tian's will may still be far from the holy realm, but it is absolutely psychic.

Now he can almost use the magic sword intent as he wants to evolve the sword world.

Power is far better than before.

At this moment, Ling Tian finally looked at the suspended Broken Sword.

It's another broken sword.

He once saw a broken sword in the Chirushan tomb of Haoran City, but the broken sword was condensed by the intent of the sword, not an entity, but the one in front of him looked like a real broken sword.

Want to come to this kind of broken sword in the past has gone through a tragic battle, only the hilt and a small cutting edge were left.

Most of the rest were broken and disappeared.

Broken Sword was completely dark, and even Ling Tian couldn't tell what kind of sword it was.

However, being able to be hidden by the old man at the end of this test, and surrounded by a hundred thousand sword shadows, will never be worse if you want to come.

Ling Tian raised his hand and called out, "Sword, come!"


Suddenly, the Broken Sword shook suddenly, and it actually flew towards Ling Tian.

Ling Tianyi grasped the hilt of the sword, only then discovered that this broken sword was absolutely destroyed ten thousand years ago, and there was even no spirituality in the sword body.

Ling Tian faintly saw two ancient characters on a small sword.

When I look closely, my heart is suddenly shocked!

Stars! ?

Is this sword so difficult that it is the legendary Star God Sword?

This had to surprise Ling Tian in his heart.

Because when he was in the lower realm, Ling Tian had already seen the Benyue Sword.

At this moment, the sword was in Qin Mingyue's hands.

Ling Tian was also in the Ancient Forging Book and had seen the record about the Star Sword. As for the method of refining this sword, he didn't even have the Ancient Forging Book.

Because this sword has a great origin, it is said that the Star Sword is a condensed fragment of the ancient sword weapon, the Heavenly Sword, while the Heavenly Sword is the essence of a sharp edge in the world, adhering to the good fortune of the world. There is no refining method for self-sublimation.

There are three pieces of the Zhitian Sword, and the other two pieces are condensed into the Sun Chasing Sword and the Flying Moon Sword. These three are inherited as the Human Emperor's Three Swords. One who obtains one of these three swords can be the supreme human existence!

Therefore, if this star sword is really the one in the legend, then this is the undisputed divine sword.

However, why such a tyrannical sword has fallen to such a point! ?

The blade almost completely shattered.

Ling Tian held the sword hilt and tried it, but he could use the god-level sword intent to condense the complete body of the sword. Although it could not reproduce the power of the **** sword, it was much sharper than Ling Tian's unarmed sword, and it was much sharper than the sky. Immortal soldiers, too, are worse than others.

"All the swords of hard life..."

Ling Tian held the broken sword, and his heart was suddenly sad.

What's wrong with the divine tool, one of the three swords of the human emperor, it is impossible to escape the end of collapse.

How strong is it to stay away from wandering?

Holding the broken sword, Ling Tian turned around and took a step before leaving the door and entering the Dongting courtyard.

"Hehe, let me say, Ling Tian is fine."

Seeing Ling Tian coming out, Liu Yao smiled.

"Senior, are you the sword spirit of this Star Sword?" Ling Tian raised the pitch-black broken sword in his hand.


The old man nodded.

"Then do you have a way to resurrect Xiao Lei and help me recast Long Yuan?"

Ling Tian asked again.

The old man hardly thought about it, so he nodded again, "Yes."

"That's great."

Ling Tian was overjoyed when he heard this.

"You guys, it's time to go."

But the old man pointed to another door.

"Senior won't go with us?"

Ling Tian frowned.

"Don't you want me to help you resurrect the sword spirit in your sword? I can't go. When you come back, I will be able to resurrect the sword spirit."

"Ling Tian, ​​let's go." Liu Yao also sighed, dragging Ling Tian over.

"Stars, take care."

Liu Yao glanced at the old man deeply, then pushed Ling Tian into the door.

"Ha ha ha ha ha……"

"The reincarnation is more than that, and the reincarnation is more than that, but I will never be me after all."

The old man laughed helplessly, and then turned into thousands of sword shadows, forming a huge vortex under the abyss of corruption.

This vortex had a strange attraction, and absorbed all the shattered sword soul and sword body within a radius of a million miles.

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